What is your current inclination ?

What is your current inclination ?

  • I'll wait for HL2 whatever would happen !

    Votes: 78 62.9%
  • I'm fed up with the delay. Forget Freeman !

    Votes: 25 20.2%
  • I'm creating my own source to code my personal HL2.

    Votes: 9 7.3%
  • Not sure...

    Votes: 12 9.7%

  • Total voters


Sep 23, 2003
Reaction score
What is your current inclination due to the delay of HL2 ?
dosnt really bother me right now, i still dont have a system to run it on, and i wont have one for another month or 2, or 3
Well, to tell you the truth...

I'd have to look up the dictionary to see what inclination means...
Depends how much longer I have to wait. At this point in time I will continue waiting but if it gets delayed beyond April then to hell with it.
Im losing a lot of interest :(
Im starting to realize how badly I bought into a lot of hype, and how I fed into it.

I will buy HL2, I will love playing it.
but I went from counting the seconds till release, reading every morsel of information and upgrading my entire rig for HL2...
to not really caring :(
and it sucks big time.
Its just a game, but Im a gamer.. and theres nothing fresh out there, HL2 seemed like the revolution, now it looks as though its just "another" next gen game.
Originally posted by Mr. Redundant
Im losing a lot of interest :(...

... HL2 seemed like the revolution, now it looks as though its just "another" next gen game.

so very true ;(
...don't know. Once I transfer, I wont have much time for HL2. Hopefully it's be released before then. It all depends on when they finally decide to release it.
I will wait for it no matter what and enjoy it completely when it comes out. We didn't even know it existed until earlier this year....it's been 5 or so years in the making....I can wait a few more months,


I do have to say the anticipation has been killed. I think Valve had the perfect plan going in....no news at all until the game was almost done. Give a firm date 6 months down the road....the anticipation grows and grows and the game is released on time. The hype was HUGE. But, alas, it wasn't to be and now the oompf factor has crumbled.
Where's the "If they delay it again then it's Master Chief for me!" option?
Hehe. I'm waitin' for HL2 no matter what (yeah, yeah... die-hard HL fan here ;))...


I'm waitin' for Halo2 with quite a bit of anticipation too :p. Master Chief kicks ass (Gordon does, too.)
I decided to go on a hunger strike until half life 2 got released. then no one really noticed.
But yea, the hype has definately gotten killed for me, and I had so much excitement before. The beta was definately helped kill it, it's still beautiful, but it could never ever be what i'd idealised it to be. Thank god i only touched the E3 levels, i hear a lot of people got a lot of the story killed for them.
the beta didnt kill it, valve not being honest with the delay did it for me.

i havent played the beta, i want to play half life in full , i never play demos, but its just turned into a sad fukcen joke.

really slashed my interest , im going to buy the game as soon as it omes out but damn i fell kinda like i do with star wares et all .

neraly everything is a disspointment
Originally posted by Mr. Redundant
HL2 seemed like the revolution, now it looks as though its just "another" next gen game.

Hit the nail on the head there buddy

Mine is..

Dont know and dont care

Hl2 is all well and good but vavle can take as long as they want, not that they need someone to tell them that *rolls eyes* I have Call of Duty to keep my company soon anyhow
I think I'll go on a counter-strike until hl2 is released... Call of Duty was lame. MOHAA was more fun.. CoD was tedious and simple..
.02 €
I think what we have to keep in mind as far as it being "just another next gen game.", is that it will still kick ass, because of the story....you remember....the thing that actually made the first one kick so much ass. As far as i'm concerned, the goodness of the first game had more to do with the story and their success at creating what, at the time was the most cohesive/immersive gaming experience around, than it did with it's graphics which is the only thing that really comes through in a screenshot. For that matter it doesn't even come through in a video, because you aren't personally playing the game first hand, or seeing the whole story as it unfolds and pans out. Have faith little ones, it will still be an experience in and unto itself, regardless of whether the engine utilizes the mostest bestest cutting edge tech out there.
As i have said before im still of the opinion that ill play it when its done and i have no desire to get it before then :) i want a good polished game in my hands even if its not the most impressive graphically when its finaly released. I want the game as soon as possible sure but it does not upset me if i dont get it for a while.
+ the longer u wait, the better the game will be because:

