What screen resolution do you use?

What's your resolution?

  • 1024x768

    Votes: 25 43.9%
  • 1280x1024

    Votes: 28 49.1%
  • 1600x1200

    Votes: 2 3.5%
  • Other (please specify)

    Votes: 2 3.5%

  • Total voters


Party Escort Bot
Dec 2, 2004
Reaction score
I was thinking about making my resolution a bit higher, and I was wondering what you guys use.

I also have a question. Since bumping up resolution can act as a sort of Anti Aliasing, would a bump from 1024x768 to 1280x1024 effectively be 2x AA from the eyes of somebody who uses 1024, or would there still be a bit more Aliasing than 2x on 1024?

EDIT: Yeah, I meant 1280x960 there :p
1280*960, and no, bumping up the resolution wouldn't have more of an effect than 2xAA applied - the resolution increase doesn't perform any pixel smoothing that you get from AA.
I just switched to 1280 to give it a shot, and after getting used to the smaller text, i'm liking it. I'm going to go try out HL2 and see how it is smaller :p
i use 1024, though i can now up[ it since i just found this 21 inch monitor on the street... beat my old 15 inch or w.e it was :)
1280X1024 because I can't stand anything larger, and it's the native resolution of my 17" LCD.
1024x768 with 2xAA on
17 Inch LCD

Ive got a projector too which i wanna hook up
1024x768 @ 60Hz on my 17" TFT
800x600 would have been fair to add to the poll

as i have a 400" screen

its the size of my house.

beat that. :E
KoreBolteR said:

as i have a 400" screen

its the size of my house.

beat that. :E

God, I just knew somebody was going to say that :hmph:

And not to sound like a nub, but what do you mean by "native resolution"?
LCD Moniters all have a native resolution, which is basically what the moniter was made to use. Lower resolutions look bad compared to CRT's, and higher resolutions aren't even supported. The native resolution, however, will usually look very nice.

Tryed to do 2000*2000 or something like that and my old moniter broke.
1280x1024 at 75hz. Can't go any higher and going lower seems weird because stuff is so big. Wanna get myself a TFT soon.
1280x960 @85Hz on my desktop and in games.
1600 x 1200 is what i have. but i do have 315 icons on my desktop. (i just added them up with my calculater. seems quite high. i wish i could increase the resolution even more so i dont have to start organising things.
I run my desktop and all games at the native resolution of my tft: 1600 x 1200. One thing you will find is that an increase in resolution can sometimes have a similiar effect to antialiasing, although not completely the same of course. But the extra pixels do make jagged edges slightly smoother and less obvious. For example, at 1600 x 1200, any higher than 2 x antialiasing is virtually unnoticeable
It wouldn't help more than 2xAA. Aliasing happens because the display adapter takes piont samples to represent a continuous space. Increases the number of samples certainly does smooth it out, but this particular difference in resoultion won't have more of an anti-aliasing effect than 2xAA.
#Samples in 1024x768, no AA: 786,432
#Samples in 1024x768, 2xAA: 1,572,864
#Samples in 1280x1024, no AA: 1,310,720
But check it out yourself and see what you like!
My 19" CRT *can* do 2048x1536, but the refresh rate is 60 Hz at that res. I bought it for the 1280x1024@75. The thing's a beast and takes up a huge part of my desk. Death to t3h LCD! Degauss forever! and such.

Let me tell you, at 2048, you DEFINITELY don't need AA :D
its my laptops only resolution, unless i want a really small 800 x 600 screen in the middle
4 icons on my desktop.
very little amount of things in my start -> programs.
I have verything on quicklaunch :).
I can easily recognize all the icons so it's a simple "look" and "click".
Since the icons are small i can fit tons on there. :)
Minerel said:
4 icons on my desktop.
very little amount of things in my start -> programs.
I have verything on quicklaunch :).
I can easily recognize all the icons so it's a simple "look" and "click".
Since the icons are small i can fit tons on there. :)

My desktop is 4 icons too, except I keep all my bussiness to my start menu :E

I switched back to 1024. I was reading through my monitors manual, and it says they reccomend you use 1024, but it still supports 1280 @ 75.

I switched back because I found I was stressing my eyes out.
1280 x 1024 @ 85
I can go to 1600x1200. But i can go above that, but its all blurry.
What about 1152x864? 1280x1024 is too small for my taste on the desktop, I just changed from 1024x768. Hl2 can't run well on 1280x1024 even though I have a 9800 pro. It's the cpu's fault I think. 1152x864 with no AA runs alright, still slow in some parts.