What happened to: Gabe "I play HL2 Multiplayer every day?"


Oct 10, 2003
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Now am I just mistaken, or did he say that once. I swear I read it a long time ago. Does anyone know where and when?

Maybe it was TF2? I'm almost positive he wasnt talking about CS:S because I thought CS:S was developed rather quickly and somewhat recently (within the past few months), and I swear thats a quote from before Sept. 30, 2003.
It was developer interview 2 from Gamespot, when Gabe was at Alcatraz, made on October 1st 2003. He said that Valve would reveal multiplayer closer to HL2's launch cycle, and that he played it everyday.
The naughty stolen build had CS:S in it, so I'd imagine it was that.

Unless they did have a Half-Life 2 multiplayer game and then just scrapped it.
They probably did create some kind of DM mode early on and just thought to themselves "This is crap you just run around spamming and spawning! SPAM AND SPAWN!! This is not release worthy cancel it ASAP!! Now get back to working on the single player my obedient monkeys of Argthoria!! MUWAHAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH"

i'd say they made something basic, played around with it (everyday)... it probably worked OK with few players on a LAN but not with more players and internet pings.

then they did CS:S as an experiment and it worked well, and was obviously the better business decision given the time they had available.
"Half-Life 2 multiplayer is not something we're talking about because we want to keep it as a surprise for customers as we roll into our launch cycle. I've played it every day so I think it's going to be very popular with the community."
shad3r said:
i'd say they made something basic, played around with it (everyday)... it probably worked OK with few players on a LAN but not with more players and internet pings.

then they did CS:S as an experiment and it worked well, and was obviously the better business decision given the time they had available.

It's also a better business decision according to the amount of players who play CS and Day of Defeat compared to the amount that play HLDM.

Maybe Valve aren't good at making Multiplayer games. I mean, they thought Ricochet was fun (although I agree with them on that one).
posey, the horse is now a rotting piece of meat!!

IT DOESN'T DESERVE THIS!! Respect the remains of the horse...that poor horse!
They said it would be a 'surprised'. Was cs:s really that big of a surprise?

I call shenagigans.
UKchaos2 said:
They said it would be a 'surprised'. Was cs:s really that big of a surprise?

I call shenagigans.

I was surprised.
poseyjmac said:
yea the piddly 6 years! pfft

they didn't start on CS:S till less than a year ago. spending 9 months doing CS:S would make them more money than spending 9+ months making their HL2MP work.

it's been said plenty of times, but good games take a _loooong_ time to make, no HL2 MP just means they put more time & effort into SP. there are plenty of good MP games out there and ppl can mod HL2 to make good Source-based MP games. but no-one makes single player games as good as Valve does. it's better they spend their time on what they do best.

better that than HL2DM and a HL2 SP that disappoints.
Come to think of it, HL2 wasnt a surprised either, i mean we all KNEW there was no way it wasnt gonna happen.
they didn't start on CS:S till less than a year ago. spending 9 months doing CS:S would make them more money than spending 9+ months making their HL2MP work.

it's been said plenty of times, but good games take a _loooong_ time to make, no HL2 MP just means they put more time & effort into SP. there are plenty of good MP games out there and ppl can mod HL2 to make good Source-based MP games. but no-one makes single player games as good as Valve does. it's better they spend their time on what they do best.

better that than HL2DM and a HL2 SP that disappoints.

^^^ What he said. Although I do dabble in MP, the single player expirience is really what I'm after.
Mr-Fusion said:
They probably did create some kind of DM mode early on and just thought to themselves "This is crap you just run around spamming and spawning! SPAM AND SPAWN!! This is not release worthy cancel it ASAP!! Now get back to working on the single player my obedient monkeys of Argthoria!! MUWAHAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH"


