What score will HL2 receive from Gamespot?

What rating will Gamespot give HL2?

  • 9.9-10.0

    Votes: 39 19.2%
  • 9.8

    Votes: 62 30.5%
  • 9.7

    Votes: 41 20.2%
  • 9.6

    Votes: 21 10.3%
  • 9.5

    Votes: 11 5.4%
  • 9.4

    Votes: 11 5.4%
  • 9.3

    Votes: 3 1.5%
  • 9.2

    Votes: 4 2.0%
  • 9.1

    Votes: 1 0.5%
  • 9.0 or lower

    Votes: 10 4.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Oct 24, 2004
Reaction score
Recent studies show that groups can forcast and predict better than a single individual (CNN.com had a good article on this about 2 months ago). We have a taste of how some media outlets have rated HL2, so I thought it would be interesting for us to predict what rating Gamespot will give HL2.

I think this will be interesting for 3 reasons:

(1) Gamespot is tough and is natorious for cutting through hype--and HL2 has a ton of hype.
(2) If a game sequal is better than the original does not guarantee a better score (see Halo 2 and Metroid Prime Echos). Gamespot takes into consideration what has happened between releases when rating any game--so a better game does not equal a better score.
(3) Gamespot's ratings are semi-artificial. A game like MP Echos has hardly ANY complaints in the revie, but yet rated lower than Halo 2 which they had numerous nitpicky things to say about. A rating score and the review text often shed an interesting light on how Gamespot views the innovation/life expectancy of a game.

All 3 of the above apply to HL2. They may love the game and rate it low because certain areas do not "stand out" compared to other FPS (like graphics or sound or whatever) or they may take the ball of wax approach and say the whole package is awesome. They may knock it for CS:S, or they may look at the singleplayer experience, the mod potential, and the fact CS is the most popular action online game and give a big thumbs up.

So many factors!! Lets see if our collective wisdome is able to hit this one on the head :) Since HL2 has not scored less than 90% I have lumped 8.9 and lower together.

For reference, the below are how other media outlets rated HL2:

EDGE (UK) 10/10
Gamestar (US) 5/5
PC Gamer (US) 98%
PC Games (HU) 98%
PC Zone (UK) 97%
SCORE (CZ) 97%
PC Games (DE)96%
PC Jeux (FR) 96%
PC Gamer (UK) ) 96%
PC Format (UK/SL) 96%
HYPER (AU) (December) 95%
PC Action (DE) 94%
SPT (DE) 93.5%
PC Gameplay (NL) 90%
GMC (IT) 9/10
(From hlfallout.com)
Remember, Gamespot's highest PC mark is a 9.6 (to Diablo)

The consoles have hardware limitations, so console games tend to get perfect 10s - as they are the best that it can get.
10!! Lol, probably not but..maybe a 9.7-9.8
I could imagine an 8.6. Not that the game deserves that low...just that I could see them doing it.
9.6, they don't want to give it to high score... highscore... =)
I think 9.6... And I hope Greg Kasavin reviews it (trust his reviews the most). :)
You have to remember that when gamespot reviews a game, the score they give is relative to other games in the same category. Just because they give a 9.2 for a xbox racing game doesn’t necessarily mean they think it’s better than a pc fps game which they gave a 9.1… They explicitly state this (somewhere, I know I’ve seen it). It's all relative.

I've found what I've read. Ahem.
Greg Kasavin said:
We Rate Games According to the Current Standards of Their Platforms and Genres
Every gaming platform is different, especially in terms of its technical features. However, we believe high-quality gaming experiences are possible on all the gaming platforms that we cover, including the PC, the Xbox, the GameCube, the PlayStation 2, the Game Boy Advance, and more. So we review games against the standards of their respective platforms by comparing them to other games on that same platform and, to a lesser extent, to other games in that genre. As such, our ratings of games on different platforms are not intended to be directly compared to one another. However, relative comparisons do apply, so a game that scores poorly is a poor game by any standards. A game that scores extremely high is an outstanding game by any standards.
Linkage: http://www.gamespot.com/misc/reviewguidelines.html
frozensun said:
You have to remember that when gamespot reviews a game, the score they give is relative to other games in the same category. Just because they give a 9.2 for a xbox racing game doesn’t necessarily mean they think it’s better than a pc fps game which they gave a 9.1… They explicitly state this (somewhere, I know I’ve seen it). It's all relative.

Exactly. Most cross-platform reviewers have different systems for reviewing Pc games and console games.

Also i agree with mortiz. The game will be better then Far Cry, and thats already been stated by pretty much everyone whose played it, at least i bet it will be on par so i'd say 9.2 and up.
Equation for Gamespot review:

(Note: Not 100% scientifically accurate)

1. Take game's budget, and for every $500k dollars spent making it, add 1 point.

2. Then take % of adspace that the game occupies of on Gamespot's website and add that % to the above 'budget' calculation.

3. Throw in an extra 10% or so, either way + or -, just for fun.

4. If numbers 1 & 2 are not > 50 then you may score it however you'd like, feeling free to compare it to Either "Far Cry," or "Gods and Generals."

Note, however, that if #2 in this equation > 20% then the lowest score this game can recieve is an 8.0. (See, for a recent example, MOH: PA)

Or something like that. (Doom 3 throws my theory off a bit.)

If HL2 gets less than Halo2 or FC, I'm never going to that site again...My prediction is equal to or .1 more than whatever Halo2 was...
How do I edit a post? Cannot find the button... I would like to add this to my first post:

Previous GameSpot scores
Half-Life: 9.4
Metroid Prime2 Echos: 9.1
Metroid Prime: 9.7
Halo: 9.7 (9.0 on PC)
Halo 2: 9.4
GTA SA: 9.6
Doom 3: 8.5
FarCry: 9.2

• Highest PC Score Ever: Diablo (9.6)
• 2nd Highest PC Score: Three games at 9.5
• Highest PC in last 6 months: Rome Total War (9.1)
• Highest PC in last 12 months: UT2004 (9.4)
• 10s: Only 4 Games have received a 10 from Gamespot.
A 10 would really be impossible. Soldier of Fortune II had potental for getting a 10 with it's random mission generator for big replay value points. But Half-Life 2 may get a 9.8. I would've said 9.7, but Halo (XBox) has recieved that score.
9.1 or 9.2 like I've been saying for a while. Not that that is a BAD score, but I have a feeling they will cut it to pieces.
So far, people are projecting about a 9.7 average. That would be a new GS record for PC games...
I trust Gamespot's reviews more than any other online general gaming site, but i'll take PC gamer's word over gamespot any day. Here's the problem. If Diablo is the highest rated PC game ever on Gamespot, then they are basically saying, that compared to other games for that current point in time, and to a lesser extent other games in the genre, Diablo was more revolutionary and a more complete package than HL. Don't know if what i said makes any sense. I'm trying to say that to me, what gamespot is basically saying, is that diablo was a better game in it's day and genre than Half-life was. Which of course is a load of BS. Diablo was a good game (Althoug i'm no RPG fan), it was important for it's time, but c'mon, it wasn't nearly as important or ground breaking as HL.
HL changed the way we looked at FPS AND games in general. It changed what we thought games could and should be. There have been a number of games that have been just as good as Diablo in the hack n slash RPG genre, but it could be argued that not a single FPS has quite equalled the brilliance of Half-Life. For crying out loud, Gamespot themselves said that Far Cry may be the first FPS to even come close to Half-life's single player experience. Sorry about the rant, just had to get that out.