What made C&C the best series of RTS


Jul 3, 2003
Reaction score
I'm talking about the Westwood games, not EA's team. What did you like? Why is it such a great series?

Let's see...

  • HUD. I really loved the layout, on the side. Easier to build buildings, great for emergencies where you needed to build a building really fast. Generals ruined this. It's what made C&C different.
  • Unique gameplay. Who the hell would have thought of Yuri? Only Westwood could have. Psychic!
  • Full motion video. GOD I MISSED THIS SO MUCH. I loved the briefings, and when in the mission they'd appear on the little screen. The movies were hilarious too, (General Carville has to be my favorite).
  • Menus. Westwood had really creative menus, especially for RA2. Now we have this bland basic fade-in, fade-out menu for Generals.
  • Installation. Westwood had the best installations, hands-down.
  • Fun gameplay. When I first played Generals...I didn't get addicted to it like RA2. I was like, "What is this? Starcraft or C&C?" When I got RA2, we played it 24/7, we networked...everything. I still play it, it's so fun.
  • Long missions. Now in generals you can 3 buildings at the same time, build 4 units at the same time, the missions are shorter, there's not much interesting going on...while in RA2 each mission was totally different.
  • Futuristic weaponry. I loved this, I mean, Prism towers, Tesla coils, Psychic towers...awesome. Especially the Chronosphere and Weather storm.
  • Soviet

I think it's great C&C goes 3D, but they need to keep it classic, don't start copying Starcraft, Warcraft III, etc. I loved the side HUD because it was so simple, Generals is confusing...

That said, there are some things I liked about Generals.

  • Generals points. This was pretty cool, getting cool weapons.
  • 3D. I liked it, it was very sharp, very good graphics.
  • Rotating buildings when you build them. Useful.

Yah, so, what does everyone else think?
when I played RA for the first time, I played it 7 hours straight. It was VERY addictive.
And I totally agree with you. :cheers:
I wish they would bring back the side bar style. We need Westwood but they are no more :(. RA was so addicting when I was little. It was the game that got me into the RTS genre. It was unique from all other RTS games as you pointed out and since EAP made Generals most of that uniqueness is gone. The points you like about Generals are the ones I liked too. Other than that I wish they'd bring back the old C&C style that I loved. Not to mention they took away all my movies in Generals. Those were one of the best parts! In the expansion they added movies but those were crap. I want Westwood back or EAP needs to become more Westwoodesque.
SC > C&C

/me walks out of the thread with a smile on his face knowing he wins
Your book is wrong!
/me burns Pressure's book
Shuzer said:
SC > C&C

* Shuzer walks out of the thread with a smile on his face knowing he wins

Arrr, yeh beat me to it. While I think C&C is fantastic, I think SC is better.

"Omg lamer go fsck uself"

I've always been a singleplayer RTS gamer because online communities get to me... for the record, there's no universal rulebook of conduct. If you build a commanche horde and shred my forward outpost and all my supply bases, don't whine when three gattling tanks manage to counter attack, wiping out your air force and essential cash-gathering chinooks, you 'orrible little man.

*clears throat*

But C&C was a classic, and for me RA was even better; I just loved the set pieces, like the level where the spy rescues Tanya by crashing the truck into the flame tower (which happens to be the most memorable defensive structure ever... alongside the tesla coil). Generals, I thought, wasn't bad, especially with the expansion pack; but then again I'm one of the few gamers that thought RA2 was too tongue in cheek and cartoony... the original somehow managed to feel dark and serious.
The spy sacraficed himself to save Tonya. I shed a tear and sniffled when that happened.
Shuzer said:
SC > C&C

* Shuzer walks out of the thread with a smile on his face knowing he wins

I totally agree, Starcraft pwns any C&C game.

It's actally like this,though:

SC > Total war series > Warcraft > c&c
I didn't like SC.

Too much micro-management and other fiddilly things and not enough guns, explosions and action.

That and C&C was a lot nicer to control. Now of the "Attack Move" so my units retaliate mumbo-jumbo.
I think you guys are getting mixed up with your symbols here. I'll fix it for you.

SC < C&C

There we go. That is the right way.
Sorry, but best game ever is C&C Tiberian Sun...

Still has many many active members after 6 yrs. Although EA butchered westwoods work, a team called XWIS has brought back a ladder and chat for most c&c games.

Starcraft is too bulky...and slow.

BTW most of the old ww team has formed a new company, and is working on new games.
I actually prefer Age of Empires to those games mentioned(more specifically the Rise of Rome expansion pack). Age of Empires 2 isn't too bad either, but I prefer the original + RoR. That said though, Red alert was one of the games(along with Quake, Day of the Tentacle and Full Throttle) that got me into PC gaming and it introduced me to the RTS genre. For that alone it'll always have a special place in my heart.
Glow said:
Sorry, but best game ever is C&C Tiberian Sun...

Still has many many active members after 6 yrs.
Starcraft is too bulky...and slow.

Starcraft also retains an active community, especially in S.Korea...

Imo, C&C was a helluvalota fun, but SC is king. I just hope Blizzard decides to make SC2.....
I liked SC for a bit, but it didn't have the same effect C&C did on me...I thought C&C was great because it was simpler.
I like SC too but I feel it's no where near as good as the C&C games, especially RA and TS.
I thought you SC fans would like to know:

Gamespy said:
Dune II
Westwood Studios, 1993

Now, it wasn't the first real-time game: that honor typically goes to Herzog Zwei, released for the Sega Genesis in 1989. But Dune II was the first RTS for the PC, and the genre that boomed in the decade that followed traces its roots back to this title (see our Hall of Fame from December '99).

Westwood was the greatest. :D
I am judging on the merits of the game, and in my opinion Starcraft is number 1
TA is way better than SC. C&C is way better than SC. SC is way better than SC.
Pressure said:
TA is way better than SC. C&C is way better than SC. SC is way better than SC.
And there you have it... Pressure lost it.
Z|insane said:
Yep hes lost it... :naughty:

300'th post!

If I would have said that then yes I would have lost it, but I didn't so I haven't.
The voice says you lie. Voice also agrees that SC is the best. So nya! :p
hahahaha, who said that the c&c series was the best rts series? I mean it's not bad, but IMO it ain't the best. It's had a LOT of ups and downs.
Yeah, the ups were the first two games and the downs were the ones that come out after EA bought Westwood.
Total war is my favourte real time strat.

Shogun was awsome cause you got Battlefield Ninja, everyone knows ninja are cool. Ninja and Kensi and Samurias in a kickass game? uberkickass.

TA was fun, but I found the scenary wasn't as utilisable as in SC or C&C.

C&C was great, love the music (I'm a mechanical man). But I found that SC was superior for me, Due to having 3 totally different races that still managed to find a good balance. The units had great character too, love clicking on the marines (not as good as the Warcraft 2 guys however)
That concept artwork for a possible Command and Conquer 3 has now been removed from the PlanetCNC web site at the request of Electronic Arts. Meanwhile another fan site CNCDen has posted up a note from EALA's Adam Isgreen stating that while the concept image was a real EA created piece of artwork, it was created over a year ago although it may or may not represent an actual game in production. Thanks Blue's News.

Crap, that's not a good sign :|
Honestly I think the music is what REALLY made the C&C series the best ever. I havn't played RA or the old school C&C for years, but I download the soundtracks every time I reformat