lol ur posts are hilareous :E
some times i think u come to these forums stoned and just ramble on... oh the entertainment.. /me gets popcorn and watches intently ;)
And at the same time why waste fundemental resources, trying to split your market in half, by creating another MP mode. When you have TF2 on the way which is completly focused on squad based mp combat. CS:S for the uber spray and prayers, who want to frag it up. DoD S for the semi squad based WW2 kids. I just don't see valve funding a development project that might eat away their own market, or find a market that doesn't exist inside those 3 games modes. Deathmatch is nice, but as a developer who belives its survival moves on innovating, i don't see a way to innovate on a pure DM styled mode.
killahsin-[CE] said:
And at the same time why waste fundemental resources, trying to split your market in half, by creating another MP mode. When you have TF2 on the way which is completly focused on squad based mp combat. CS:S for the uber spray and prayers, who want to frag it up. DoD S for the semi squad based WW2 kids. I just don't see valve funding a development project that might eat away their own market, or find a market that doesn't exist inside those 3 games modes. Deathmatch is nice, but as a developer who belives its survival moves on innovating, i don't see a way to innovate on a pure DM styled mode.

yeay more real life squad warfare. valve are totally turning their back on the awesome universe they created in hl2. all the weapons, locations, characters. its such a shame
Oh yeah, big ****ing surprise. I had known about production of a new CS for somewhere between 6 months and a year before they officially announced it at E3 2004... and I had been expecting them to make one long before that. The only surpise was in the unsurprisingness of the "surprise" they had tried to keep from us for a year... and how they could decide to pass over a whole new HL2 MP with the new, cool features of HL2 for a slightly more graphically pleasing rehash of CS.

. . . i don't see a way to innovate on a pure DM styled mode.
Why does it have to be DM?
it was a surprise in that there was no HL2DM.

But yeah, if that quote is to be taken literally, how else could you take a straight forward quote like that, then there should be something other than CS:S for MP portion of HL2 release.
poseyjmac said:
ill take a hl2MP and a hl2 sp that both dont disappoint

and get both games released in 2007 when they are way behind the curve.

Valve can still make HL2MP, it's just not coming with the initial release. it's not the end of the world. the interview that confirmed no HL2MP also said SP was more then he expected and it will not disappoint us. that's great news.

the horses carcass has decomposed and even the whip is hardly there anymore.

(if it hurts sooooo much, organise the HL2megacoolMPthatValveshouldhaveMade mod team. you don't need to know how to code or model or anything, just inspire those that can with ur passion)
killahsin-[CE] said:
And at the same time why waste fundemental resources, trying to split your market in half, by creating another MP mode. When you have TF2 on the way which is completly focused on squad based mp combat. CS:S for the uber spray and prayers, who want to frag it up. DoD S for the semi squad based WW2 kids. I just don't see valve funding a development project that might eat away their own market, or find a market that doesn't exist inside those 3 games modes. Deathmatch is nice, but as a developer who belives its survival moves on innovating, i don't see a way to innovate on a pure DM styled mode.

i think ur reading way too much into the whole "split your market in half by creating another MP mode" deal.
truth is many, many pple will play CS:Source regardless of whether there would have been a HL2 themed MP

and u know what? thats exactly why some of us are still pissed about it and have a bad taste in our mouths.. because CS:Source would be as popular as ever and at the same time Valve could have made more pple happy with the simple DM/TDM/CTF modes or perhaps surprise us all with something new and unique.

but whatever man.. theres too many of u saying its "no big deal" but the thing is.. when u think of what Valve has done for the past 5+ years.. its like "sheesh...how much more work would there be for a HL2 themed MP?"

i think posey's continual "5+ years" arguement is something that ticks some of us off more regardless of what pple say.
shad3r said:
and get both games released in 2007 when they are way behind the curve.

Valve can still make HL2MP, it's just not coming with the initial release. it's not the end of the world. the interview that confirmed no HL2MP also said SP was more then he expected and it will not disappoint us. that's great news.

the horses carcass has decomposed and even the whip is hardly there anymore.

(if it hurts sooooo much, organise the HL2megacoolMPthatValveshouldhaveMade mod team. you don't need to know how to code or model or anything, just inspire those that can with ur passion)

as long as people like you reply blindly defending valve all gladly beat the horse and ram it up its ass with a carrot
No offense asside from the comments of a few. Certain individuals in this thread complain and have complained no matter what.

I can understand people wanting a good solid mp mode. The issue you guys can't understand is anything valve developed, is developed for innovation. If they can't innovate, VALVe isn't going to do it. It's the fundemental design policy of the company. In order to create anything innovative in the mp world, based on source. Valve would have needed another team of 20-30 people, for the past 3 years working round the clock. Just so that HL2 could have another mp mode aside from the hundreds that will be available within 1 year of HL2's release. Thus having 2 in-house teams working on competing multiplayer designs creatign 'bad harmony' in the work place.

