What is wrong with those people?

as if homeless people wouldn't have enough problems already.

Yeah, spoiled digikids with too much time on their hands have to humiliate them. weee..

i hope they burn in hell for this.. seriously!
Don't you see what this takes of me? A certain callousness complies, with your charm and in your pride.
Anything at all to break the silence. Dont be a liar...dont say that everythings working when everythings broken.
Ridic said:
Anything at all to break the silence. Dont be a liar...dont say that everythings working when everythings broken.
When I get sleep I start to babble a bit.. Thank you for being worse off m8 :)
Only in a world so cold...only in a world this cold. Hold the hand of your best friend, look into their eyes then watch them drift away. Some might say we have done the wrong things, for way too long...for way too long.
whoa, this is getting waaaay too poetic...

mods, please close..

Lets play twister, lets paly risk. See you in heaven if you make the list. Now andy did you hear about this one? Tell me are you locked in the pods? Andy are you goofin on elvis? Saying "Hey baby" Are we losing touch? If you believe they put a man on the moon, if you believe theres nothing out there to see, that nothing is cool...


Cmon, that one was easy.
Tell me, tell me, tell me the answer
You may be a lover but you ain't no dancer.

look out
hizzzle skizzzle
Ridic said:
Lets play twister, lets paly risk. See you in heaven if you make the list. Now andy did you hear about this one? Tell me are you locked in the pods? Andy are you goofin on elvis? Saying "Hey baby" Are we losing touch? If you believe they put a man on the moon, if you believe theres nothing out there to see, that nothing is cool...


Cmon, that one was easy.

Oh yeah, I got that: it's R.E.M from Automatic for the People (can't remember the name of the song though).

Still don't get what you're on about but I like it anyway :-)

Ridic: do you like "hüsker dü" by any chance?