What the hell is "i came" ?????

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Mar 16, 2007
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It's another thing killing me on these forums. sometimes, you people watch a vid or see a pic, and then suddenly, everyone is like

oo i came
so did i, i came as well
lol i came


what the hell is "i came"?? Where the hell did you people come from? I always feel like replying, thanks for coming. I don't get it. I have a bad feeling about this but could you enlighten me, google does to serve such answers..
I believe it is as follows;

I came = I orgasmed

Just instead of Laughing out Loud people are Orgasming over pictures and movies now... =P
I came at the sheer newbyness of this post. :o

How old are you SS? At a sertain age I don't think you're ready to here the truth unless you know what cum is.

EDIT: Holy shit you people are fast...
what . the . f***

i am retarded. it just hit me.. facepalm Xinfinity..

EDIT: I know what it means but the sheer relation with come, and then one saying came, and all it's truly fascinating this internet and all its shit lolwtfholycowzomg..
It's another thing killing me on these forums. sometimes, you people watch a vid or see a pic, and then suddenly, everyone is like

oo i came
so did i, i came as well
lol i came


what the hell is "i came"?? Where the hell did you people come from? I always feel like replying, thanks for coming. I don't get it. I have a bad feeling about this but could you enlighten me, google does to serve such answers..

close your eyes and open wide and you'll get a nice surprise
Alright, guess your 'rents never handled this, so I'll do it.

Son...sometimes, a man's penis gets excited. And sometimes you're sitting at home at 3 in the morning, watching TV, and an infomercial for the Bun and Thigh Shaper comes on. And to demonstrate this product, some women come out, and they've got this contraption between their legs, and they're flexing their legs in and out, in and out. They're always wearing those leotards or spats, too; you know what spats are, don't you? They're like bicycle shorts, just a lot hotter and a lot shorter. I dunno why they're called spats, that's really not important. The important thing is these women are curvy, and they keep making these motions that make your pee-pee feel funny.

So you're at home, at 3 in the morning watching these women on the infomercial, and you start feeling tingly. And you don't even know why but your hand reaches down--almost of its own accord--and you start touching your penis. And you have no idea why. But you don't think about it, because it starts to feel good. And you start moving your hand faster and faster, 'scratching,' as it were, but then you hear a noise from the kitchen and you f*cking STOP--but it's ok, 'cause the house is old, and it creaks. You look around wide-eyed, just to make sure, but it's cool. Coast is clear, but you turn the volume down anyway.

And so you're at home at 3 in the morning watching spats-wearing women on an infomercial, stroking your penis because nobody's in the kitchen, and suddenly you're on fire, there's an inferno of testosterone in your pants, and you couldn't stop now if a hundred people were in your kitchen throwing a party for your 80-year-old grandmother, because your loins are BURNING. And you shudder and your legs kick out, and you remove your hand from your pants to find this sticky white stuff. And you kinda freak out because it's never happened before, but it felt really, really, really good.

And the infomercial's still got thirty minutes left.

That, soulslicer, is "I came."
Alright, guess your 'rents never handled this, so I'll do it.

Son...sometimes, a man's penis gets excited. And sometimes you're sitting at home at 3 in the morning, watching TV, and an infomercial for the Bun and Thigh Shaper comes on. And to demonstrate this product, some women come out, and they've got this contraption between their legs, and they're flexing their legs in and out, in and out. They're always wearing those leotards or spats, too; you know what spats are, don't you? They're like bicycle shorts, just a lot hotter and a lot shorter. I dunno why they're called spats, that's really not important. The important thing is these women are curvy, and they keep making these motions that make your pee-pee feel funny.

So you're at home, at 3 in the morning watching these women on the infomercial, and you start feeling tingly. And you don't even know why but your hand reaches down--almost of its own accord--and you start touching your penis. And you have no idea why. But you don't think about it, because it starts to feel good. And you start moving your hand faster and faster, 'scratching,' as it were, but then you hear a noise from the kitchen and you f*cking STOP--but it's ok, 'cause the house is old, and it creaks. You look around wide-eyed, just to make sure, but it's cool. Coast is clear, but you turn the volume down anyway.

And so you're at home at 3 in the morning watching spats-wearing women on an infomercial, stroking your penis because nobody's in the kitchen, and suddenly you're on fire, there's an inferno of testosterone in your pants, and you couldn't stop now if a hundred people were in your kitchen throwing a party for your 80-year-old grandmother, because your loins are BURNING. And you shudder and your legs kick out, and you remove your hand from your pants to find this sticky white stuff. And you kinda freak out because it's never happened before, but it felt really, really, really good.

And the infomercial's still got thirty minutes left.

That, soulslicer, is "I came."

Alright, guess your 'rents never handled this, so I'll do it.

Son...sometimes, a man's penis gets excited. And sometimes you're sitting at home at 3 in the morning, watching TV, and an infomercial for the Bun and Thigh Shaper comes on. And to demonstrate this product, some women come out, and they've got this contraption between their legs, and they're flexing their legs in and out, in and out. They're always wearing those leotards or spats, too; you know what spats are, don't you? They're like bicycle shorts, just a lot hotter and a lot shorter. I dunno why they're called spats, that's really not important. The important thing is these women are curvy, and they keep making these motions that make your pee-pee feel funny.

So you're at home, at 3 in the morning watching these women on the infomercial, and you start feeling tingly. And you don't even know why but your hand reaches down--almost of its own accord--and you start touching your penis. And you have no idea why. But you don't think about it, because it starts to feel good. And you start moving your hand faster and faster, 'scratching,' as it were, but then you hear a noise from the kitchen and you f*cking STOP--but it's ok, 'cause the house is old, and it creaks. You look around wide-eyed, just to make sure, but it's cool. Coast is clear, but you turn the volume down anyway.

And so you're at home at 3 in the morning watching spats-wearing women on an infomercial, stroking your penis because nobody's in the kitchen, and suddenly you're on fire, there's an inferno of testosterone in your pants, and you couldn't stop now if a hundred people were in your kitchen throwing a party for your 80-year-old grandmother, because your loins are BURNING. And you shudder and your legs kick out, and you remove your hand from your pants to find this sticky white stuff. And you kinda freak out because it's never happened before, but it felt really, really, really good.

And the infomercial's still got thirty minutes left.

That, soulslicer, is "I came."

I came...twice :O
It's just another retarded trend on these forums. Ignore it.
look what you have done to me people, now everytime i see a movie, read a random comic or book that has "came" or i'll bet if my friend said "i came", i actually lol, which is bad..
look what you have done to me people, now everytime i see a movie, read a random comic or book that has "came" or i'll bet if my friend said "i came", i actually lol, which is bad..

just forget about what you've learned today and simply take the traditional meaning:

?veni, vidi, vici.?

"I came, I saw, I conquered"

have you ever touched your penis? Well...try it sometime ;)
wheres the picture of the girl from Charlie and the chocolate factory
Where is the epicness?
I saw, I came, I closed thread. Its going nowhere fast.
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