What is the first thing you'll do when you play Oblivion?

What will you do the first time you play Oblivion?

  • Kill someone and steal all their money?

    Votes: 5 9.3%
  • Stare at the sun in confusion?

    Votes: 1 1.9%
  • Overwhemled by the scenery and graphics you pass out?

    Votes: 14 25.9%
  • Go up to a guard and try and bribe him?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Go into every house in the first town and steal everything from everyone and sell it?

    Votes: 9 16.7%
  • Run for the HILLS!

    Votes: 7 13.0%
  • Exactly the same thing I did in Morrowind?

    Votes: 6 11.1%
  • Other

    Votes: 12 22.2%

  • Total voters


Jan 23, 2004
Reaction score
Just read the poll or choose other and explain your answer.
Run for the HILLS!!!! And walk/jump to every town to get my acrobatics and athletics skills up. I do love that acrobatics skill.
Get a brick and lay it on the jump button...

Sarcasm aside, I'll probably wander around and stare at the scenery, then rob every man / woman / child I can find.
I'll just explore around the closest vicinity and stare at the scenery in envy.:)
The first thing I'll do is go into the options menu and pump all the settings way up! :D
The first thing I'll do is go into the options menu and pump all the settings way down! :frown:

Just Kidding - the settings will probably be on medium-low, but still, it'll look amazing! :imu:

The first thing I'll do in game is start scouting and stealing.
Dumb Dude said:
The first thing I'll do is go into the options menu and pump all the settings way up! :D

Same. :D

Can't wait. Going to be goodness.

I will protect the king and use my skills as a warrior to destroy the enemy
I'm going to wander around a look at things. Then it's time to create the most useless wizard the world has ever seen \o/
other: masturbate furiously

no seriously...I'll probably be screaming like a little girl....no REALLY seriously I'm guessing I'm going to be tweaking the perfomance to best fit my needs at first.

after that I'll be generating my character...and after that I will simply be playing the game...I have no set goals, I'll just do like I did in morrowind and go with the flow...
Listen in on a random conversation. Apparently this is the only real thing that is not truly impressive of the AI, though the other aspects of Radiant AI seem to live up to what was expected. Even though the conversations are not impressive, they are hilarious to hear (According to PCGAMER UK, 93%).

"I hear Errandil is good with a lockpick."
"I heard he's good with locks."
"That's what I heard."
"Good day."
omg plz don't tell me they've got the random conversations like in GTA:SA I mean they were fun for GTA because the game isn't supposed to be that serious in the place...but for morrowind that would be really cheesy...and in the long run probably very annoying to listen to whenever you pass someone having a conversation...another problem that comes from this is repitition...

atleats they could have made better convos... ugh...ah well the game is probably gonna be better than morrowind anyways and I really enjoyed that game...
Try and find the closest forest and explore. I have been waiting for a properly created forest in a gaming world for a very long time.
Warbie said:
I'm going to wander around a look at things. Then it's time to create the most useless wizard the world has ever seen \o/
Ha ha, that's awesome. :bounce:

....until I hax your computer and my character :sniper: :bounce:
I'd say drool at the scenery but my computer scrapes the minimum requirements, so I'll probably do what I did in Morrowind......

RUUUUN and JUMP JUMP JUMP to the hills!
well, once I get enough useless crap I'm going to toss it all in the streets and make a barricade. I wounder what NPC's would do to get around :laugh: . But since NPC's can do just about anything you can do, they would probably just take the items for themselves :eek: . I have alot of experimenting to do.
Start saving up for my PC upgrade so that I can play it how it was meant to be played. At the moment I am only about 1 up from the minimum.
PriNcE oF SpAcE said:
omg plz don't tell me they've got the random conversations like in GTA:SA I mean they were fun for GTA because the game isn't supposed to be that serious in the place...but for morrowind that would be really cheesy...and in the long run probably very annoying to listen to whenever you pass someone having a conversation...another problem that comes from this is repitition...

