What mods are you most looking forward to?


Jul 3, 2003
Reaction score
What mods can you not wait to play? What mods do you think will be best? Worst? Be the top mod? Be the flop mods? : P Lets hear : D

I of corse think Entropy will be best. I'm partial though, since im on the team. But i think Jurassic Rage and High Octane look very cool. G.H.O.S.T Ops looks pretty good also.

Lets hear what you guys think.
I'm looking forward to seeing what the Svencoop team achieve with this engine :)
Super monkey ball HL2 style!

That would truely rock someone go make it.

Other than that i think the mods are oing to be very different, i honestly dont think CS will work with vehicles or all the phisics HL2 adds.
First I will play SP... after that I try HL2 DM out for some days.

Then I look forward to really professional mods such as CS2 and TF2.
2.5 years ago in CS Beta 6.5 I was playing in the top CS clan of my country. Our clan was really good. We won alot of clanbase eurocups and some other great leagues. After that team I joined 2 other top european clans.

I heard Entropy got 40 people working on this mod? Could never be a great mod then :/

I thing 80%-90% of the mods that have been announched (here on hl2.net and modDB will fail....
I wonder how a BF1942 Conquest style game will go with the modding capability source has. BF1942 coulda been so much better if alot more modable. Im curious to see how a team takes advantage of the map sizes and possibly plane ability
Something that just has that "feel". Something that's gonna get everyone gripped because of it's fun, gameplay and originality.

Munro, can you put the quick reply feature back please?
Originally posted by M374llic4
I wonder how a BF1942 Conquest style game will go with the modding capability source has. BF1942 coulda been so much better if alot more modable. Im curious to see how a team takes advantage of the map sizes and possibly plane ability

No we dont have 40 people, well not working exclusivly. We will be cutting out alot that arent on, or are slackers. Theres usually about 10-15 on at any given time.
*Day of Defeat 2 (really hoping this will be a good multiplayer game for ladder competition for my clan)
*NeoTokyo (these guys have some great concept art)
*Sven coop
*some sort of tact-ops type game (seem to be a few in the running)

*also really hoping Neil Manke will either remake "USS Darstar" & the "They Hunger" series, or come up with something equally as magnificent for single-player action!
Does anyone remember bionic commando? It was an old 2d platformer where you had a gun in one hand and the other arm was an extendable grappling hook which could by used to reach out and grab points on te level which then allowed you two swing or climb up by shortening the arm.

I'd love a game like that in the first person like that.

Just started me thinking.....

I was just wondering what happens when gordon tries to manipulate something heavy? Actions having equal and opposite reactions and all that jazz shouldn't Gordon be able to move himself by manipulating something heavy in front of him and then be dragged towards it? In fact he should be attracted towards anything he manipulates no matter how small, you just wouldn't notice it as much.
I would say a successor to DoD. Not neccesarily DoD2, but still something WW2 style... The only thing I fear is that all these "proffesional" mods will be to fast, but I'm in a minority I suppose (I have grown away from fast DM. I just dont find it fun anymore.). And on the other side I fear that the slower mods will be too realistic instead.
That's why Unaimed is on top of my list of mods I want to see, hehe :)
I dont know yet....i think alot of mods will die after there first release.....if its fun ...i will play it. But other than that im really not that excited over anything ive seen.
I'm looking forward to a Halflife mod quite a lot actually. Its called darktruths and it looks like they have done a lot with the earning. Sadly they had problems with a mapper who pulled out. which meant the mod is now delayed until sometime early 2004. It looks good though, so I'm still going to get it.

As for Hl2, well Operation everlasting shadow of course. Sven Coop might be interesting, other than that I'm not sure really.
I'm looking forward to CS2, DOD2, a BF42 style MOD and I suppose a Desert Comabt MOD.
I like to see someone just directly convert BF1942, that game would be so much better with decent netcode and hit effects that only appeared if you acctualy hit people.

Other than that NS 2 is the only current mod i think could realy work in source. CS2 i dont think will work so well since adding bullet phisics and vehicles would change the gameplay inreprably.
HL2 Mods

I'm really looking forward to seeing what the DoD team can do with this engine. If they play it right they can really improve upon this game. However, I have to say it here, I think 3.0 sucks. It just got too fast-paced and the guns are just too unbalanced. I don't like CS much and I believe CS2 will try to remain true to the original's gameplay so I'm not too optimistic about that one. Natural Selection could be a goody. What I'd most like to see, though, is a Master-Sword-esque RPG game that used the engine's "swinging object" physics instead of having a dice-roll-type combat system.
i'm looking forward to see an updated Natural Selection, should be pretty good. I played quite a lot of DoD, and was hoping it would come out for Source, but i read somewhere DoD2 is still using the old engine. Bummer. :(
How about Gunman Chronicles 2? The first one wasnt great but it was good for a mod, first mod valve bought too i think?

Other than that, one that i'll do and Svencoop 2.
Mods ??

**** that, I'll just be glad the game comes out on the 30th !

SP all the way !!!
Originally posted by Wild Weasel
Natural Selection



even if its just a port with the same models and basically the same code .. it will just be oh-so-sweet.

NS is all about entities, tons of entities, and lots of physics, because it aint just another run-shoot-kill mod.
And HL2 is all about entities and physics too =)

NS will own even more with HL2.