What kind of Internet Connection do you have?

What type of Internet Connection

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Nov 18, 2004
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Just curious. Choose what Kind of internet connection you have from the choice above.
4mbit cable. We've had it basically since cable internet first came out. My dad worked at a local computer store, so we got it for free.

Devil, your Sig? Why do Maxtor HDs suck? I keep hearing they suck, but I also hear people saying they've had them for years with no problems...
100mbps VDSL which directly connects to a fiber-optic network.

I guess VDSL is just a better DSL.
Idonotbelonghere said:

Devil, your Sig? Why do Maxtor HDs suck? I keep hearing they suck, but I also hear people saying they've had them for years with no problems...

I've heard both, but more so they've died. and I for one had one die on me, and it was brand new. so therefore, in my opinion they suck...
i have no internet connection
i rely on my restricted university connection and net cafes
john3571000 said:
i have no internet connection
i rely on my restricted university connection and net cafes
really? so when you're playing bf2 on xfire you're in uni or in a net cafe?

i'm on eircom's shitty 1mb broadband connection...:x
DSL of some sort. I don't know, I don't pay for it. :/
No it isn't stolen.
But I do have the only secure wireless connection for miles. ;DDDDD
15357 said:
100mbps VDSL which directly connects to a fiber-optic network.

I guess VDSL is just a better DSL.

Um, all netowkr cables these days are fibre optic. They all use lasers which run through optical fibre creating wave patterns which get interpretted as information.

So, when people say, I have a fibre optic cable, it sounds really fancy when really, any ethernet cable is fibre optic. All networks are fibre optic.

Anyway, you got a 100mb/s connection how? Give me details so I know your not bullshitting
Sloth_Boy said:
Give me details so I know your not bullshitting
don't you ever, EVER talk like that to 15357 again, or i'll squeez you like a rubber chiken...
um, thanks jerkasuar :E and shaker :E

Sloth_Boy said:
Um, all netowkr cables these days are fibre optic. They all use lasers which run through optical fibre creating wave patterns which get interpretted as information.

So, when people say, I have a fibre optic cable, it sounds really fancy when really, any ethernet cable is fibre optic. All networks are fibre optic.

Anyway, you got a 100mb/s connection how? Give me details so I know your not bullshitting

Alright, I live in Korea, the most wired place in the world. I use an XV1000 (T8-A81) VDSL modem by KT to connect to the internet.
My apartment's phonelines are not used, as there is an fiber optic cable built into the walls.

That help?

<3 13537. I'd have defended you if I'd had the chance.

And private 15mb/s fibre optic btw. It's sweet.
Wanadoo 8mb Wireless Broadband, its alot better than i expected it to ever be but i'm only receiving 1mb broadband, im waiting on the upgrade to my exchange (may 2006) until i get 8mb.