what I do in my spare time...

  • Thread starter Thread starter Cavalry
  • Start date Start date
I thought you were going to write an epic post on fapping.
Don't click on the link! It takes you to what Sniper does in his spare time!
This thread is a huge disappointment.

i still came
My brother showed me this. It's an average duel-based browser-based rpg game.

This guy is trying to get referral members to join so he can complete a quest.

na na,I have my referrals,I didn't know what other link t post though,LOL to all that were ready to fap
Vegeta is right,sign-up,customize your character,buy knives and such,and fight other people for free
i thought this was another masturbation thread
btw, there are loads of better browser games than that.
:P If you have a shitload of free time, www.ogame.org.
The buildings at higher techs take like a day to make.
lmao..i had to contribute something random to this thread...
Alright, it's a non-referral registration link now... carry on.