What RAID Config should I use?


Sep 9, 2004
Reaction score
I have one Raptor 74GB drive right now, 3 more are coming in the mail from Newegg for a total of 4 74GB Raptor drives :D . Should I do a RAID 0 configuration? I'm not worried about fault tolerance.
do a raid 0+1

you get striping and the 2 striped drives get backed up, thusly if one fudges you donty loose your data:)

tho you only have 150 Gbs of spacE:P
With RAID 0 I'd get near 300GB of space, with RAID 5 I lose the equivelant of a drive so I only get ~220GB. I made an IDE RAID 0 once (each drive on different channels) and saw a large performance increase. With 4 Raptors to increase should be enormous. i can't wait, plus I bought HD Coolers since these drives get hot!
raid 5 has is safer, if one drive fails, you can recover it. It's better than raid 1 or 10, you only lose one drive. Raid 0 won't give you any performance increases in games (neither will any raid array).
Wouldn't a RAID array help with loading times/stuttering since the files can be read faster?
Exactly, it actually increases load times, but for every day apps you should get a huge performance boost.
holydeadpenguins said:
Exactly, it actually increases load times, but for every day apps you should get a huge performance boost.

Do you have raid striping? Didn't think so. Increased load times my ass. Stripe those drives and see load times 1/x of the number of drives you have.
I saw that review but did not see how many drives they used. I'll have a total of 4x drives. I'll find those programs and run some benchmarks and I'll make a new post on it so that anyone who may want these drives can see how kick butt they are. With just 1 XP loads in 2 blue bars. My friend at school says his PC loads REALLY fast and he has 4x regular SATA drives.
holydeadpenguins said:
Exactly, it actually increases load times, but for every day apps you should get a huge performance boost.
Actually it's the reverse. Desktop apps see hardly any increase while workstation apps will have larger increases in performance.

Also synthetic benchmarks will show large increases.
i just have a 7500 rpm sata HD, and i get 2.5 bars..

it's all in how you've defragged, do it properly and you'll be zooming along