What percent of the current HL & CS players do you think will switch to HL2 & CS:S?


Aug 10, 2004
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Right now HL1 and its mods are very popular with tons of people playing. What percent of them do you think will switch over to playing hl2 and its mods? Its good that VALVe is making the system specs very low for this game, becuase a lot of the people who play the first versions have lower end computers. I just hope that there will be as many people playing HL2 and mods as there is people playing now. I also hope that people will keep playing the game as long as the old one and the community will continue to grow for years. What are your thoughts on this?
I don't think as many as people would think, since I played a couple of weeks ago on several servers (Clan) and none of them new about CS:S.

[EDIT]: Plus, some people play CS for the sole reason that their computer cannot play any other good multiplayer games (UT2k4), so some people will be reluctant to switch especially if it slows down their fps.
ManHacks said:
I also hope that people will keep playing the game as long as the old one and the community will continue to grow for years. What are your thoughts on this?

I think we all wish that. I'm going to be just as disappointed if people toy around with the game for a few months and move on as I would've been if Valve never released the game. I doubt that will happen though, just looking at the tons of mods already ready to start development.
lazicsavo said:
Plus, some people play CS for the sole reason that their computer cannot play any other good multiplayer games (UT2k4), so some people will be reluctant to switch especially if it slows down their fps.

I dunno. The amount of media coverage this game is supposed to get will hopefully make the most casual gamer upgrade. Plus, I think when they see servers drastically go down in people because of CS:S there gonna wanna join the party too.
dart321 said:
I dunno. The amount of media coverage this game is supposed to get will hopefully make the most casual gamer upgrade.

It's not a matter of wanting to upgrade, it's a matter of the money being there to upgrade. I needed 3 1/2 years of saving to be able to upgrade my computer. I'm actually lucky that HL2 was delayed, if it came out there was no way in hell I could get above 15 fps on lowerst setting on my old one.
ill definetly switch over, half-life and all its mods are boring to me, except cs:)
lazicsavo said:
I don't think as many as people would think, since I played a couple of weeks ago on several servers (Clan) and none of them new about CS:S.

[EDIT]: Plus, some people play CS for the sole reason that their computer cannot play any other good multiplayer games (UT2k4), so some people will be reluctant to switch especially if it slows down their fps.

my thoughts exactly, i was also comparing this to the ut2004 community in my head. In ut2004 there are lots of neat mods and stuff, but there are barely any servers at all that have them, even the official game modes are slim on servers. With counterstrike right now, there are a bunch of servers for every map, and a bumch of servers for fun maps and mods. The one reason i can think that the ut2004 community isnt as big as the counterstrike is the high system specs. Although ut2004 is big enough for me, its just a thought.
lazicsavo said:
It's not a matter of wanting to upgrade, it's a matter of the money being there to upgrade. I needed 3 1/2 years of saving to be able to upgrade my computer. I'm actually lucky that HL2 was delayed, if it came out there was no way in hell I could get above 15 fps on lowerst setting on my old one.

With Christmas looming a few months away, (OK, maybe a little more than a few) I don't see why most people wouldn't take the opportunity to get a cheap budget card and maybe a stick of ram. If your computer is like 5+ years old and everything in it is stock, you should really buy a new computer to begin with, not just for HL2 but for general computer usage. I realize not everyone is as financially sound as, say, Gabe Newell. What I'm trying to say is that if people really want to play this game there gonna, at some time or another, make an effort to upgrade.
dart321 said:
With Christmas looming a few months away, (OK, maybe a little more than a few)I don't see why most people wouldn't take the opportunity to get a cheap budget card and maybe a stick of ram. If your computer is like 5+ years old and everything in it is stock. You should really buy a new computer to begin with, not just for HL2 but for general computer usage. I realize not everyone is as financially sound as ,say, Gabe Newell. What I'm trying to say is that if people really want to play this game, there gonna ,at some time or another, make an effort to upgrade.

Hey, I got a 9800Pro, a 3.0CPU, and an extra 512RAm, just for the sake of HL2. Now I had the opportunity of getting that since my parents kinda helped me pay some of my university books ($1000 (canadian) for books, my ass), but there are many people out there which cannot scrape up that money, and as long as Valve gives them an option to stick to CS rather than forcing them to switch to CS:S I'm fine with it. (plus if CS:S sucks, I'll just switch back to good old CS).
lazicsavo said:
Hey, I got a 9800Pro, a 3.0CPU, and an extra 512RAm, just for the sake of HL2. Now I had the opportunity of getting that since my parents kinda helped me pay some of my university books ($1000 (canadian) for books, my ass), but there are many people out there which cannot scrape up that money, and as long as Valve gives them an option to stick to CS rather than forcing them to switch to CS:S I'm fine with it. (plus if CS:S sucks, I'll just switch back to good old CS).

