What the f*cking is going on!

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Staff member
Dec 31, 2004
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I can't move, I'm surrounded by blue people with no faces holding knives. There are people dying around me! WHAT'S GOING ON!
Could someone please give me a valid reason not to close this thread again? :p

[edit]: oi oi, faster than me :x
The original post is basically a genuine riddle, though it wasn't particularly explained very well that it was such.

I reopened it on the request of the original poster after he informed me of what it was, however seeing the absolute cack-fest that insued after reopening it, I agree it should be closed.

Whoever said spamming is ok just because I reopened the thread -- it's never ok to spam the forums. All of you bear that in mind. All the crap posts have been deleted.
ríomhaire said:
I can't move, I'm surrounded by blue people with no faces holding knives. There are people dying around me! WHAT'S GOING ON!
Erm.... your anaesthetised and going through surgery? (doctors in blue wearing facemasks with scalpels)

PM me if i'm right, even though i doubt it :P
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