What is Valve up to?

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Jul 10, 2003
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We havent seen the pre-caching for the movie yet, but someone has noticed an odd cs folders. What do u think they're up to?

Just a thought, remember when we were all playing cs and complaining to Valve about cheating, well nothing seemed to happen and we all figured they were sitting on their butts laughing at us rolling in $, but in reality they were hard at work w/ HL2.
wierd, i was just monitering steam when all of the sudden a quick burst of updates came thru, seemed to update all the games but it was so quick it it didnt even leave a trace on the status chart.
What is Valve up to?

Maybe working on HL2 so you can have it on September 30th.

Or they could put that on the backburner and focus on releasing 10 movies on Steam everyday.
I hate when people piss bricks and hurl them at u. Could I have another turd burgaling reply please?
umm.......screw you you bastard....

meh sorry im pretty damn tired....that was a weak attempt and i apoligise....
When have valve ever made a wrong decision or done something poorley?

They havnt.

Let them do what theyve gotta do and have a little conviction you cum rag.
wow, anymore turb burgaling replies? lez get them all out. lol, I asked a simple question and am not bashing Valve at all, infact if u read the first post im praising valve. And i really dont appreciate being called a cum rag, kind of gross if u ask me.
U wanna c valve bashing? watch X-Play on TechTV, its a show about vid games but all they talk about is Halo 2, they even went to E3 and must have not noticed that HL2 got best in show.

TURD BURGLAR: A pooper who does not realize that you are in
the stall and tries to force the door open. This is one of
the most shocking and vulnerable moments that occur when
taking a dump at work. If this occurs, remain in the stall
until the TURD BURGLAR leaves. This way you will avoid all
uncomfortable eye contact.
I didn't mean to be rude, I was simply trying to show you what those "odd CS folders" are.
i wasnt saying u were rude i was saying slash was kind of rude, if 1 of my replies seem like their attacking u, take no offense, i take hardly anything seriously, prolly should use emotiocons to avoid this.... but im much too lazy u c
Halo 2 looks bollocks though, its fugly and undetailed.

XBox users think bumpmapping is the be all and end all.
I got the same blink-and-you'll-miss-it burst of updates to everything available in Steam. Odd. I hope we see more movies soon, if only so we can get past it all to the new stuff...
Originally posted by Mr.Magnetichead
Halo 2 looks bollocks though, its fugly and undetailed.

XBox users think bumpmapping is the be all and end all.

Just shut up since you don't know what you're talking about.

Fact is, to people like you everything else looks ugly because it isn't somoething you look forward to.
Originally posted by Lifthz
Just shut up since you don't know what you're talking about.

Fact is, to people like you everything else looks ugly because it isn't somoething you look forward to.

Troll alert?
Originally posted by Loke
Troll alert?

No, anti-bias alert. Dummy.

I like multiple upcoming games, not one. And if someone doesn't like it I could care less.
Lifthz: You should just calm down, and stop calling peoples stupid things.

I’m warning you, don’t get a ban.
Originally posted by Loke
Lifthz: You should just calm down, and stop calling peoples stupid things.

I’m warning you, don’t get a ban.

No, YOU calm down! I love to see a message board that consists of 90% of flames or just plain spamming. When this board is in it's peak most threads end up this way.
Originally posted by Loke
Lifthz: You should just calm down, and stop calling peoples stupid things.

I’m warning you, don’t get a ban.

I'm not doing anything wrong, so I won't get banned. Thanks for your "warning".
Originally posted by Lifthz
Just shut up since you don't know what you're talking about.

Fact is, to people like you everything else looks ugly because it isn't somoething you look forward to.

XBoc fanboy ahoy!

No its not bias on my side.

Compared to
Doom 3
Max Payne 2

Halo look like ass.
Calm down. If you must, take this to PM's.
I'm not even going to argue. When Halo 2 comes out everyone would see the truth for themselves about the graphics. Mr.Magnetichead included. Oh, unless he never plays it.
Personally I think the pc version of halo looks very good and the xbox versions of halo and halo 2 are always gonna look jaggy etc if you look at the screenies on a pc since the games run at tv resolution on an xbox.

I personally hate the X-box and think it's an attempt to sell cheap pc components in a box, just get a ps2 and a pc if you ask me. Though you didn't. However I do think the xbox might help PC gaming.

The xbox is limited to dx8 technology due to the onboard geforce 3, correct me if i'm wrong. as a result to get games to look better devs are going to need to learn new ways of using old kit and squeezing performance out of the hardware rather than just using the latest hardware tools available.

To see what i mean look at the quality difference between games that came out for the playstation early on and the later ones, the bonus disk with ridge racer 4 is the best example they actually included a reprogrammed version of ridge racer 1 with it and the performance and graphics increase was phenominal and they also had twice the number of cars on the track.

If people have to learn new tricks to get better gfx and performance out of the xbox it should help the features filter backwards down the hardware chain and with any luck via steam in about a year or so the dx8 gfx cards should be able to have hl2 look like the dx9 ones do now. Meanwhile those advances should also help push the high end stuff forwards too.
Unlike games like UT, Unreal and Half-Life 2 which rely on high res textures for primary detail. Bungie is using a different method of getting detail into their stuff while actually using less performance demands, and it will show... it's very similar to Doom 3's techinique.