Agreed. Like I said, I understand some people just don't have room in their budget for a new computer and parts. However, if CS:S is a big hit then I think the CS community will begin to shrink, slowly probably, but you will see a decrease in numbers. At that point you have three options: try to make an effort to upgrade (start saving), leave CS altogether, or wait it out until your the only one left (will take some time but its bound to happen). If you really like CS and wanted to continue playing, witch would you choose?

Please note: I'm not trying to start a flamewar or anything. Just voicing my opinion.
There'll be enough new players to not have to worry about people switching over. I have no doubt CS1.6 will remain an extremely popular game for at least another year.
Same thing happened to the Unreal T. Orininal. There are still some people, but nothing compared to when it first started out. Most of the fans switched to Unreal T 2003 and then all switched again to 2004. That's why I don't like unreal T. CS laster a good 5 years, but now unreal t changes every year, just like EA sports games, what a rip off.
I hope that CS players are contained within CS and CS:S, I wouldn't want my game ruined by 10yr old kiddies with super gravity gun hacks.
I've been worried about this too (but for DoD instead of CS). I'm in a clan, so I'm really hoping we switch.

I'm guessing people will switch, which will lower prospective servers for the old games, and then people who didn't know about it will find out then. After, they can go get jobs if their computers can't run it (it is supposed to be scalable).

My guess is somewhere around 20-40% of people will switch within 2 months (probably closer to 20), around 30-50 by 6 months, and about 80 by a year. Granted I've no real evidence to suggest this, but that's my guess.

Aside: I'm upgrading my computer to run HL2, my current could run it I think (GeForce4 MX 420, 1.6GHz, 256ram) but I want something higher end. I'm spending 1600+ (probably around 2000) Canadian, excluding the cost of the harddrive and burner, which I'm keeping from my old computer. I'm waiting for good pci-express videocards/mobos to come out before I buy. I can't wait :)
GuNzABlaZiN said:
I hope that CS players are contained within CS and CS:S, I wouldn't want my game ruined by 10yr old kiddies with super gravity gun hacks.

lol your right, i havnt thought of hacks and this game. VAC has been doing very well with the hacks in cs 1.6 lately, altough its easy to get hacks that will work, its hard to do and you have to be carefull, its not worth it. But they are easy to find, i mean just google counterstrike hacks and you get 100's of pages of working ones. I do hope that the maturity level of hl2 will be higher then cs. It should be though, i think it will be harder for little kids to play this game then cs.

I agree with you Wiseman, i think those estimates are closer than any other guess. Also think about how many NEW people will join the HL community. Lots of people started playing games after the CS era, and some dont want to play, or have quit because of the high skilled people that have been playing so long and have mastered the game. I think people will have more fun with HL2 and the mods that are coming out.
ManHacks said:
I do hope that the maturity level of hl2 will be higher then cs. It should be though, i think it will be harder for little kids to play this game then cs.

Not likely. What makes you think this?
all you guys who say you need to save up for years to buy a new computer need to stop relying on Dell and Compaq/HP. for the price of a new console ~$300 you can upgrade whatever crappy computer you have now to a decent system that will play the newest games for at least 2 years if you're realistic and not trying to buy a x800xtPE so you can play at 1600x1200 with everything maxed out (on a 17in monitor? lol whats the point).

for 300 you can buy a processor, a motherboard, and 512mb ram. depending on your current system you can swap out parts from your shopping list. like lets say you already have a computer with 512mb of ddr at pc2700 or pc2100 but an older 1.2ghz whatever. you can merely upgrade your processor, and keep the motherboard and then spend the rest on a better video card like a 9800pro for less than $300 , or maybe you have a decent video card like a fx5700, but you are on a celeron 1gig with 256mb ram. you can keep the video and get a athlon 2500+ a motherboard and 512 - 1 gig of ram for less than that same $300 bucks.

you dont need dell to build you a crappy computer for $899 or even more. you can just build a equal or better one for less money by salvaging the usable parts from your computer.

my rig will play any game out today including doom3 @ 1024x768 with medium - ultra high details depending on the game at 30+ fps. i only spent 400 bucks 6 months ago.
dart321 said:
Not likely. What makes you think this?

well, actually maybe my theory wasnt correct. I was thinking becuase little 10 year old kids prob dont get higher end computers, and dont know much about computers to really get into the game and all of its community features. But then again, probably not. I dunno, i just kinda thought, HL2 has greatly grown in gameplay and other things, so i figured the maturity level would also. I think thats wrong now that i think of it, bratty annoying kids will still be there. I guess you cant really change the way they are, i know that there are some little kids that really know what they are doing, and are really smart though! I guess the maturity level will be like every game.
ManHacks said:
I do hope that the maturity level of hl2 will be higher then cs. It should be though, i think it will be harder for little kids to play this game then cs.

