What happens if you stick your head into a particle accelator?


May 5, 2004
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So with all the recent news about the Large Hadron Collider, many of you may have this nagging question: what, exactly, would happen if you stick your head in the particle accelerator?

Bugorski, a 36-year-old researcher at the Institute for High Energy Physics in Protvino, was checking a piece of accelerator equipment that had malfunctioned - as had, apparently, the several safety mechanisms. Leaning over the piece of equipment, Bugorski stuck his head in the space through which the beam passes on its way from one part of the accelerator tube to the next and saw a flash brighter than a thousand suns. He felt no pain.

The left half of Bugorski's face swelled up beyond recognition, and over the next several days started peeling off, showing the path that the proton beam (moving near the speed of light) had burned through parts of his face, his bone, and the brain tissue underneath. As it was believed that about 5 to 6 grays is enough to kill a person, Bugorski was taken to a clinic in Moscow where the doctors could observe his expected demise. However, Bugorski survived and even completed his Ph.D.,.[3] There was virtually no damage to his intellectual capacity, but the fatigue of mental work increased markedly.[2] Bugorski completely lost hearing in the left ear and only a constant, unpleasant internal noise remained. The left half of his face was paralyzed, due to the destruction of nerves.[1] He is able to function perfectly well, save the fact that he has occasional petit mal seizures and very occasional grand mal seizures.

Bugorski continued to work in science, and held the post of Coordinator of physics experiments.[2] Because of the Soviet Union's policy of maintaining secrecy on Nuclear power-related issues, Bugorski did not speak about the accident for over a decade. He would go to the Moscow radiation clinic twice a year, for examination, and to commune with other nuclear-accident victims. For years, he remained a poster boy for Soviet and Russian radiation medicine. In 1996, he applied for disabled status, to receive his free epilepsy medication. Bugorski showed interest in making himself available for study to Western researchers, but couldn't afford to leave Protvino and go west.[1]

Bugorski is married to Vera Nikolaevna, and they have a son, Peter.

he's still alive? :O ..I was kinda disappointed he didnt turn into a radioactive giant and then gone on a rampage in downtown tokyo or at least developed superpowers


We had a thread on this the other week but I can't find it. D:
Man, one day Stern will make a thread that he has already made, and it will be great.
one day? it might have already happened ...actually I'm pretty sure it has, I just cant remember

say no to drugs kiddies
He could've kept his ear on it but i guess the left side of his brain was a bit slack.
Wow that is SO WEIRD. Why didn't he feel any pain?
Men from Eastern Europe do not know pain.

Okay, I have just one question...
Who the hell built a Particle Accelerator...in Russia? To be handled by Russians? Wasn't it obvious that somebody is gonna stick their head into it on accident or, like, use energy to warm up trays of borsch or to try and hold an AK bullet and see if it goes off or something.
He must have been beaming when he found out he'd live.
That sort of thing leaves you very charged. He'll have a real energy about him.
Okay, I have just one question...
Who the hell built a Particle Accelerator...in Russia? To be handled by Russians? Wasn't it obvious that somebody is gonna stick their head into it on accident or, like, use energy to warm up trays of borsch or to try and hold an AK bullet and see if it goes off or something.

population control
This mishap certainly won't have accelerated his career.
I wonder if it affected him going to the Jon.