What is so good about Mac's?


Aug 4, 2004
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Can someone tell me please what is so good about Apple and why you wouldnt want to spend three thousand dollars on a computer than could be bought for about a thousand dollard if it was microsoft and have the same specs?
I have had my mac now for coming on 6 months and I am using it probably twice as much as i use my windows Pc (which is used odminantly as a gaming machine now). I find macs so easy to use and in the 6 months i have not experienced a single crash of any programmes or come across any virusses (sp?). When it came to networking my house the macs (an imac, powerbook and emac) worked straight away with my new wireless networks while my PCs (cheap dell jobby and a home built both running XP) were a complete arse to network.

They are easy lifestyle machines and personally i think safari is the greatest internet browser EVER!
Macs are fine for video editing and all that, but besides for like work use they suck. Cool, my 800th post was about how Macs suck.
I wonder how many people here, who are so quick to criticise macs, have ever used one? Macs are not made for games, they are made as easy to use tools with which you can edit or create much easier than with a PC, you can browse the the internet without fear of viruses or hackers and use it as an all round media centre, (I cant imagine my computer without itunes, imovie or iphoto now).
So if you think that macs are crap because they don't play games then get a life.
If mac was the most popular thing around, hackers would spend there time vs it instead of windows.
Mac users should say, no use windows to all those who have questions to keep it that way.
Thats just my opinon.
Tons of people who use mac's seem to think that Xp is gettings tons of virus's every minute when i barley ever get 1 virus that does something a year.
Other virus's..yeah sure but i never get any adware.. any other virus's i do a 5 minute search found and deleted...

I browse the internet without fear of virus's or hackers....
Xp is pretty stable ive not had 1 crash in any game with it... Its never mysteriously restarted on me either(for those who say it will do that instead of coming up with an error screen).

Ive never had any problems with windows thats all i can say. Ive been on a mac i dont mind them but pc's are my thing... I use windows for wahtever i need it for. I have sound editors, video editors etc..

I dont think there are overall any insane advtanges or disadvantages(onsept maybe games but then there are ways to help get around that).
Pc's yeah sure they will get virus's once a year but nothing big..

Sure there are some minior advantages a pc has over a mac and there are some minor advantages a mac has over a pc.
But in the end, there both good. Just remember, this.. It may be a mac but its still better than a console system.
My opinion no Macs:
Macs work differently, not better or worse...well except for gaming.
Those who don't want to hasle with compatibility or knowing about issues but just want to use and enjoy a Computer, use Macs. Whether that means they don't know anything or they just don't want to be bothered with it. They also generally have the best interfaces.
Apple makes it so simple since they make most of the software that Mac users use. No room for large compatibilty issues but it all costs money.

Macs used to be known as better for video and editing but PC's comparable now. Generally Macs have dual CPUs which works best for that kind of task but a Dual PC works just as well. Infact they trade spots depending on the use.

For me, it's down to knowing how and what to use on a PC. PC's are much more customizable and give you more control. PC's are so 'open' that it's good and bad. Selection in software, hardware and accessories yet compatibility getting it all to work together and the target of a large user base.
Mac's aren't any more secure except for the fact they are not prime targets, just like Firefox.

It's what and how you perfer using your computer. ;)
Also cost...
GPRT said:
I wonder how many people here, who are so quick to criticise macs, have ever used one? Macs are not made for games, they are made as easy to use tools with which you can edit or create much easier than with a PC, you can browse the the internet without fear of viruses or hackers and use it as an all round media centre, (I cant imagine my computer without itunes, imovie or iphoto now).
So if you think that macs are crap because they don't play games then get a life.
I used them in jounalism class for a while (outdated imacs). But they were rock solid reliable. Plus i think OSX is a cool operating system =). Id use a macintosh if it had the software support windows does.
I turn on my mac and it works, within a few seconds I can start doing what I want. When I turn on my pc it also works but it just isn't a pleasure to use like the mac.

It's not that the mac isn't made for games - not at all - games just aren't made for macs.

You have to own both to be able to understand why macs are so good. I wouldn't necessarily say better because OS X does have it's few little quirks just like XP. While OS X may 'just work' out of the box there isn't as much room to tinker as XP has, for better or worse.
^Ben said:

My stance on macs.

exactly. You aren't really going to find many mac users here. Trouble is, it's hard to find an unbiased opinion anywhere seeing as how this sort of thread will always deteriorate into a Windows/Macs suck.
XP is safe to use if you know what you're doing. If you don't know, you'll be up to your ears in hackers, malware and viruses in no time.
I will always prefer the way macs handle applications. I spent ages trying to install an app only to realise that I just drag it into the applications folder. What could be simpler? Want to uninstall? Drag it to the trash. Not that I'm complaining about setup.exe, it's just an example of how things don't need to be as complicated as they are.