-valve can polish it longer
-the more u want it the more u will like it!
Originally posted by Bleeder
I think what we have to keep in mind as far as it being "just another next gen game.", is that it will still kick ass, because of the story....you remember....the thing that actually made the first one kick so much ass. As far as i'm concerned, the goodness of the first game had more to do with the story and their success at creating what, at the time was the most cohesive/immersive gaming experience around, than it did with it's graphics which is the only thing that really comes through in a screenshot. For that matter it doesn't even come through in a video, because you aren't personally playing the game first hand, or seeing the whole story as it unfolds and pans out. Have faith little ones, it will still be an experience in and unto itself, regardless of whether the engine utilizes the mostest bestest cutting edge tech out there.

I totally agree with you, however for me.. I wanted the tech.
honestly as great as HL was, Im not looking as forward to the continuation of its story as I am to it's Engine.

the engine has been built from the ground up with modification in mind, the restraints that were present in HL are gone, the engine has drive-able vehicles, breath-taking physics, HDR, lighting/shadows, bumpmapping, normal mapping, difuse mapping, enormous levels, etc etc

Source looks to be an excellent modding platform, I just dont see other engines being as attractive as this one. (each game looks unique and awesome in their own right) I just find Source looks like its THE engine to mod in.

at the very least its backward compatible, which means it would be relatively easy to port over content that I have already done, (not that I would, just theoreticaly possible)

thats why I stated earlier "I could be easily satiated by the release of Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines"
I just want source :(

now heres the Dillema (although Im still buying HL2) the other engines are becoming more and more attractive in terms of modability. It seems more I turned a blind-eye to a lot of features other engines offered, and wrote them off as "sub-hl2" (even though I followed them daily before HL2 was announced)

now Im slowly realizing how much I jumped on the hype bandwagon.
(please dont get me wrong, Im an active member of this community, I have been here quite a while and I enjoy coming here... and Im not dissing HL2 Im simply voicing my frustrations)

Originally posted by jimbones
-the more u want it the more u will like it!

:( that or,
the longer it takes .. the more we hype it in our minds, the more we are let down when they release.

which very well may be Hl2's downfall, people really ARE expecting the revolution from them.. however they brought it upon themselves.
Originally posted by jimbones
-the more u want it the more u will like it!

:( that or,
the longer it takes .. the more we hype it in our minds, the more we are let down when they release.

which very well may be Hl2's downfall, people really ARE expecting the revolution from them.. however they brought it upon themselves.

sorry I screwed up here, I tried deleting this, but it wont...
True, there's a chance, even though small, most people could be dissapointed in the final product. What if it's nothing like what you expected? What if it's just plain tedious to complete? Unlikely, but still possible.
what I meant is, people start building out of proportion expectations, ones that are unnatainable even by Valve.
the more time they wait, the more they expect.

I wasnt implying valve couldnt deliver, just that people need to keep their expectations to a realistic level.
Well, I'm a little frustrated with Valve at the moment, but there's not a hell of a lot I can do about it, is there? It was just totally low class of them to blow the doors off one of the biggest sequels of all time then delay it at the last minute then keep their fans in the dark as if they had never said anything at all.

At this point, I'm going to use my Half-Life 2 preorder money to get Knights Of The Old Republic when it ships and will preorder Half-Life 2 when it goes gold (whenever that'll be).
I lost intrest when they said it was delayed again. Dont get me worng it looks good and all, but its all a bunch of bullshit. At one point is was like "**** Doom 3, I want HL2!!!" but now its like "Meh, it will be out all in due time, I want Doom 3 again."