And Xbox is not a Geforce 3.

Surely anyone that says this detail is not at the level of any current PC revealed game is kidding themselves... it surpasses most even in low res:
Originally posted by Lifthz
Unlike games like UT, Unreal and Half-Life 2 which rely on high res textures for primary detail. Bungie is using a different method of getting detail into their stuff while actually using less performance demands, and it will show... it's very similar to Doom 3's techinique.

And Xbox is not a Geforce 3.

Surely anyone that says this detail is not at the level of any current PC revealed game is kidding themselves... it surpasses most even in low res:

It's a render from 3d max\maya. Doesn't mean it will look like that. I watched that big ass trailer from E3, nothing special.
Originally posted by MoJo|Night

I personally hate the X-box and think it's an attempt to sell cheap pc components in a box, just get a ps2 and a pc if you ask me. Though you didn't. However I do think the xbox might help PC gaming.

The xbox is limited to dx8 technology due to the onboard geforce 3, correct me if i'm wrong. as a result to get games to look better devs are going to need to learn new ways of using old kit and squeezing performance out of the hardware rather than just using the latest hardware tools available.

You must also hate Dell, Compaq, Gateway, E-machine, and Sony, because their products are also bottom of the line parts in a box that says top of the line.
Originally posted by Mr.Reak
It's a render from 3d max\maya. Doesn't mean it will look like that. I watched that big ass trailer from E3, nothing special.

No. Actually. That's the in-game model, the details make it hard to believe, which speaks for the quality...

Originally posted by Abom|nation
That's funny, because it comes from this section, which specifically says they're renders.

The model is in game. Compare them for yourself. It's the same model they use in the game. Yes, that particular image was rendered in the 3d program, does that mean it's not the same model?



Also, why aren't we able to post images in the forums anymore?
Originally posted by Lifthz
The model is in game. Compare them for yourself. It's the same model they use in the game. Yes, that particular image was rendered in the 3d program, does that mean it's not the same model?



Also, why aren't we able to post images in the forums anymore?

All I was pointing out was that you had thought it was an in-game shot, when it was just a render. I don't care for your other screenshots, really. This is in the Half-Life 2 forum, and I expect Half-Life 2 discussion, not you advertising Halo 2.
"You must also hate Dell, Compaq, Gateway, E-machine, and Sony, because their products are also bottom of the line parts in a box that says top of the line."

Yep I hate them too. :) I'm just full of hatred. Time after time there are people saying on here how good the new dell system is or the alienware system. You can build a better machine for half the price if you have the time and inclination.

For the person who questioned the Xbox having geforce 3 in it I'll admit it's not identical but it's not far off.

To quote an xbox tech review "The XBox GPU is an upgraded version of the core that is used to power GeForce3 cards. It features a faster clock (300Mhz) and a better vertex unit (2 vertex shader processors, as opposed to one on the NV20 core -aka geforce3-).

The only problem is that it does not have its own dedicated memory... it shares memory with the whole system. GeForce3 cards tend to cost a fortune not because the core is expensive, but because there is 64 MB of super high speed RAM on the thing."
Originally posted by Abom|nation
All I was pointing out was that you had thought it was an in-game shot, when it was just a render. I don't care for your other screenshots, really. This is in the Half-Life 2 forum, and I expect Half-Life 2 discussion, not you advertising Halo 2.

Well before you try to jump on my ass... please tell the person that dissed Halo 2 to cut it out before you tell me anything. Thank you, as that is how this started, I didn't bring this up, ok. I talk about Half-Life 2 all the time on here as well as anybody.

And also, fact is, it's the in-game model as I said. How could I say it was an in-game shot when the background is grey.
I know I shouldn't reply to myself but we've gone so far off topic i figurered I'd try to bring it back. What was the final decision on Xbox hl2? did it get canned or just delayed or neither?
Valve said they're porting it to Xbox. That's all they said. I don't expect much out of the Xbox version though.
I was quite serious when I said Valve is working on HL2. You asked what they were up to. I told you. Maybe you should have said "What is Valve doing with Steam lately?". That seems like what you meant. I'm sure the majority of Valve is working on HL2.
Lol, HL 2 Looks No where near Doom 3's quality.

Everything in the city on the halo 2 video looks bland and flat.
Originally posted by Lifthz
Well before you try to jump on my ass... please tell the person that dissed Halo 2 to cut it out before you tell me anything. Thank you, as that is how this started, I didn't bring this up, ok. I talk about Half-Life 2 all the time on here as well as anybody.

And also, fact is, it's the in-game model as I said. How could I say it was an in-game shot when the background is grey.

Grow up,
I didn't 'diss' Halo 2, I just stated a fact, and that fact is that compared to other game tech Halo falls short.
Lets not talk about flat please. Also, if you want to continue this discussion, lets take it to PMs because I don't want MODs trying to say anything else to me.

Originally posted by Mr.Magnetichead
Grow up,
I didn't 'diss' Halo 2, I just stated a fact, and that fact is that compared to other game tech Halo falls short.

Well, "fact" is you're completley wrong and you don't know what you're talking about.
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