What the hell? Have I been living under a rock? Since when did Turok:Evolution get...

Jun 30, 2003
Reaction score
Since when did the latest Turok game get ported to the P.C.?
I've just heard of it recently.
I haven't seen GameSpot's review of it.
Did it get cancelled?
Got ported ages ago. Review I read of it shot it down like a burning Spitfire.
:x Turok: Evolution was poo poo. Other than that I have not played any other Turok games after Turok 2- which was a better one than Evolution.
Yeah I think you have been living under a rock, or atleast some other heavy rock-like object.

It was ported sometime last year, can't exactly tell you the month though.

edit: September 2003
Is it in retail stores?
Or did Acclaim have a recall due to the fact that they are sucking right now?
No idea. Can probably get it elsewhere if you look around. I just went to the first game site that came into my head.
I see it all the time in Game in the UK (Brum if yah interested)