One of the E3 videos showed the random conversations NPC's had. It wasn't cheesy in the least bit, they just discussed the latest news and said good day to each other.
I'll be overwhelmed, tbh. This game is so amasing.

It's been a long time since I've waited for a game to come out.
Overwhemled by the scenery and graphics you pass out

AiM said:
Sarcasm aside, I'll probably wander around and stare at the scenery, then rob every man / woman / child I can find.
I don't think the game features children...:E

I will most likely explore and revel in the peace of the beautifully forested landscape. After that, its work on the thieving skills...Garrett's back with a vengeance!
Qonfused said:
I'll be overwhelmed, tbh. This game is so amasing.

It's been a long time since I've waited for a game to come out.

amazing ftw
"Whats the first thing you will do in Oblivion"

Well....thats a kinda stupid question...EVERYONE knows what the first thing you do...the first thing you do in ALL fps games!!!

TheAmazingRando said:
One of the E3 videos showed the random conversations NPC's had. It wasn't cheesy in the least bit, they just discussed the latest news and said good day to each other.
However, the reviews have pointed out that the random conversations are pretty suicky, this was to be expected however, a sloppy random algorhitm lays the ground work for very repetitive and silly conversations.. WHat's worse is that you'll hear the exact same sentences over and over only with different voice actors, which the reviewer said deprived a bit from the immersion.
Probably try to kill someone :) I just want to see if combat truly does feel better. In Morrowind is was comperable to beating a tree with a bat :| - even if I did enjoy many aspects of it. From what i've read the combat seems vastly improved.
Ravioli said:
"Whats the first thing you will do in Oblivion"

Well....thats a kinda stupid question...EVERYONE knows what the first thing you do...the first thing you do in ALL fps games!!!

I think I'd look down to see if something else was still there first.
Like veryone else here has said, jump jump jump.

Then quit and overclock my computer to it's maximum so I can squeeze out more graphical power :P. Already buying more cooling and better heatsinks etc so I can overclock more. Also buying 1gb of RAM.

bitches I'm not letting you get crap screenies from me!
AiM said:
Get a brick and lay it on the jump button...

Sarcasm aside, I'll probably wander around and stare at the scenery, then rob every man / woman / child I can find.


In Morrowind, I found this place in a castle underneath a spiral staircase where you couldn't jump all the way - little jumps and the low stairway clearance didn't allow you to fully jump, so I put something heavy on the jump button and it jumped up and down extremely fast, leveling skill up as fast as possible. I'm not sure if the game would continue to jump with the button held or it was something buggy with hitting your head that made you continue to try to jump.



While I normally despise cheating, I figured it was the same thing as what I would have done anyway - just faster. Whats the difference if I press jump over and over or I do this? ------> :imu:
Listen to conversations. Then kill a guy I don't like based on these conversations.

"Yeah, that Tim guy, I hate him"

1 hour later

"What happened to Tim, he is dead?!?"
VirusType2 said:

In Morrowind, I found this place in a castle underneath a spiral staircase where you couldn't jump all the way - little jumps and the low stairway clearance didn't allow you to fully jump, so I put something heavy on the jump button and it jumped up and down extremely fast, leveling skill up as fast as possible. I'm not sure if the game would continue to jump with the button held or it was something buggy with hitting your head that made you continue to try to jump.



While I normally despise cheating, I figured it was the same thing as what I would have done anyway - just faster. Whats the difference if I press jump over and over or I do this? ------> :imu:
I remember on the N64 on the game Goldeneye. We got bored and wanted to see how many guys we could kill.
Using Cheats we got the laser gun and went on the 2nd mission where you have to destroy the facility. The Laser Gun auto aimed and was a one hit kill. Since on that level guys would keep on coming non stop, we set it up and rigged the controller to have the z button pushed in with a rubberband...we left it there and came back a half n hour later....

Lots of people died that day lol...