What humans should do in case we get a "Planet of t3h Apes" scenerio

Jun 30, 2003
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I just watched Planet of the Apes(New version) and at the end...things got ****ed.
Wasn't there supposed the Statue of Liberty thing?
This is what we should do.
Colonize Mars as soon as possible.
Few reasons. Earth's Global Warming-we can have a fresh start on Mars.
Learn more about Mars, and most of all-It'll just be us humans on Mars-no animals so no damn annoying people who want to "save the whales" or "don't test products on animals"

And if we do get overrun by apes on Earth-we'll have supreme power on Mars to back us up and kill the apes w/ space ships and troopers that are like the Star Wars Republic Clone Troopers and ****ing tanks and trucks from UT2k4! :sniper: :monkee: :monkee: :monkee:

Any other ideas?
"We can defeat the monkeys, we can defeat the robots, but not at the same time!" - Lewis Black, The Daily Show
We should redo physcial and mental capabilies of a human. We could get energy from air and water and sun like plants. We would have fused brain instead of 2 seperate one that work together. Then kill all the stupid past humans and let them good ones we made colonize
I would fall to my knees and scream:
We should commit group-suicide, it's t3h only way \\o \o/ o//
Apes or Robots would never be able to take over, cause even with all their brains, they can never understand 1337.

The robots will spend a millenia trying to analyze it, the apes will probably just think we are idiots and *they* will flee to Mars.

Apes are also irrelevant, of all the ape species of this dirtball in space, only one of them are psychotic egomaniacs with dellusions of grandeur.
plant of the apes is a load of rubbish.. especily the new one, so much money spent on it and then it was just crap!
you are correct, Robots and Apes will never have the brains (or lack thereof) to understand k3wl d00d l4ngu4g3.

Apes and Robots will never take the Earth from us because we will kill each other way before we will have the technology to create super robots and the necessity to give Apes the training to take over the Earth.
dawdler said:
Apes or Robots would never be able to take over, cause even with all their brains, they can never understand 1337.

Oh my God. This is like the best thing I've ever heard.
I strongly agree with youre colonise mars as soon as possible suggestion. It does raise a question though. We will, eventually, be forced to move from planet to planet, using up all the resources and moving on. Remember that film Independance Day? Do we really want to end up like those aliens? It doesn't bother me, after all it's only human nature whether you like it or not. I think our pathetic governments should be doing a lot more. Terrafroming Mars as soon as possible is essential, ensuring a place for future generations to thrive. More research must be done in the propulsion field, or any other crazy way of getting from A to B like wormholes.This, I feel, is essential. We are content to sit doing **** all each day, maybe watching some tv, playing a couple of games, going out with our friends to have fun, get drunk, whatever. When will people start looking to the future of the race and do their bit for us? Everyone else is dead weight.
Onions said:
I strongly agree with youre colonise mars as soon as possible suggestion. It does raise a question though. We will, eventually, be forced to move from planet to planet, using up all the resources and moving on. Remember that film Independance Day? Do we really want to end up like those aliens? It doesn't bother me, after all it's only human nature whether you like it or not. I think our pathetic governments should be doing a lot more. Terrafroming Mars as soon as possible is essential, ensuring a place for future generations to thrive. More research must be done in the propulsion field, or any other crazy way of getting from A to B like wormholes.This, I feel, is essential. We are content to sit doing **** all each day, maybe watching some tv, playing a couple of games, going out with our friends to have fun, get drunk, whatever. When will people start looking to the future of the race and do their bit for us? Everyone else is dead weight.

w00t ID4!
As long as we get massive death-ray spaceships, I'm happy!
Watch the original Planet of the apes...all five of them...
SOOOOO much better then the hack job horrid new one.
Colonizing mars wouldn't be smart, so far no water has been found on Mars, also, the environment in Mars is rather inhospiteable, seeing as they have storms there that lasts for months.

I think the moon would be a much more likely place onions.
Or build space colonies, they could orbit within the Lagrange Points :)

From what I know they already have plans for a moon base named "Luna".
Zakat said:
Colonizing mars wouldn't be smart, so far no water has been found on Mars, also, the environment in Mars is rather inhospiteable, seeing as they have storms there that lasts for months.

I think the moon would be a much more likely place onions.

Uh they HAVE found water on mars. And we would terraform it too.
I think the movie had no basis in fact at all.

10 - 20 years after one monkey has learned to speak English, every monkey and primate can then speak English and has mastered the use of weapons, tools and military tactics. Also, there isn't that many monkeys in the world compared to the amount of humans. Humans would be stronger then most primates, smarter then all primates, capable of harnessing weapons ranging from small knives and pistols to tanks and fighter aircraft and also tactical nuclear weapons and understanding tactics.

