What happened?

May 23, 2005
Reaction score
I think you (KagePrototype) messed something up. You moved the thread and you closed it as well? Sorry for asking n00bing quesitons though

BTW, CptStern, that game you mentioned doesn't look very good. I limit myself to playing good games, like Half Life and GTA.
Please stop comparing it to GTA. It is NOTHING like GTA, or even Half-Life. BF2 is a blast to play if you fire up teamspeak and get in a squad with your friends, but you should stay away if all you plan on doing is single player.
staticprimer said:
Please stop comparing it to GTA. It is NOTHING like GTA, or even Half-Life. BF2 is a blast to play if you fire up teamspeak and get in a squad with your friends, but you should stay away if all you plan on doing is single player.

Eh, I enjoyed playing Quake 3 Arena offline . How do you know BF2 won't deliver the same level of excitement without real adversaries?
Takashi Shimura said:
Eh, I enjoyed playing Quake 3 Arena offline . How do you know BF2 won't deliver the same level of excitement without real adversaries?

Because he's right and it won't.
Takashi Shimura said:
They make this "thing" called AI you know.

Yea and everyone knows how much fun it is to own virtual people all day. CS:CZ FTW!!!11
Okay, if this is what you want to hear then - Battlefield 2 is fantastic with bots and you'll be satisfied with it for many many years to come.
if you have a question for a mod you need to PM the mod, he probably had a good reason for closing it

again - get the demo and find out for yourself
Takashi Shimura said:
I think you (KagePrototype) messed something up. You moved the thread and you closed it as well? Sorry for asking n00bing quesitons though

BTW, CptStern, that game you mentioned doesn't look very good. I limit myself to playing good games, like Half Life and GTA.

Because all you did before your ban was spam inane topics, and I figured you were doing it again. I'll leave this open though...
I wasn't goign to buy bf2 because I downloaded/played it with bots for a few days. Then when a friend of mine played with me with bots, I loved hte game. It was so fun! So yeah, people made the game hella worth it.
CyberPitz said:
I wasn't goign to buy bf2 because I downloaded/played it with bots for a few days. Then when a friend of mine played with me with bots, I loved hte game. It was so fun! So yeah, people made the game hella worth it.

You... downloaded the game?:eek: Illegally?:upstare:

OK, I'll stop right now. I don't want to be a hypocrite. :stare:
stinger.aim92 said:
You... downloaded the game?:eek: Illegally?:upstare:

OK, I'll stop right now. I don't want to be a hypocrite. :stare:
I'm not going to go buy a $50 game I might not like :( I like to test em out :P And see, if I didn't download it, I had every intentions in NOT buying this game, since I disliked BF1942...so yeah, all in all, EA has piracy to thank for my sale :P