what you got against kids?

i dont care who is on the other side of the computer whether he/she be 8 or 80, as long as they conduct themselves like they have a brain. i think thats prolly what you were getting at, and if so then we agree. if you just dont like kids playing, i dont really see what that has o do with anything. id rather play with nothing but kids if they are gonna conduct themselves properly and not be cheating, cursing/yelling/playingcrappymusic/etc over voice com, calling everyone and everything gay every 10 seconds and saying everyone is a n****, ch***, j*w, etc every goddamn 2 seconds. this isnt mutually exclusive to kids which your post indicates you feel. everyone has the capacity for assholiness junior to adult.
acme420 said:
what you got against kids?

i dont care who is on the other side of the computer whether he/she be 8 or 80, as long as they conduct themselves like they have a brain. i think thats prolly what you were getting at, and if so then we agree. if you just dont like kids playing, i dont really see what that has o do with anything. id rather play with nothing but kids if they are gonna conduct themselves properly and not be cheating, cursing/yelling/playingcrappymusic/etc over voice com, calling everyone and everything gay every 10 seconds and saying everyone is a n****, ch***, j*w, etc every goddamn 2 seconds. this isnt mutually exclusive to kids which your post indicates you feel. everyone has the capacity for assholiness junior to adult.

ok i see your point, but the majority of those people are kids, and what i mean by the term kids, is childesh, rude, insulting, game ruining people, which is what your talking about. The age doesnt matter, so kids really isnt the best word to use, but i didnt mean all 10 year olds are like that. I just meant people that act childesh, rude, insulting ect, are kids, or kiddish people.
My last computer was 400$ a year ago, and runs everything fine ('cept my browser, but it always has 100+ pages open). I buy everything seperately now, and install the stuff myself. Most kids don't have the skills to do that with a computer, but they can still have their parents go to Dell and get something good enough for HL2.

So most kids wont have super high end stuff, but there's still gonna be tons of immature people. It's inevitable, just find a good server (and by good I mean strict) and stay there, since assholes'll stay away from those.

That's what we do. Last I checked ('round December I think) we had 280+ bans, but our server is always full and always has at least one admin, so any assholes get kicked/banned very fast. Even if there are no admins, people will report bad activity, so within 24 hours most any problem is dealt with. Of course, that isn't CS, but the same idea still applies.
ya i was kinda thinking the same thing that wiseman mentioned. About the little kids not geting the high end computers. But i guess if their dad is a computer guy then he wouldnt really need to be one. HL2's specs are fairly low also, so i guess if you did get a semi nice off the shelf computer it would run fine (the video card is prob the big thing that needs upgrading, i asked Best Buyl and was curious what the best card they sold in the off shelf computers, and its a crappy 64mb thing that ive never heard of.)
My friends and I are going to switch to CS:S and HL2 for our gaming needs.
A large number of people who play CS have very budget computers so its hard to tell, but hopefully people will upgrade their comps because the temptation for a second HL and spanky new graphics for CS overwelms them.

More spectacular is because if people do upgrade there comps because HL2 is such a big name, then that opens the door for more graphically acclaimed games for the future. I think we have had DX9 cards now for about 10 mothns or so and DX8 a fair time before that but game producers carried on producing "DX7y" games because there was a bigger group of people who had that cards. Now if more people have better machines and better gfx cards then there will be more games graphically equal to halflife2 to come out, so wave goodbye to those old games, and bring on the revolution. Hats off to VALVe not to be scared of producing a game that quite a lot of computers wont be able to handle adequetly, although its only hats of if people do move over from the old and into the new.
90-95% no less no more. So far the game got featrures which worth upgrade.
I agree with Gorgon. The majority of CS players will step up to the new version but there will still be the die hards who want to keep 'their' version of CS alive.
Yeah well people are just now finding out about Steam. Makes you wonder sometimes.
I will definely switch because I think the technology is very promosing for all the mod coming in the future. I play mainly DoD and I never got into CS... but I guess I'm going to now because I want to see the Source engine capabilities for myself. I'm going to be owned but who cares... hey, maybe I will fall in love with CS:S after all... who knows...

Although I have some friends in Argentina that they just bought HL1 a year ago because the price was very cheap (around $10 in Amazon) so they got a very good deal for the price (HL1, DoD, CS, etc) and for these people $50 will be too much money (currency exchange rates down there) so I guess they won't be switching any time soon... :(
All of them.
Of course, you didn't specify a timeframe.
If they incorporate some kind of anti cheat measure then only the ones who don't cheat. say like 20%. lol.