How the heck could some primates overcome that much lead in technological and intellectual superiourity that humans had at the time of the up-rising. Also, something very devasting would of had to of happened to of turned planet Earth into a deserted wasteland and there are many areas on planet Earth that humans can adapt to and survive in very well that primates would never be able to do, only over a long period of time measuring many, many, many years.
MaxiKana, but do we NOW have the technology to terraform Mars?

No? I didn't think so, you do know that they had problems even getting the 'robots' down onto Mars due to the weather and terrain? It'll be incredibly hard to terraform it and it'll prolly take MANY years.

We won't colonize Mars til in about atleast 40-60 years at earliest imho, you know, in 2020 they except to have the first public shuttle-service but it'll only allow short travels around the moon.
Razor said:
I think the movie had no basis in fact at all.
You mean... A science fiction move based on fantasy and no realism at all has no basis in fact?!
*GASP!* *GASP!* *GASP!* *GASP!* *me dies from overgasping*
Frank said:
I say nuke 'em all! Even Dr. Zaius
Aye, I second that. And while we're at it, can't we nuke ourselves too? Please? Pretty please?
Zakat said:
Colonizing mars wouldn't be smart, so far no water has been found on Mars, also, the environment in Mars is rather inhospiteable, seeing as they have storms there that lasts for months.

I think the moon would be a much more likely place onions.

there is loads of water on mars, its just all frozen up at the caps and there is loads of evidance of water that used to be there with all the big river channel type things, some believe that there are loads of water deposits under the surface. all we need to do is go and heat it wait for all the ice to melt, stick loads of plants then wait a cople of thousands years untill they make us some air to breath :D
I know about the 'rivers', they sent the Mars Lander to the biggest one(I've studied Mars alot for ****s sake).

But as I said, we still don't have the technology to colonize mars :p
Zakat said:
But as I said, we still don't have the technology to colonize mars :p
We have. As usual its a matter of money... Shift NASA and US Military budget and you would see Star Trek style starships in 10-20 years :p
dawdler, I don't believe that, sorry, according to the current technology and discovery we don't, but, if NASA got increased funding(Right now their funding sucks :() we'd be able to speed up it with like 10 years...:p

/me bites dawdlers fingers thus preventing him from replying!
Zakat said:
I don't believe that, sorry, according to the current technology and discovery we don't,
Ah, but the thing is that NASA don't go around telling everybody about their latest discoveries, do they now? Who knows, they might have a lot of technology we don't know squat about.
*X-Files music in the background*
We do actually have the technology to colonise mars at the moment. It would take a budget in the trillions , a lot of hard graft and political will but putting a colony on mars is possible.

Realistically I don't see a manned mars mission blasting off for at least 20 to 30 years. As for terraforming it will take in the region of centuries to millenia to create a breathable atmosphere. The problem with mars is it has no magnetic field which menas surface radiation is massively increased and the actual density of the atmosphere is so low it would have to be physically increased .. be it genetically tailored algae and lichen or dropping several hundred icy comets through the atmosphere .. it will be hard and distinctly long term job.

If you want an idea, read the mars trilogy by kim stanley robinson about the colonisation of mars. Good story backed up by a lot of hard science .. it'll give you an idea of what would be needed.
Zakat said:
dawdler, I don't believe that, sorry, according to the current technology and discovery we don't, but, if NASA got increased funding(Right now their funding sucks :() we'd be able to speed up it with like 10 years...:p

/me bites dawdlers fingers thus preventing him from replying!
We do have technology to live on Mars. In theory. Its simply to expensive. And that's it. We have *ALOT* more advanced technology than both you and I think, its just that its unsafe, once again expensive and totally unproven at the scale we are talking about. Also we loose about 50% of all the Mars probes we send there... Sending a manned shuttle to Mars with that rate isnt quite an acceptable risk.

Sidenote: /me really screws up with quotes
The rover thing isn't a viable argument as it uses the inflatable balloons / parachute system to land , a manned mission would use a more conventional powered lander.
There would be only one way for Humans to beat the apes:

Throw butt crabs at the!!!! Do it ! Do it for your future!!!!!
I say kill of all the monkeys, would be the easiest thing to do.
A2597 said:
Watch the original Planet of the apes...all five of them...
SOOOOO much better then the hack job horrid new one.

True man. True. It's pure movie-magic.

I dunno what we should do. Maybe get those telepathic dudes and make monkey statues cry blood.