What the deuce?


Apr 28, 2004
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I was just outside having a smoke (Its 10.15 here in the UK). I look up and 2 planes fly overhead in formation. I say formation, because they were flying parallel, perfectly, lights flashing. They were high up enough that I could barley hear them (Think commercial jets at high altitude, barley audible)

Now, I've lived here for 2 years, and we can't smoke in the place, so I'm outside several times a night for a smoke, and I've never seen this before. Anyone have any idea why military jets (I assume) would be flying over southern England at this time of night?
That's classified son, I can't tell you, or I would have to kill you.
Wakiwaki, I told you we were supposed to be flying higher but you didn't listen.
they where chasing a invinsible alien spacecraft
Wakiwaki, I told you we were supposed to be flying higher but you didn't listen.

Sh*t, but you forgot to turn off your flying lights. I couldn't be seen b/c I was dark. You and that other idiot didn't turn them off.