What makes you play as a team in game?

May 18, 2003
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I?m interested in hearing what makes you want to teamplay more in games. A lot of games got teamplay as their main focus nowadays so I thought it would be interesting to hear what you do and don?t like about them and how they ?force? you to play as a team.

The basic idea is to encourage teamplay by offering certain advantages you?d otherwise not have, but this can be done in so many ways. So what is your favorite?
The only team-oriented games I have ever played online are CS: S and HL2: DM: S. I love playing as a team because its so great to be in a bind but have someone else there backing you up and helping lay down covering fire or some such. Its a good feeling helping others out of binds they may be in also. All in all, the thing I like most about teamplay is the feeling of commeraderie that one feels when many idividuals act as one to achieve a common goal.

Neither of these really encourage teamplay as much as other games out there I suppose though, so I have no response to that.

The things I don't like about teamplay are mostly the people that choose to ignore the team and either TK or selfishly do their own thing.
I find it more fun tbh.
Like in BF2/Project Reality, if you're by yourself you'll probably die. But as a team you pretty much own if you work together. Plus if people use VoIP it seems a lot more realistic, and can sometimes be a great laugh with some friends/nice randomers.
The only team-oriented games I have ever played online are CS: S and HL2: DM: S.

HL2: DM: S??

Anyway, I like playing in teamplay. Again, Counter-Strike is the only game I teamplay on. What annoys me in teamplay is when your shooting someone, and when they are on low health, someone comes out and shoots them for you. Their point, not yours.
Sadly, I am ashamed to say, when I am bored I teamkill sometimes.
I am encouraged to play as a team when it's a lot more effective to do so. If going solo and not caring for the team effort nets a similar gain to teamwork then only half of the team will be with it. It would be definitely worth working as a team if they made it so you couldn't win without some form of teamwork in a particular map or game (2+ players for objectives). Mostly because it would cut down on the number of stragglers not working with the team and still wanting to win.

(pubs) In CS, some maps you can play with your own idea of how you want to get at the enemy. Others like assault and maybe dust2 you have to band together a lot to successfully get the hostages or hold the other team off. More than just going as a group but timing attacks and covering from different places.
HL2: DM: S??

Anyway, I like playing in teamplay. Again, Counter-Strike is the only game I teamplay on. What annoys me in teamplay is when your shooting someone, and when they are on low health, someone comes out and shoots them for you. Their point, not yours.
Sadly, I am ashamed to say, when I am bored I teamkill sometimes.

That's what I liked a lot about BF2. You still get points for doing damage to people even if someone else fires the bullet that kills them.
Having bought DOD Source yesterday, I have to say that forcing team-based objectives really helps a lot. I've seen a lot of teamwork happening in that game, more so than in CSS.

Other things that really help teamplay are voice comm, a scoring system that embraces squad play (as in BF2), and weapons/classes/etc. that have very specific strengths, weaknesses, and complements to other classes.
Have a look at Empires, they manage to get a lot of stuff right to encourage teamplaying (squads, assist-points, revive-points, healing points)
The only time I play as a team is when I know everyone on the team I'm on
The only time I play as a team is when I know everyone on the team I'm on


If I don't have any previous knowledge of the team I'm on, I'll probably go and do something by myself. BF2 was so epic when I was in a squad full of HL2.netters. It was so much fun, and a lot more productive when we were together.
Having objectives that are made easier with different classes working together. Like in Wolf: ET, how a covert ops in disguise can give an engineer quick access to his target.
Having a voice system in place helps with teamwork. Communicating in real time with real people gets your team-player ass in gear.
I've taken the liberty of shooting my teammates in the foot and getting crap straight with them. I'll usually provide cover for someone or follow them around and they in turn watch my back.

If I don't have any previous knowledge of the team I'm on, I'll probably go and do something by myself. BF2 was so epic when I was in a squad full of HL2.netters. It was so much fun, and a lot more productive when we were together.
I want to start up the HL2.net BF2'ing again.
I love playing as a team, provided that team dosen't jump around the spawn area yelling "lol lol lol i poon u", or kills each other to get to a vehicle, or listens to what he/she needs to do, etc. etc. etc.
Teamplay FTW. My experiences from CSS and BF2 have been far superior when experienced with others that i know. Although CSS can tend to turn into each man for his own on public servers, unless you're on a server which you've become part of the community and know the guys, so can work together (how i miss the HL2.net|clan *sniffle*).
Peoples I know. I want to play with HL2.netters but generally can't afford the games they're playing. :D
Being in a clan.

Atleast in shooters. I can't stand trying to encourage teamwork in public servers, it's on par with banging your head against a brick wall as far as I'm concerned. So I just go for frags like everyone else.

Teamwork is only fun when everyone is working towards the same end.

Speaking of which, I just read a big article on ET: Quake Wars after ignoring it for about a year. *crosses fingers*