what hax/cheats are there?


Aug 14, 2006
Reaction score
I started playing TF2 the moment it came out. The only surpises at that time came when valve changed some balance aspects of the game...
From January to April I've had a break playing and coming back now I'm shocked how many cheats seem to be out there, and people not even hiding the fact they are cheating.

last experience: playing 'WELL' at a Singapore server and the enemy team (a clan btw) showed up at the middlepoint at the start of the game , all as soldiers and firing ALL multiple crits.
of course our side got wiped out in a second.

later a couple of them definitely used sniper aimbot...nothing new anyway.

at a later point of the game (the soldier crit thing was just one short episode) i just found myself disconnected from the server (showed to me as connection problem...) after i successfully established a usefull sentry position (and was topscore of my team)
it was about a couple of minutes before the game ended and by the time i managed to reconnect we lost already.
btw i have a 2mbps up/dowload connection and a ping of ca 20.
very unlikely the connection problem occured on my side.


I could not resist to point out my doubts and got a message back like
"Yeah its more fun to play with hax"

and yes.... VAC was on.

is there a 'crit hax' out there?
is it possible to disconnect another player even if you are not the server admin?

any comments?

"Hax" does not alter server side settings, which is where the crits are stored. It only works with what is on the Local machine *Aimbot, Wallhacks, etc...*. So being able to manipulate those types of things, I'd imagine, isn't a hack, but an exploit....

Just a guess, though.
umm OP are you kidding me......crit rockets would be caused by the new medic healer gun. and an aim bot for a sniper is ridiculous; its so easy.
F10 ftw, you should try it sometime :D
not kidding
also no medics in sight.
it was a weird game and i mainly posted this to see if anybody had a similar experience or can explain this to me.

an aim bot for a sniper is ridiculous; its so easy.

well , if you ever run into a cheating sniper you might take it seriously.
just luck if you survive coz his rifle is not at 100% yet and every shot hits you even if you just jump out behind a cover.

well , if you ever run into a cheating sniper you might take it seriously.
just luck if you survive coz his rifle is not at 100% yet and every shot hits you even if you just jump out behind a cover.


Going against snipers is an audiovisual experience. Wait for it to take the shot on something, then run. Seriously aimbotting in TF2 is just as annoying as it was in Natural Selection in which we used to parasite kill(for those of you who never played NS, parasite did 3 points of damage per hit) aimbotting dumb asses. Mildly annoying, not game breaking.
Unfortunately there are a few Hacks out that are not VAC detected. I've seen Aimbots for snipers and Spys with infinite invisibility. Just tell the admin, it's what i do and they usally get banned unless the sevrer admin is in on it. You can't kick people only the admin which is a good thing otherwise it would be abused if everyone could kick each other.
Going against snipers is an audiovisual experience. Wait for it to take the shot on something, then run. Seriously aimbotting in TF2 is just as annoying as it was in Natural Selection in which we used to parasite kill(for those of you who never played NS, parasite did 3 points of damage per hit) aimbotting dumb asses. Mildly annoying, not game breaking.

No. Any decent sniping bot in TF2 only take the shot if it has your head in it's cross hairs. Odds are even if it manages to miss you're dead anyway. ****ing aa.net(not the real URL like we need people looking for bots) fags I want to crush them.
there's a "Voteban" command in TF2, right? Sometimes that works.
No. Any decent sniping bot in TF2 only take the shot if it has your head in it's cross hairs. Odds are even if it manages to miss you're dead anyway. ****ing aa.net(not the real URL like we need people looking for bots) fags I want to crush them.

TF2 isn't 1vs1 (sniper vs you). Sacrifice your comrade to save yourself and maybe even get a frag.