What should I get with a $100 Best Buy Gift Card?


Feb 2, 2004
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I got a $100 Best Buy gift card for Christmas, but I have no idea what to get with it. Do you have any suggestions?

We have an Xbox 360, so you could suggest some games. (I already have Gears of War 2 and Left 4 Dead). My PC sucks these days, so I can't play any new PC games. I don't want to upgrade it either, because that would be like putting a laser sight on a musket at this point.

So yeah, suggest anything you think is cool/fun/useful that isn't a PC game or PC hardware.

Thanks, HL2.net!
for another $120 you can get a 1stgen 16gb Itouch
I'd say just go there and browse. Im sure you'll find something that you fancy.
Spend it at my store! We need the rev.
What Krynn Said.

Browsing is always nice.
I've had a $50 one since more than a year. I'm finally getting this dvd set that is only more expensive everywhere else online.
I still haven't spent one from last Christmas. As a matter of fact, I still have two iTunes gift cards that needs to be used.
Ooo a 100 dollars for Best Buy...you can get what? a piece of lint?
They're prices SUCK
Go to Fry's
I have the same question...how do I spend $50 at Best Buy's.

I already bought GTA IV and I don't have a console.

I already own many of the DVD's that I want, and I'm not ready to commit to Blu-Ray.
With the economy the way it is just buy the entire store.
Go to Fry's

I hate Fry's. Their prices are great, but I just dislike them.

Why, you ask?

Well, 3/4's of the people that are there don't even browse. They just walk around. Also, if you go to the Motherboard Aisle, you have 2 Asian guys staring at 1 mobo, and there's at least 20 mobo's. (lolmobo)
So, that's a lot of Asians.

Plus, I don't need a ****ing theme to the store. And I don't want to catch a cold/virus/AIDS every time I go there because it's so crowded.

I got a $20 Best Buy gift card and was like "SUPERDUPER! Let's go get me some L4D." But they didn't have it and I was tired of waiting for it, so I just got it at Target. So I'm thinking I'll get Pokemon Diamond the next time I'm over there.
get a discount off a good monitor.

...do they have graphics cards?
I got such gift card, I'm ponying up another $170 or so whatever tax is and getting a Wiiiiiii.

Eff the haters too!