What should I do?


Aug 13, 2004
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So as a few of you know Im moving from Germany to US of A
I will mis my sis my mom and all my friends but there is one person Il miss the
most....her Name is Vanessa we used to be normal friends until a couple of moths ago you know what I mean........ :o however I really love I mean "love"
fuzzy feeling when near her stuff like that weve been joking around lately hpw she would mary me after she would finished her aprenticeship.
I kinda feel more seroiusly about it I dont have the balls to ask her thoe how she thinks about it I just dont know if its just "fun" that shes having with me every friday or if she also loves me.
I asked a close friend for advice he says that shes just fooling around with me
I hope hes wrong I really do :(

dont like my spelling??
then die a painful death :x
How old are you?

Just ask her to keep in contact with you... you know what they say 'distance makes the heart grow fonder' after all. I mean if there's something you can't say to her face to face, how about saying it in a letter where you can have time to think about it, rather than just blurting it out. At least then you'll have the distance incase she's not interested too.
Im 17,yeah ur right maybe a letter is a good Idea.
and when she would mary she would also have US Citizenship wouldnt she?
17 and wanting to get married, lollerskates, enjoy your youth and the shit load of hot bitches available
Indeed she would. If she's your mate though I wouldn't just blurt out "so, how about we get married" lol. How's about getting to know the girl first both in friendship terms and spiritually/sexually? I mean after all 9 times out of 10 lust is mistaken for love.
yeah I prolly should but shes so cool and hot I just like the way she behaves I really love her
"17 and wanting to get married, lollerskates, enjoy your youth and the shit load of hot bitches available"
male chauvinistic ideals are the way to go baby. not. idiot.
lemonking i think you should just keep in touch if its "meant to be" youll meet her later i know its really hard but thats ur only option . why are u moving to the usa alone ?
I grew up there until I was 7 then my moma got Homesick and took me with her back to Germany back then I swore that I would come back for good.
mindless_moder said:
"17 and wanting to get married, lollerskates, enjoy your youth and the shit load of hot bitches available"
male chauvinistic ideals are the way to go baby. not. idiot.
lemonking i think you should just keep in touch if its "meant to be" youll meet her later i know its really hard but thats ur only option . why are u moving to the usa alone ?
did I ask for your opinion? no. "idiot".
First off, don't ask your friends because they're going to say what they think, and not what SHE thinks. There's always the potential that she's not toying with you.

Here's my advice. You're leaving to America for good, so you might as well ask her how she feels about you before you leave. If she likes you, then you'll know and you can keep in contact with her. If she's just having fun with you, hey, you never have to see her again. Just man up and ask her dude; confess how you feel and ask her how she feels.

Sidebar: xLostx, by giving your opinion, you're opening yourself up to other peoples' opinions of your opinion. Welcome to discussion on the internet. Enjoy your stay.
Darkside: All your base are belong to xLostx.

What is this internet you speak of??? I come on the Entraweb.
its a public forum people are bound to give u their opinion wether you ask for it or not ..
Dude, your 17. Meet other women, wait a while, before considering marrying her. Damn, your not even out of High-School by American standards.
Buy a ring, ask her to marry you.. If she says yes, then you are good to go.. If she says no, then it was never truely meant to be..
17 years old is way too young. It seems the first girl that "puts out", you want to stay with her forever. But you'll come to realize that it was a stupid idea to have. Don't feel ashamed though, it happens to a lot of people. :)
satch919 said:
17 years old is way too young. It seems the first girl that "puts out", you want to stay with her forever. But you'll come to realize that it was a stupid idea to have. Don't feel ashamed though, it happens to a lot of people. :)
I'm one of them people :(

Thank god she dumped me to **** the entire band....now I got a hotter chick :D
I'm 17.

I'd never get married. Especially now X(. Dont listen to these clowns that think you should go and meet as many bitches as you want. Only you know how you feel. satch is right though - if shes your first sex0r then of course you are going to feel like marrying her, its natural. I didnt though because she was ugms.

Basically if you're asking whether or not you should get married you probably shouldnt.
:dozey: If she really loves you... you'd tell her you're going to America, if she really loves you... she'll be concerned, leaning toward that she doesn't want you to go. If she's whatever with it, **** her bitchass. If you get a little desperate, just throw in a little, "Do you care if I even move?"
Just ask her as you will be guarenteed to regret not asking her if you don't, maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but one day soon, you will.
ailevation said:
:dozey: If she really loves you... you'd tell her you're going to America, if she really loves you... she'll be concerned, leaning toward that she doesn't want you to go. If she's whatever with it, **** her bitchass. If you get a little desperate, just throw in a little, "Do you care if I even move?"

Do that.
yeah I know but we are talking about marrying so she can live with me I just dont think shes serious about it
Shamrock said:
Buy a ring, ask her to marry you.. If she says yes, then you are good to go.. If she says no, then it was never truely meant to be..


We have this whole thread and you come up with the right answer!

So simple, you rock.
If you suit the married life (ie you're not a player) then propose to her. She doesn't even need to become a US citizen, she can still get a settlement visa to be together with you (not so many people like to change their nationalities if it makes no difference to their lives). Anyway make sure she's serious about you first.

Or you can marry Garfield.