What Should I Get?

Lego Or Deck

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Mar 30, 2006
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Dear Helplife2.net
Please help me. Ive been wondering what to get for my christmas present. Should i get a new deck (my old one broke due to my fats which i have lost) or should i get this: http://cgi.ebay.com.sg/ws/eBayISAPI...m=150150529836&ssPageName=STRK:MEWA:IT&ih=005

Yes, im in love with lego. Im on a collection spree for old lego medieval stuff(If you want to give em away please give em to me, ill pay for postage :D). I acctually had that exact smae thing, only someone broke it and the pieces were then cleaned up and lost :O

So halflife2.net HELP ME CHOOSE.
The spitfire looks like its fun.

Only for 3days before its kept away.
The hell is a deck?

Lego all the way.
You mean deck as in skateboard?

I wouldn't bother unless you're good/enjoy it a lot...

A deck as in skateboard? Pah, legos are much more enjoyable for alot longer of a time. LEGO! LEGO TIME, BROTHER! LLLEEEEGOOOOOO!
As soon as they made whatever they made AFTER medieval Legos, it just went to shit. Medieval Legos are the last good Legos they made.. The best were the city Legos though, like gas stations, hotels, etc. That's from like '95 though. I remember this one outback Lego set that was a truck with a winch on the front, there was a bridge made of those brown ladders. F*cking sweet. I remember I made this SUV, the back opened and everything, pure yellow (didn't have any other coloured of this one kind of window).. F*ck I love Lego, I still have like 10 of these huge containers filled with Legos, in storage, though. You could probably build a small (real) house with all the Legos I got in storage, when I was a kid (3-12) I was f*cking OBSESSED with Lego. I don't play with Lego anymore..

F*ck a deck, get Legos, you bitch.

I wanted to vote for lego :(
I voted for lego, because thats what sinkoman wanted.
LEGO! Go for the Lego dammit!

I really don't know what I want for Christmas this year. :|

Why do you even need to ask?

but early for deciding Christmas presents isn't it? its only september
My dad just today bought me over a set of Lego Mindstorms I received as a present a few years ago. I'm passing it on to my little bro, but if you can find some cheap go for it, it's ace!
Deck as in a large wooden patio? In theory I'd say "No ****ing contest!" but it is Lego.
Lego is the best kids' toy ever. Hell, I still have a little lego motorbike + man on my desk now just to cheer me up. My best ever lego set was the rescue truck that had a winch on the back and a little stretcher inside. Coool.

Alternatively a big lego patio would be the coolest thing ever created...

I vote Lego.
Deck as in swedish for car wheel? no

Lego is your friend

I find it most odd Watson that this fellow is considering his Christmas present at this early hour of September!

Something is indeed wrong here!
You just gave me a great idea - to build a house entirely of lego :D

Go with Lego.

Man I loved LEGO Castles, especially Wolf nation and Dragon Master knights!
This castle is a lot better:

Awesome pic Rav. :LOL: