What happend to gabe?

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Gabe... mmmm yes quite. Well u see, i was somewhat displeased about the hl2 delay, and as a result, i kidnapped gabe and stuffed him in my sock drawer. He's still there, only alive due to the fact i occassionally feed him alpo. :cheers:

EDIT: if he did eat jared, he only did us a favour.
fizzlephox said:
OMG! He ate Jared!

Holy shit man I almost fell out of my chair after that one! Seriously though, Gabe... we love you, and you need to lose weight so you don't die and stop making games! Just get a bicycle with a power converter and hook that bitch up to your computer! You'll be fit when HL2 is done!
Or just stop eating turkey legs for snack, and McDonalds' for whenever you feel like your mouth has to be occupied. And eat gum whene you feel hungry.

This is my official appeal to Gabe.
He ain't heavy, he's my game developer.
Everyone changes as they age, it's a thing called metabolism. Some get bigger, some get thinner. It's that "oh so taboo" word among older women, say to your mom "I think your metabolism is starting to kick in." and you'll see the effects of this mystical thing. Muwahaha
I swear, you all are so shallow, why can't you love him for his mind???
RandomPING said:
I swear, you all are so shallow, why can't you love him for his mind???

Just tryin' to help a brotha out, I guess! We love gabe's work, therefore we love Gabe, therefore we want him to stay alive for a very long time :)
:rolleyes: :upstare:

shallow indeed, you are here because of this man, hes are f*cking messiah, whatch your mouths :flame: , he may be big but he sure can make games so what do we care!?!?!

and the second pic is just extremely bad timeing it seems although you would gain weight as well working on a game for loyal fans with such high expectations if you were already a hefty man (and believe me he probably had his share of caffinated drinks and and sugary snacks to stay up and slave for you guys)

people bitch about hl2 not being out and then about gabes apperence,... do you want it fixed completed and shipped or his arse being on a tred-mill all day??? eh you sons of bitches -the mole from southpark movie voice- (but im being completely serious)

HE IS DOING YOU A FAVOR!!! he is truly a nerds nerd :E and you should all be bowing down right now!!! :D

keep in mind there would be no hl, no valve, no cs. NO NOTHING HL RELATED WITHOUT THIS MAN :bonce: and he changed me for the better for the rest of my entire godamn life hl mods are how I vent!!! (not like a *****, by fragging :hmph: ) (sad, I know) but they are also killer fun-- and you know you all love em and gabe started it all and supported mods wholehartedly

headcrab, out! :sniper: :farmer: :hmph:
.. yeah his weight is something he should worry about. His current pics have heart-failure-imminent written all over them.

Hopefully his new plans for 2004 are:
- release hl2
- lose weight.
if gabe is happy with his physique, and his wife is happy with his physique, and his doctor is happy with his physique...then i'm happy..get off his back.
I seem to remember at least one person who got bannned for mocking Gabe's weight problem. NOw there's an entire thread on the subject :hmph:
FACT: Half Life 2 needs to be released.

FACT: Gabe *IS* overweight, metabolism or not and needs to LOOSE that weight.

FACT: Designing games doesnt leave much time for going to the gym.

I say release Half Life 2 already, spend a few months in the Gym, and then get to work on HL3.
For the record, I only mocked his release dates :)

I like what Gabe is doing and making a quality product and all that, but when people say that he's doing it entirely for us they're somewhat muddying the issue. He's doing it for the millions of dollars that will probably be going right into his pocket when the game ships. If it's not a quality game it's not going to get as many sales as a quality product would.

Not that there's anything wrong with wanting money, it's how we all are, even if we're doing something well, we probably wouldn't be doing it if we wern't being paid well for it. It's just funny when people paint a picture of him being up late nights with no pay programming his heart and soul out.
I think that's quite enough of the Gabe bashing.
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