What MP3 Device do you own?


Jul 2, 2003
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I just got a Sony NetMD Atrac Mini-Disc player , it was only 100 bucks and I have 4 CDs on it (Enough storage for me). I love it , I needed it for my tedious job lol.

I wanted to get an iPod , but they are OUTRAGEOUSLY expensive , plus they charge more for the base modle than they did for the old 5 gig one (memory didnt get more expensive...) or a Rio Nitrus , but it got bad reviews so...

So what MP3 Device do you have and why?
I have a 64MB "Classic" MP3 player.. sound quality is CD quality, and it's expandable to 256MB. It's decent, especially since it was realatively cheap, although I haven't used it alot.
I have my PC here and my G5 at work (the worlds most powerful desktop computer......my ass!!). An ipods tempting for Christmas, but mainly because you can use it as a portable hard drive also.
Didnt know that baout iPods , thats pretty cool , 10 gigs is alot of data too. And it has a good screen.
Nomad Muvo.


- Small and light
- Easy to use (USB)
- Can be used as a USB key (although I never do)
- 128 MB
- Solid state
- Great sound quality
- Only one AAA battery per week
- Doesn't look like it was designed by a person with Down's
- Inexpensive

- Headphones it came with suck
- No LCD (new model has LCD though)

So basically I just bought a pair of Sony headphones and never had a single problem with it. I didn't want an iPod or some crazy expesive shit like that .. I just wanna copy a bunch of MP3's, press a button and listen. :cheers: