What should i get?


Nov 11, 2004
Reaction score
Star Wars Republic Commando
Halo: Combat evolved?
Halo. Of course.

Longer with a better story. Graphics aren't quite as good but it more than makes up for it. SW seemed to be a Halo wannabe to me anyway.
For Halo. Download the singleplayer demo (if there is one) and play that 200 times. It pretty much sums up what you will be expecting.
Its quite long if I remember correctly, 18-20 hours? But as you progress the levels its repeats at least 5-6 times; I sometimes became frustrated, e.g. I wasn't sure if I accidently was back-tracking or was progressing through the level, it all looked the same to me. I personally wouldn't recommend it. Are you getting it for PC or X-Box?
IF i am getting Halo I am getting it for pc. The same Republic Commando.
Halo can die. That's my final word, and I'm going to carry it to the grave with me.
Now this is the spirit of a half life forum. = )
halo is extrememly repetitive. its gets boring and old fast. i couldnt even finish it.
What a stupid question.. Star Wars Republic Commando of course, Halo is nothing compaired to even stuff like hl1 and duke nukem 3d... hell even doom 1! Even Doom 1 managed to have nonrepeating levels. Come on Halo.. try harder!
Get Republic Commando.
Hectic MP, Great SP with excellent voice work and visuals.
Get Halo just for the multi-player. Republic Commando is plainly a crap game. Halo's multi-player is pretty fun. I don't know how many people still play it online though.

if you are a sw fan,get star wars battlefront instead of republic commando
Halo still apparently has a large multi player contingent. (There's a list of active game servers somewhere so you can compare, and Halo is still doing well). Halo had a couple of sections that were repetitive, but the entire game wasn't. I think Halo is an excellent game. I think the graphics are good, the vehicles are fun, the AI is good, and the storyline is neat. The repetitive sections are during a time when you are infiltrating the alien, eh, bunker. You go from room to room and while the rooms are similar, indeed, some may be exactly the same, the alien infestations are different. In one, they are all sleeping except for two elites on guard duty. It's a challenge in that room to use the melee attack to take them all out silently because if one wakes up, it'll wake the rest up. In another, there are two Hunters. I think the positive aspects of the game more than make up for some levels that are repetitive. There are several bridge fights, and even though they are all on bridges, the battles are fundamentally different. Sometimes there is a Banshee. Sometimes there are Covenant on the other bridges offering crossfire. Sometimes the Flood are on the other bridges, shooting and jumping across the gap. Halo should be pretty cheap for the PC now anyway? I don't think you'll be disappointed in either one, but I can vouch for Halo being fun. Actually, I'd like to ask the gaming public here, how many of you can beat Halo on Legendary (the hardest setting if you've never played) without taking your time? Half Life 2, 1, AVP2, Unreal II, Doom 3 are surprisingly easy to beat on the hardest setting. Halo, on the other hand, when set to the hardest setting, seriously requires me to slow down and take my time. You are a bada$$ in my book if you can blaze through the levels with total extermination (except the flood) on Legendary.
Both sounds fun, the only thing that is bothering me about rebuplic commando is that it is a little short.
By the way, I already have star wars battlefront.
Yeah, in Legendary Halo has the hardest difficulty level I've ever seen. When I played it I got killed by the first gang of grunts I met just outside the bridge on the Pillar of Autumn.
I think a im taking Halo, because it is longer and cheaper.