What memory?


Aug 22, 2003
Reaction score
I'm running out of memory with all the stuff I do! 90% used most of the time.

You guys have any ideas for good memory? I will probably be OCing. My corsair XMS sticks I have now are PC2700 and I can get them to PC3200 at 2-2-2-5 timings. I dont think I'm going to have the same luck on any new sticks but I will be replacing my old ones. They are outa there.

Any thoughts between this set and this set? Or any other brand of memory like OCZ.

Maybe I should just upgrade to dual core while I'm at it...

FYI I am looking at 1GB sticks because I know my CPU doesn't like running at full memory speeds with more than 2 sticks even though it has 3 slots on the board.
GEiL PC3200 1GB x2

They've worked great for me, although I haven't tryed OC'ing RAM (don't see much point, tbh). It was around $200 when I bought 'em so they should be down to around $170?

There is no doubt that the Crucial Ballistix 2GB bit is the best performing 2GB kit that we have ever tested. However, there are serious questions right now about whether you will be able to even buy this 2GB kit.

Reviewing 2GB kits that you can actually buy, we jointly award our Gold Editors Choice to Mushkin 2GB Redline XP4000 and OCZ PC4000 2x1024 EB Platinum.

I use kingston generic 2x 1GB and it works good for me but I would recommend the above ram. Check out the link for more RAM and bechmarks.
Yeah I didn't see any Crucial Ballistix in 1GB sticks or 2GB kits on newegg or zipzoomfly. I'm still looking at the other brands. Checking out the OCZ models atm. Their Plat. model is $$, though it OCs very very well. Probably not looking to spend anything close to $300. Closer to ~200$ with of course steller performance would be better. =p
The best and cheapest way to upgrade your memory is to tie a piece of string around your finger. Polyester gives the best performance. Don't use too much, or it will just get in the way. Be careful when you install it, if it is too tight it can create a system bottle-neck.
DrDevin said:

I use kingston generic 2x 1GB and it works good for me but I would recommend the above ram. Check out the link for more RAM and bechmarks.
I read that review a bit more and it looks like the Crucial Ballistix 2GB kit isn't made any more. Too many issues with that size. Someone in the comments said they will be making it for DDR2 though.

Also someone said the OCZ Gold is basicly the same as the plat. just that it would run a bit hotter. So should I go with faster speed? OR Should I go with lower timings?
The OCZ platinums are the exact same set i have in my pc. They are very good. I have them running at 460 in my system at the recommended latencies, and they run rock solid (i think my cpu ran out of headroom, i think the memory might actually be capable of more). Of course every set is going to vary, but they still give a decent bit of overclocking headroom, not to mention they run at low latencies for a 2 x 1 Gb set.
Holy shit! Asus asking hardware advice!
MaxiKana said:
Holy shit! Asus asking hardware advice!

yea weird isnt it? But usually its just for opinons, not neccesarily for any real help.
One thing I'd like to say...Newegg is a lot faster getting your order out of their warehouse and on the road. :(
still on the memory topic, my computer doesn't like me nowadays....i'm currently at around 300 gigs, yet i have, oh, 8% free on each of my drives? i'm using the media center edition os, so alot of room gets taken up by my recordings. btw does anyone have a reliable converter to compress these raw files?
eriknba said:
still on the memory topic, my computer doesn't like me nowadays....i'm currently at around 300 gigs, yet i have, oh, 8% free on each of my drives? i'm using the media center edition os, so alot of room gets taken up by my recordings. btw does anyone have a reliable converter to compress these raw files?
Memory is not the same thing as storage space on your harddrive FYI. :)

Put em on a DVD or buy another 300-500GB drive just for saving your stuff. ;)
Problem is Windows Media Center doesn't use an exact standard file but adds stuff to the header. Something like that anyway. So a lot of encoders can't read the file. Check out Videohelp.com if ya want more info. That is the kind of forum to ask about Video stuff. There may be a way around it.

Is it an HP media Center? Maybe buy one of HP's media drives.
Got the sticks. Had a bit of trouble posting but I figured it out. These guys like volts I guess.
Now instead of 90% used memory with 1GB total. I am running 55% used with 2GBs. :D
So i was a little memory limited before when I had all my normal stuff open. Got ride of any bumps in games I had before. Smooth now.
Asus said:
Got the sticks. Had a bit of trouble posting but I figured it out. These guys like volts I guess.
Now instead of 90% used memory with 1GB total. I am running 55% used with 2GBs. :D
So i was a little memory limited before when I had all my normal stuff open. Got ride of any bumps in games I had before. Smooth now.

Nice job looks like they will oc well. Plz tell us how that goes if you decide on doing so