What is your underrated game of 2009


Jan 25, 2009
Reaction score

Too Human:

And the reason why, I asked quiet a few people if the game was good and got bad reviews from them. Then I saw the game at my house from Gamefly I was like, why did I put this in my queue?? I've been playing it for about 6 hrs now and its highly addictive. Maybe because Demon's Souls is just too hard of a game for me to even remotely enjoy after a long day at work but for some reason Too Human is very enjoyable. The cutscenes aren't the best but I love the art direction and large locales. Its still plenty linear but it gives you plenty of room to fight around and it never feels cramped.

If they would have patched this game to hell and fixed a few glitches and annoyances this would have been a sleeper hit. The press gave it bad reviews but if you read up on it from people who gave it more than a few hours of gameplay most would agree its worth the $15 price point or rental

so whats your 2009 underrated game so far??
Stop calling him Op, that's ****ing terrible KA!
For 2009 it will likely be Muramasa (Wii) or A Boy And His Blob (Wii). I will buy the heck out of them, but I fear many others might not and we will have a situation like with Odin Sphere or Okami. (<--Not necessarily a horrible thing. ;))
I don't think I've played any games that were released in 2009 so I really couldn't say.
Games have come out this year?

I had no idea.

Must buy, game has such atmosphere and the story is kickass.
I haven't yet bought a 2009 game, better to ask this at the end of the year.
PC Mirror's Edge counts I suppose. Yeah, I haven't played much this year due to the shittonne of work I had to do this spring. Mirror's Edge isn't that underrated. The reviews got it about right anyway. I just think that to a degree it breaks the simple linear scoring systems, because it's an 8 of 10 game that deserves to be played as much as most 9 of 10 games. There's nothing quite like it, except when it's really messing up, in which case there's too much like it.

If it had come out at a Portal price-point, it would have been endlessly and quite favourably compared to it.
The only game I've bought this year has been GalaxyOnFire for the iPhone. Still haven't gotten around to playing it yet. I highly doubt it's underrated though since I've never heard of anyone rating it to begin with or maybe that's the definition of underrated.
I would choose Bionic Commando. Sure it could of been better, suppose it could have been an open world game, but that doesn't mean it wasn't good as is. After reading the bad reviews, I still bought it because of the reasons I knew I would like it: the environments and the gameplay.
it can be a game from last year but one you're playing this year.

I think Lost Winds came out in 2008, pretty much the definiton of underrated (or relatively unknown). Super Mario Galaxy was pretty underrated too, I guess. I was blown away by it. Or was that 2007?
it can be a game from last year but one you're playing this year.

Well, if that's the case, it must be World of Goo and Beyond Good and Evil. Easily the best 'new' games I played this year. Well, they've become some of my all time favorites too.

For a game actually released in 2009, I've only bought Killing Floor. It's decent zombie-killing fun for about 20 hours, but it kinda loses it's appeal after that, due to a terrible online community (the kind were literally everyone uses an exploit if it's there), lack of proper balance and a little too few good maps (I'd say it has 3 official good maps, which is too little).
X3 Terran Conflict.

This game has ENORMOUS potential and depth, but unfortunately has a learning curve that scares most people off. Perhaps if more people braved the game (with some help from their extremely useful community) they could see what they had been missing.
Dark Sector, if we're going by the new rules

I have that game but when I get some time I'll play it. got it for like $12 used a while back and my friend said it was worth the low cost
I would choose Bionic Commando. Sure it could of been better, suppose it could have been an open world game, but that doesn't mean it wasn't good as is. After reading the bad reviews, I still bought it because of the reasons I knew I would like it: the environments and the gameplay.
This. Bionic Commando had a surprisingly decent and even challenging (if somewhat bullshitastically difficult at times) singleplayer.

Dark Sector, if we're going by the new rules
Also agree with this.
X3 Terran Conflict.

This game has ENORMOUS potential and depth, but unfortunately has a learning curve that scares most people off. Perhaps if more people braved the game (with some help from their extremely useful community) they could see what they had been missing.

Did you play regular X3 a lot? It's one of my favorite games of all time. I'm thinking of putting together a new PC and Terran Conflict would be at the top of the list for me. Is it a stand alone or expansion? Does it add a lot to regular X3?
The only 2009 game I've played so-far is F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin, which was rated about right by IGN. It's missing something, but I liked it.