what is the lowest review/score half life 2 has gotten since it came out?


Jun 16, 2006
Reaction score
the worst i have seen is an 8.5 from netjak who honestly has the hardest to please reviewers i have ever seen. has hl2 been rated lower than an 8? i think it might be the best reviewed game of the past few years.
I didnt even read the whole thing... but i know this person shall die!!!!

ok read it and i hope this person dies... he seems to have problems with both the graphics and AI, chances are he played a pirated version of the game " And the graphics go to the lowest level, They scrape it from the bottom of the barrel" BULLSHIT!!!!! HL2 has the some of the best graphics I've ever seen! Me and my friend where argueing about which had better graphics, Far-cry or Half life 2, for about 3 months. I've played both games so i was able to compare, he had only played far cry and had insisted that crytek was a far better developer and graphics designer then valve ( dont get me wrong, crysis looks bomb!!! ). I finally gave him a download for steam and told him to give the HL2 demo a try... hands down he didnt argue any more and simply said " you win, Half life 2 has the best f**king graphics ever! "... where this guy is comeing from i dont know... more: He obviously hasnt done his home work "he graphics are rendered using the Source Engine which is an Enhanced Version of the Half-Life 1 engine" WTF IS HE ON?

"You kill enemies that do nothing but stand there waiting for you to attack" this makes me assume he had some kind of problem becuase souce AI is simple the best I've encountered ever! CS bots hand my ass to me on a silver platter every time... and for the combine... clearly have a higher IQ then my self...

" The hud is ripped of from Doom 3, In fact, This game plays like Doom " i also fail to see how Half life 2 is even relevent to doom 3 other then them both being fps's! and when it comes to huds for fps... arent they basily all the same? they show you your HP ammo, sheild, crosshair, and sometimes radar. what is there to it then that?

" The story is a pile of flop, First of all, It has nothing to do with Half-Life, This is just a cheap story that joints with Half-Life, This game does nothing to explain how Mossman appeared or how Alyx was born, In fact how the combine appeared, This story has no sense whatsoever. " - he apparently didnt even look into it, its really as simple as typeing " www.google.com" duh! .

" VALVe got real lazy with this game. " it doesnt take 5-6 years to half ass any thing.....
First line, he spells "revolution" "revelution" and "sequel" "sequal"

He uses the words stupid and boring in almost every paragraph, and the two words are glued together.

This has to be some 6 year old who only likes Doom and cant understand just what is going on in the game...

How anyone can think levels like the Canals are boring and bland must be running graphics at bottom levels on a 640x480x16 display.

The game comes pre-packged with Counter-Strike: Source, A new and improved version of Counter-Strike, But the only thing improved is the graphics, If you are a fan of CS, don't bother with this.

How does that even make sense?

Notice all the reviews below it give HL2 nothing less than a 9.0...
Haha, that review. Shows what level of intelligence he's working on when he needs an explanation of "how Alyx was born." I thought conception and birth were pretty straightforward, must be different ways to do it around the world I guess.:naughty:
omg!!!!! just looked at his profile!!!! he also posted a rip on resident evil 4!!!!!!!!! one of the best console games ever made!!!! wtf is wrong with this guy... i
And solve really simple puzzles real simple


The hud is ripped of from Doom 3, In fact, This game plays like Doom, Only stupid and uninteresting, not even the bosses can turn that around as you can easily skip bosses even though your required to do them.
Errr, Same as Doom 3? The only thing that's the same is the fact that it shows the Health and armor and ammo....*sigh*

And bosses...I wasn't aware HL2 HAD bosses. I hardly call a gunship a boss.
why are we still using the term boss anyway? there are no more "bosses" just harder enemies..
Dear God even my sister understands the HL story after me explaining it ONCE, and she's 8 in a few months for God's sake, this guy is obviously a six year old kid from the middle of nowhere, who is running a pirated copy of HL2 on a crappy resolution, with minimum RAM....and it's NOT DDR......and he has dial up........from AOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
First line, he spells "revolution" "revelution" and "sequel" "sequal"

He uses the words stupid and boring in almost every paragraph, and the two words are glued together.

This has to be some 6 year old who only likes Doom and cant understand just what is going on in the game...

How anyone can think levels like the Canals are boring and bland must be running graphics at bottom levels on a 640x480x16 display.

