What is this error?


The Freeman
Apr 16, 2005
Reaction score
I was able to play System Shock 2 just fine, then we took this computer in to get virus checked, and ever since it came back I haven't been able to play SS2.. I get this error:

Here.. (imageshack is down for some reason...)

As far as I know the computer hasn't been altered in any way. The only different thing that'd effect this is when I downloaded drivers for my GFX card AFTER I got the computer back..
@_z_ - what?

@Pes - Tried like 10 times..
Geforce FX 5600
162.18 Forceware

Newest ones they've got are 169.21, 44MB, problem is that I've got dial-up, so I'd rather find a solution that doesn't require me to download the newest ones. After all, I played SS2 when I had earlier drivers than the ones I've got now.
New drivers didn't work! Yay for waste of time!
Download older drivers, like 93.71.
Yes, for some reason this will work. I don't know.

Also, completely ignore what I just said.
The answer is in this FAQ.

www.ttlg.com FAQ said:
Direct 3D Device does not accurately report texture memory usage, or Help! I only get a black screen!
An error message that pops up when starting a game, changing decks, moving through bulkheads, loading a save game etc in System Shock 2. You may not get an error message, you may see only a black screen.
It primarily occurs on Nvidia Graphics cards running driver versions 5x.xx and above.
Open the file cam.cfg from the Shock2 install directory using Notepad and add the line safe_texture_manager to the bottom of it.
If this doesn't help solving the problem, then please try also consulting this thread for other suggestions.
You can also try bobruck's fixed .exe. Just download it, and run it instead of shock2.exe (you may have to change your start menu shortcuts). The file will only work with a legit copy of SS2, patched to version 2.3.

If for some reason this doesn't work, DO download the older drivers. I was serious.
Oh god dammit.. I swear I looked at that same FAQ (very useful, I look at it whenever there is a problem with SS2), and I thought it said edit the Shock.cfg, not cam.cfg.. I added safe_texture_manager to shock.cfg..

If that doesn't work, I guess I'll have to try the older drivers (I know older ones work, I just really don't want to download any.. I have dial-up and it takes so long..)

EDIT: After changing compatibility back to XP (was at windows 98), and adding safe_texture_manager to the RIGHT .cfg file, it works!

I'm off to play! tee-hee!
Yaaaay! Glad you found the solution and didn't have to download any more drivers. I have to get SS2 and play it again, first time I played I did very bad, was out of ammo and psi hypos (I was OSA) and got a new computer so I have to install again. I suck at SS2 really. Well it was my first time...
I've never even beat it. Farthest I got was Hydroponics, which is like level 4 of 11. I was Navy (I like the stealth/tech classes in games like this), but I focused my skills on guns and strength rather then Cyber-Affinity and hacking, so I ended up sucking too.. Now that I've finally got it working, I think I'll go for Navy again, but this time I'll stick focusing on tech/hacking type of skills. I'll probably stay away from guns, except pistols (for the harder guys). And I'll probably try to beef up anything that makes my wrench stronger, too. Which means research.. Which also means getting the chemicals..

By the way... If you don't have SS2 I can PM you a link for it.
Oh yea, got both. Can't play without 'em!
I got to Cargo Bay 2, when everything was ****ed up. No ammo, psi hypos, anything. Weapon degradation was ****ing me too. So I started running around ignoring enemies trying to find anything that would be useful to me. Then I stopped playing, got a new computer, and the game is lost. Good time to start again if I can find it.