What happened to terrain that would be changable?


Jul 23, 2004
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After playing the CS:S beta for as long as it's been out, it just occured to me...if the terrain doesn't change from multiple grenade blasts, what would change the terrain? That was a cool part of the tech demo...anyone have an idea how it will work in the game?
tf2 will have it. guess the others won't. sorry typing with 1 hand cause im eatin wheat thins :)
Terrain changes look scripted to me. I don't think it's like Red Faction.
THey wont include this in CS. THe calculations being made server side would be too heavy. Causing lots of crashes. Hell they were getting crashes from just the physics of barrels flying around. It will be in HL2 single player though.
no, real-time red-faction type terrain deformation is NOT going to be in CS:S or HL2.. it will be in TF2 .. i heard it in some post or letter from a valve dev, but i forgot who
I know Source supports displacement surfaces. I doubt that's the same thing as deformable terrain that you are talking about.
Asus said:
I know Source supports displacement surfaces. I doubt that's the same thing as deformable terrain that you are talking about.

Yeah, the deformation used displacement maps. It's not generated real-time as you all seem to believe.

Perhaps it will be real-time in TF2. I haven't heard one way or another.
Don't see why you can't generate a displacement map in real-time...
Sickmind said:
After playing the CS:S beta for as long as it's been out, it just occured to me...if the terrain doesn't change from multiple grenade blasts, what would change the terrain? That was a cool part of the tech demo...anyone have an idea how it will work in the game?

Can you post a link to that tech demo?
Terrain displacement was in the physics demo portion of the e3 video. Or just before it.