How does that even make sense?

Notice all the reviews below it give HL2 nothing less than a 9.0...

Yep I saw how he spelt revolution and didn't even bother to read on.If you look through this forum section titled 'hmm...' then it goes to another forum about people slagging off the game because they are simply too stupid to understand it. This goes over the top and quite frankly he is a complete and utter retard.

Half-Life 2 and bad scores simply should not exist, and if they do exist it is done by people who dont have an absulute clue about games in general!
Yeah that discussion was on the Black Mesa Source forums, wasnt it?
He's obviously doing this to get a rise out of all of you. He's like one of those numerous trolls on IMDb's forums.

Besides, I thought we were after bad reviews of HL2 by QUALIFIED people, not trolls.
Only problem I have with the AI, is that it doesnt do anything that I want it too! AND THATS THE MOST AWESOME THING EVER! I try and flood them out of the house using the old grenade throw into the hut, and BAM they are all dead.. I didnt even have to waste any ammo... cry.... I WANT TO WASTE AMMO!

Probably a fvcking Halo fanboi.


Only problem I have with the AI, is that it doesnt do anything that I want it too! AND THATS THE MOST AWESOME THING EVER! I try and flood them out of the house using the old grenade throw into the hut, and BAM they are all dead.. I didnt even have to waste any ammo... cry.... I WANT TO WASTE AMMO!

You are weird.
"The sounds that inhabit the game are ripped off from other games, Like the pulse rifle sound, That's ripped off from Doom 3, The sniper sound is ripped off from Ghost Recon and the Gravity Gun is ripped off from The Incredable Machine: Contraptions, VALVe got real lazy with this game."

this paragraph is a utter waste of internet space... is there even a sniper that you can use in hl2? I know the combine use em' but (based on what I see, i'm gonna be like he would about a game he hasn't played) Ghost Recon must suck, because i've never played it. :p I have never seen anything like the gravity gun in any game. I thing half-life 2 is actually the first fps to let you pick up stuff and do wtf u want with em, in any shape, or form... i mean... really... what kind of game would only let you pick up stuff with a gun? does the guy hav no arms, or what? I played through Doom 3, and have yet to hear a sound like the pulse rifle, and games rip off other stuff all the time? what's wrong with that? I hear a lot of sounds in games, that i've heard on t.v., like the battle lord's cry, from duke 3D. Also, explosions are in all sorts of games, and generally have the same sound... "Zomg, lets kill the game industry for ripping off other stuff!!! bbq!" wtf are you talking about you incompetant moron? does sombody know where to find this kid so he knows we all just ripped him a new asshole? lol
If you play Half-Life 2 and dont find it an awsome experiance then you are quite frankly....a retard.

End of.
If you play Half-Life 2 and dont find it an awsome experiance then you are quite frankly....a retard.

End of.

Your more than that. There is no word in any language, on-world, or off-world, to describe what you are. That guy is an idiot, and most likely a troll. And if he isn't a troll, well, he is an abomination to human life.
I'd give HL2 a 9 point something on its own and a 10 for bringing me to this site :thumbs:
this guy makes me MAD.. im sooo mad that i registered on gamespot and spam him with lots of msgesss
And the levels you go through are uninspriring and forgetful, Their bland and repetive, The extra detail is just there to lose their breath, and once you beat a level, You go to a diffrent level that looks diffrent but actually rips off another level and once you go to another level, The game repeats the levels over and over agian, The game is linear and the levels are linear.


ROFL:naughty: :naughty:
... actually... I agree with the guess hes just trying to stirr us up... I can't think of any fps out there that doesn't have a part of the last level in it... mainly because you came from the last level, and they show you the way that you CAME! DUH! Ever fps has a part of the last level in it... because theres a point where you get to see that part... nobody's that stupid XD
Who the hell is this guy to talk? Beyond the fact that they're both fps's, Doom 3 and HL2 have absolutely nothing in common. HL2 expands both on story and gameplay from it's predecessor, while Doom 3 is just rehashing the other three games that came before it, with a new graphics overhaul, which by the way isn't as good as HL2. As a matter of fact, the original 3 Dooms were way better than Doom 3. This entire reply has just been rendered useless due to the fact that I have given HL2 nothing but praise on a HL2 forum.