What is Deathmatch Missing?


Nov 19, 2004
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don't get me wrong i love DM but I can't wait till more features are made for it.

I think it needs CTF, King of the Hill. ect. aswell as bigger, more open maps.

What do you think would be good to have?
I agree with everything...definitely bigger maps. Too many times today did I get killed before even taking a step out of a spawn area. CTF will be tight also.
Anyone else think that TDM is much more fun than DM? I think a DoD type, team-based point capture map that is more linear would be fun as hell.
i agree fully i think that team play is way better.
also, sometimes I like to be playing for a perpose not just
More game types would definetly help.
I kill a -lot- of people while they're still at the spawn spots. Not because I camp, but because they just happen to spawn next to me with a monitor/filing cabinet sitting there handy.

What am I supposed to do, just run away from them and hope they don't chase me and kill me?

Bigger maps are a neccesity.
No, I wasn't blaming the people for spawn kills, I did a few times my self for the same reason. But bigger maps would help this a little bit.
More guns... and the crowbar! my beautiful crowbar! :D
More maps would be nice too... but i think that's being resolved =) yay to the people who works with SDK! (i'm not one of them) :p
More maps, more modes like CTF, King of The Hill, and a new mode called "King of the Antlions". One person has a pheropod and commands the ant-lions, the others have to kill him and take the bugbait. Anyway i could go into details about it but most people will guess how the rest goes.

And more options for what guns are used in the maps.
"King of the Antlions" is the best Idea for an antlion based game I've heard so far. A map where everyone has bugbait would never work, but I think a UT2K4 mutant style game where one person is in control of the bugbait would be sweet. I ****ing love antlions. Getting bugbait in single player mode was one of my favorite sections of the game.
TDM is definately better: you need people to watch your back in this DM!

Crossfire is an awesome classic. When we have a good finalized map that actually works it should be really sweet. Though I still think the spawns should be on either side of the map (teams spawn on their own side, then battle in the middle and the paths leading to the bomb shelter)
I personally can't wait til people start porting some of the SP elements into MP maps. The Finding Freeman Old Building + Front yard would kick ass, not to mention some Ravenholm MP madness, or C17, or citadel...the list goes on :D
mode i think would be good

i think a block the doorway game type where , combine start in ones side of a room and the other team start at the other side ,, put like a little doorway going to each team base , and you have to block that door way up with alot of stuff so they cant get through without blasting , but ur always putting more rubble down to block so i think it will be fun watching the enemy get through ur rubble block
any way to have the machine gun come up as defualt when you respawn? mant ****ing times ive died cos ive spawned back with the gravgun.
CROWBAR!! good lord all mighty where is my crowbar!!!!!!!!
32-64 players
more weapons
CTF, ....etc
bigger maps
sprays (;))
nightwolf41 said:
don't get me wrong i love DM but I can't wait till more features are made for it.

I think it needs CTF, King of the Hill. ect. aswell as bigger, more open maps.

What do you think would be good to have?

what is the one thing that is really missing in DM?
weapons! :bounce:
right now i think the current weapon system lacks creativity...i guess the saving grace as far as creativity goes, is the grav gun but if u look back to HLDM/OP4DM there are more creative guns which make the gameplay much more interesting.

what i would like to see added?

alien weapon (such as OP4's spore launcher and/or shock rifle)
displacer ball (this is a OP4 weapon as well)
gluon gun aka egon (the weapon from HL with a blue beam)
trip mines and satchel sacks! :p

i think these weapons would really add to the current DM (which btw, is tons of fun!).
as far as maps go...that will happen over time...the talented mappers and Valve are working im sure to add to what we have here :)
Definately CTF. It would just be too cool if you had to pick up the flag with the gravity gun. Passing the flag with primary fire > running the flag.
A guess...

I haven't played it yet, but I'm assuming it's not there ...
I rarely play online and when i test my maps i need bots as well to train on them. There is a very good AI in HL2 and I dont see why Valve is such a bunch of lazy monkeys not to include bots. FFS give it to me I'll program it, just include it in thte game. Valve is revolutionizing gameplay but refusing to move on from stone age when it comes to AI in MP games. Bad manners. :/
Spawn Protection (like most Multiplayer FPS games) would be nice. Too many times have I spawned only to be almost instantanously killed by someone either spawn camping, or just "passing through" and looking for easy frags.

Otherwise, I'd like some kind of easy distinction between the teams in Team Deathmatch (Unless they're already sorted into Resistance Vs Combine, in which case I haven't noticed), the return of the crowbar, more maps (duh) and balanced weapons.
GIBS!!! ragdolls are great, but a few gibs flying around after a large explosion kill would be nice too.
In TDM it's Combine vs Rebels, but if youre a combine you can still use the rebel models and vice versa. It's a little confusing when you have to look for the red or blue text of the players name before you shoot. They should fix that.
Let's see here:

More & Better maps
More guns...HL2 lacks good guns
Better spawns
Multi-team TDM (I'm talking 3+ teams like Halo 2)
More ammo in the SMG when we start
Multi-Team TDM I like :)

I don't really want to change anything else about the gametype itself, I'd like a few new weapons n stuff, but tis fun :)