So you know, they had a good thing going, but they ****ed it all up.
valve let soooo many people down, sorry i take that back, valve facking dropped soooo many people off a facking cliff when they anounced the delay. including me. im tired of all the rumors and speculation. i just want the game to come out so i can play it and move on. they sure know how to kill the anticipation of a game.
I really don't understand the logic behind the second option. Why the **** would you not get the game because it was delayed? How would the delay make the game any less good? Freaking idiots
If they don't improve anything in HL2...I'm afraid that it will be a mediocre game when it comes out next year. Sure it will be good, but if it had come out the 30th...it would've been way ahead of it's time... and that would've been really cool.
Originally posted by FoB_Ed
I really don't understand the logic behind the second option. Why the **** would you not get the game because it was delayed? How would the delay make the game any less good? Freaking idiots

Because the hype is dead I suppose. Not that I voted the second option, I still want it.

If it's delayed again to 2004, the holiday months will be very long..
Originally posted by FoB_Ed
I really don't understand the logic behind the second option. Why the **** would you not get the game because it was delayed? How would the delay make the game any less good? Freaking idiots

People lose interest in things.

Personally, I've now almost totally lost interest. Whereas before Half-Life 2 was something I was looking forwards to a great deal now it's just something else coming out in the slew of good games coming out over the next few months. It most likely releasing alongside/after Doom3 won't do any wonders for it's impact, either.

I also don't appreciate being lied to continually, with a period of protracted silence following it up. If Valve are so disinterested in informing me as to the status of their product then I don't see why I should bother giving them my money, as they obviously don't want it.

The other harsh reality is that many people will have to shell out a considerable amount of money if they want the latest 3D card to run this game properly, and the more time passes the more people are going to realise that spending that much money on a video card might not be the best idea.
I'm gonna wait for it until it comes out.
Just like I've been doing for the last five years.
I'll wait the necessary time.

Until HL2, i wait playing other wonderful games like c&c generals: zero hour, avp2 + primal hunt, chrono trigger and unreal2003.
I havent got the slightest anticipation for hl2 anymore, and by the time it comes out there will be bigger and better games, and in the meantime ive got max payne 2 and call of duty to satisfy me and it does it so well I dont even anticipate hl2 anymore 0=exitement
Originally posted by jimbones
+ the longer u wait, the better the game will be because:

-valve can polish it longer
-the more u want it the more u will like it!

somebody probably already said this...but:

the longer i wait the more interest I lose, and if it's delayed past....April..I Definetly will not buy it..I'm still not sure I'm even gonna buy it. Because I could be saving for a lot of stuff by the time April rolls around (mainly golf stuff).
I'll wait for as long as it takes because either way I don't really care if it ever comes out. I'm just not anticipating it at all anymore. And if it never were to come out, then "meh"... Life would certainly go on...
Because a game is delayed, you're not going to buy it? Where's my lie detector?

All the other nextgen games are coming out around the same time as HL2, so it being delayed 'til April, it'll be fine, $10 says if you're at this forum, then you'll buy the game regardless of when it comes out
Originally posted by Mr. Redundant I wasnt implying valve couldnt deliver, just that people need to keep their expectations to a realistic level.

true... but now Valves probably in a no win situation especially if the delay extends into '04

pple are gonna make reasons to say "is this why there was a delay?" its sad that we live in a society where we are so impatient regardless of the situation..

Originally posted by Baal
the longer i wait the more interest I lose, and if it's delayed past....April..I Definetly will not buy it..I'm still not sure I'm even gonna buy it. Because I could be saving for a lot of stuff by the time April rolls around (mainly golf stuff).

not gonna buy it? good, don't.. it won't mean anything.. Valve will sell the game regardless of how long delays go.. simply because this is HL2 we are talking about.. ur loss buddy.
Originally posted by dis
I'll wait for as long as it takes because either way I don't really care if it ever comes out. I'm just not anticipating it at all anymore. And if it never were to come out, then "meh"... Life would certainly go on...

i forgot to quote this but damn!

ur right, life would certainly go on.. now only if those who claim to never buy the game and create "hate Valve" threads would understand this line of thinking..

oh well wishful thinking..