It's just not good business nor would it lead to good games. In order to create good fun games teams need focus. Read about the cabal design methods, and perhaps you will have some insights as to why valve didn't touch on hl2 themed mp. Or perhaps just wait for the making of book, so you can yourselves see. Although certain individuals will be here flaming regardless.

EDIT: Posey we arent blindly defending valve, Unlike you shad3r does this stuff for a living. As much as you flame, you should learn to understand what your talking about, before you open your mouth.
killahsin-[CE] said:
I can understand people wanting a good solid mp mode. The issue you guys can't understand is anything valve developed, is developed for innovation. If they can't innovate, VALVe isn't going to do it. It's the fundemental design policy of the company. In order to create anything innovative in the mp world, based on source.

innovation u say?
tell me whats the innovation in CS:Source?
i mean once u play through HL2 SP u will be introduced to the physics which have been the talk of this game ever since it was first revealed.

so enlighten me.. whats innovative about CS:Source?
the game is 5+ years old..
if Valve was aiming for innovation my friend, they should have spent some time making a unique MP for HL2 and a 5+ year old game ;)

yeah i think i've said enough.. :|
Dr. Freeman said:
innovation u say?
tell me whats the innovation in CS:Source?
i mean once u play through HL2 SP u will be introduced to the physics which have been the talk of this game ever since it was first revealed.

so enlighten me.. whats innovative about CS:Source?
the game is 5+ years old..
if Valve was aiming for innovation my friend, they should have spent some time making a unique MP for HL2 and a 5+ year old game ;)

yeah i think i've said enough.. :|

You don't have to innnovate cs:S because its considered a port of 1.6. That was the point of doing it. To see how an mp mod of the original could easily be ported to source.
killahsin-[CE] said:
That was the point of doing it. To see how an mp mod of the original could easily be ported to source.

oh puh leese thats a load of hogwarsh. i bet you couldn't even get valve to admit that. nowhere have they ever said thats the reason they made CS:S.
poseyjmac said:
oh puh leese thats a load of hogwarsh. i bet you couldn't even get valve to admit that. nowhere have they ever said thats the reason they made CS:S.

Actually when they unveiled CS:S that was the reason they gave behind why they did it.
killahsin-[CE] said:
You don't have to innnovate cs:S because its considered a port of 1.6. That was the point of doing it. To see how an mp mod of the original could easily be ported to source.

i'll give u a more subtle reason.. CS:Source = cash cow ;)
innovation can go to hell if its not gonna rake in the dollars...and on that note, imagine how much money Valve would have made if there was a innovative MP to HL2?

its okay tho because as posey said.. its hogwash.
They could have outsourced CS:S to another developer if they wanted it to be ready before HL2... they did it with Condition Zero.

Anyway, I'm sure with the 50+ employees (and there are some that aren't listed on their web site, too) at Valve they could have found a way to reuse the HL2 resources (parts of maps, props, textures, sprites, weapons, characters, vehicles, etc) to make an interesting multiplayer mode. The reason they didn't have enough people (if that was actually the case) to make a HL2 MP was because they were wasting their time with Source ports. They were already working on TF2 and HL2. The ports could have waited until after those were finished. CS:S took up all of the CS team and a good chunk (if not most) of the DoD team... and that, alone, was probably enough people to make a fun MP mode for HL2.

The issue you guys can't understand is anything valve developed, is developed for innovation.
Yes, that's why they are porting over old games... for the sake of innovation.


The only innovation in that is finding new ways to make people pay you for something they already have.
killahsin-[CE] said:
Actually when they unveiled CS:S that was the reason they gave behind why they did it.

and wheres your source?
killahsin-[CE] said:
Actually when they unveiled CS:S that was the reason they gave behind why they did it.

Yes this is right gabe says it in a couple videos, one at e3 and another one that i cant remember off top of my head.
i find it hard to believe that there whole MP solution was based around such a small idea or lesson.
At least Gabe didnt lie this time...

He was pretty right-on-target...

The MP really WAS a surprise..

A negative one..

But still a suprise ;)