What is the world coming too?

May 24, 2003
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I just read something in the paper and then found the article online. Its mad how stupid things are getting.


Then you read some other articles like a guy being blinded because he helped a woman who was being hit by lumps of concrete.

What a perfect example of civilised society eh?
Jesus, the world is gettin worse by the second, because of idiots who ruin it and take advantage of it
WTF azre these people on...HTF can you do that...Next they'll be saying that the Worlds flat, and that there is only america on this world..and everyone else is aliens!!!!!!!!!!!! :flame:


right, sorry, I can't stand such stupidity as that....


(also a cool song from the new Fleetwood Mac Album :cheese: )
Have you tried having a conversation with those guidelines applied? It's goddamn impossible.
And they wonder why children are thicker than ever before!!!!!!!:flame:

:bounce: <- jumping up and down on people who decided to make these stupid rules....

I'm just glad I don't live in america now......

and hope they don't decide to enforce these rules on games too!
Nah. None of that will happen. The people like the system as it is, and they don't like change. Whoever wrote that is *cuckoo*
Originally posted by ROD
Nah. None of that will happen. The people like the system as it is, and they don't like change. Whoever wrote that is *cuckoo*

look where it's from though TIMES magazine...isn't that like a huge thing in america!?!
It's from The Times, as in the english broadsheet. You're thinking of TIME Magazine :)
/me goes and hides...due to embarsement...

sorry people... could still be the truth though, as it's a broadsheet
har har har har!! Dont they know by banning these things children would probably just go out an look them up to find out why!!!
thats not the point Cleric, the point is of the stupidity of Society today... for christs sake (no effence to religous people), but why the F are they doing this..this won't stop anything...well i geuss thats a lie, it stops any respect I had left for goverments etc :flame:
Does this mean snowmen and ice cream will become swear words?
Polotical correctness is getting out of hand in america...its because of these anal retard who cry when they see something they don't like so they complain until someone passes a law about it...such as not putting dinosaurs in school lessons lol
Originally posted by ROD
Nah. None of that will happen. The people like the system as it is, and they don't like change. Whoever wrote that is *cuckoo*

ACtually to a large extent its already happened. No matter what anyone says about "The people wont stand for it" they dont have much choice, unless they get a lot of support and someone very politically/law wise. If people did stand up against it, an even number of people would stand for it.

Democracy at its worst....or finest maybe. Who can tell.
we should make a new country called superfunhappyland and have bouncy castles and rollarcoasters and ice cream everywhere and strange birds and badgers who post messages to an unknown forum

Back to the subject at hand, i think that things are gettting a bit out of hand with the law and freedom, its ridiculous there are firms that sue the government or council or woteva for someone tripping over a pavement or something. And like u said in america people seem to think they can get their way if they whine enough. i think there is too much power in the public and not enough power in the government. a bit like the opposite of the watergate scandel apart from a lot less dramatic. but then again with people like bush in power u dont want the government to have much power. So thats were the problem begins.:x
personally, i reckon they should put some random person, who doesn't want to be in charge, in charge, that way things will get done..because they have no goal to be the best president or whateva, they'll just do the job at hand....
I have to say with people like Bush in pwer things are getting done, which altohugh people might not want, they do need. I quite like Bush he is a good president. People always knock him saying hes stupid, but if you watch him you will see he is a lot smarter than most think.
Originally posted by Farrowlesparrow
I have to say with people like Bush in pwer things are getting done, which altohugh people might not want, they do need. I quite like Bush he is a good president. People always knock him saying hes stupid, but if you watch him you will see he is a lot smarter than most think.

thats the problem, he is too smart... he's got alternitive motives somewhere... he's just giving false impressions to people... he's an evil sun of a bitc..:eek:....erm. .gun :cheese:
May I say that because a hundred thousand of people in america are for that it doesn't mean anything, as colin quinn said that many people in america believe putting cream on your thighs will make them thinner... dumbasses, personally i think its the fault of safety labels and things, i mean if someone is enough of a jackass to say try to stop a chainsaw with his hand (in context of the warning label) then shouldn't he in a natural course of events discover that himself and thus appear unattractive to women and thus reduce his chances for reproduction... and whats with women wanting someone like that anyway, oh i dont care he got his hand chopped off cuz he's a dumbass i dont want to appear shallow becuz he doesnt have a hand, its like jesus he doesnt have his hand for a reason, your just making more people with the potential of losing hands! BAD WOMEN! Donkey punch!
Originally posted by Aethaecyn
May I say that because a hundred thousand of people in america are for that it doesn't mean anything, as colin quinn said that many people in america believe putting cream on your thighs will make them thinner... dumbasses, personally i think its the fault of safety labels and things, i mean if someone is enough of a jackass to say try to stop a chainsaw with his hand (in context of the warning label) then shouldn't he in a natural course of events discover that himself and thus appear unattractive to women and thus reduce his chances for reproduction... and whats with women wanting someone like that anyway, oh i dont care he got his hand chopped off cuz he's a dumbass i dont want to appear shallow becuz he doesnt have a hand, its like jesus he doesnt have his hand for a reason, your just making more people with the potential of losing hands! BAD WOMEN! Donkey punch!

Did a man with one hand have his way with you....r potential/current girl friend?
lol im sorry isnt tht stupid but he doesnt believe that global warming is occuring but thats the only thing. However the government in general is bad on many things and because he is the president the blame is on him. There are so many things wrong with it: refusing to sign that treaty meaning that they would cut down on useage of fossil fuels because they lose out on economy i know this is a bit off topic but owell.