What is the roadmap for Nvidia and ATi?


May 14, 2003
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im curious, what are ati and nvidia cooking up for thier next generation of cards and when they will come out? provide links if you wouldnt mind. im looking myself and currently reading im just wondering if someone could cut it short and sweet.
Not much is known.

The R500 (the sucessor to the X800 series) was supposed to be released as the R400. However, ATI wasn't happy with it so they are giving it some extra development time. It is supposed to be a radical change from the R300 and R400 architectures. There is also a rumor that it will support DX 10, but that is only a rumor.

As for Nvidia, I haven't heard anything at all about their succesor. There have been talks of Nvidia and ATI trying to slow down the graphics card wars. It is awfully expensive for them to keep on coming out with new chips every 12 months (with refreshes every 6 months).

Here is an article about DX 10.
I dont plan on buying a new graphics card untill longhorn, dx10 and the unreal 3 engine comes out. Its way to exspensive to buy a new card every year just so I can have the eye candy turned up on my favorite games. So I hope we start seeing ATI and Nvidia start to release new card every 18 months with refreshess every 9.