What is your favorite RELEASED mod, and why?


Aug 30, 2005
Reaction score
For me personally it's a tie between Dystopia and Garry's Mod, there both very high quality mods that I play over and over and over. With garry's mod, i like it so much because of the sheer amount of things you can make from the most mundane objects, like making a plane out of a door wheels and a sign post with wooden boards here and there. (which i have done by the way and with thrusters make it controllable while flying :D) and Dystopia is just amazing, the amount of effort in the mod is easily seen as it has great new gameplay mechanisms such as the "Cyber Deck" and more.

Would anybody else like to share their favorites? :cheers:
Zombie Master's been released to certain people.

It's a castle of awesome.

-Angry Lawyer
zombie master is fun but not released outside of our team :E

sourceforts has very inventive gameplay, i like that
MINERVA: Metastasis

And if we can include non-Source games:

Azure Sheep
Point of View
Case Closed
USS Darkstar
Digital Paintball 2.2
They Hunger Trilogy
Scientist Hunt
Scientist Slaughterhouse
Snow War 2.0
Angry Lawyer said:
Zombie Master's been released to certain people.

It's a castle of awesome.

-Angry Lawyer


stop with the taunting :D:D:D
I'm really into mods but none satisfy me enough to play them on a regular basis.
I'd say my favorites are sourceforts and project 22. Sourceforts because the gameplay is creative and requires thought, and project 22 because it's really fun playing the deathmatch on lan.
Hidden is loads of fun.

Dodgeball is fun too, much laughs.

But, the best one would be Battlegrounds 2!:cheers:
Gmod soon to be 9
HL2 CTF - brilliant!!!
Minerva metastasis
Plan of Attack - shoddy mapping but the most amazing squad game EVER

those are really the only mods worth playing
I like Garrys mod alot, besides that I play some plan of attack. Tried the dystopia mod, but I didn't understand anything, only that I did not kill anybody, but everyone killed me... I haven't got to play minerva yet, but I think I should, tomorrow!

Why you ask, because :naughty: If you know what I mean
when is zombie master coming out? im waiting for 'no more room in hell' tbh buthave resorted to getting 'brain breed' for hl1 for a zombie fix. im getting bored of it now though
Black Mesa: So...oh, right. Am...zombie master :P
Mods of the moment, hmm got to say im interested in the following;

Hidden : Source

Dont get much time to play games these days so there are probably other good ones out there but they fail me right now...
I would say there is only 3 mods,
Hidden: Source(What can I say, pure heavness)
Battle Grounds.

Amazingley sweet mods.
Plan of attack has good gameplay, multiple objectives, great maps and nice interface/graphics (if that matters).