What the hell is up with the random pushes by players?


Party Escort Bot
Jul 17, 2003
Reaction score
This is seriously pissing me off now, people walk into you and you get pushed out of the way. This doesn't always happen, but often and is annoying as fuck. Is this some sort of crazy feature that should be removed ASAP or latency problems? It feels like bumping into the "multiplayer physics" objects of CSS.
ya i know what you mean, i was standing on a teleport and someone knocked me off and then i had to wait 20 seconds!!!!!
I don't mind it. Helps me find enemy spys disguised as our team. You don't float through them, you stop dead in your tracks :)
Most annoying thing EVAR! I hate bastards that push me off teleports.
Most annoying thing EVAR! I hate bastards that push me off teleports.

I've never been pushed off a teleporter. usually they are the ones who get pushed away after running into me.
this wasnt the case in the beta, there was a much higher tendency to pass completely through players with minimal bounce.

Now, I never stand on catwalks with no rails because of the fear of getting pushed off.
In gravel pit, as medic, my HW pushed me off, killing me when I had UBER.

When I am a pyro, I cant stand in a turret and dispencer area. I get launched off to the side, literally more than 10 feet.

+ it is harder to detect spies.

However, the pushing power goes according to who is moving faster, if a guy that is running hits a guy that is standing still. The runner will bounce. However, heavys and bigger classes, while running, have a much lower bounce chance. So if a heavy runs on to the teleporter as you are moving even a little, you are likely to get bounced off.

This is all what I think, not necessarily the case though.

Im gonna make a thread with a poll to see how many people want to see this changed.
I died a lot from that , even when telling team mates not to get near me while I get some sentry down, but no they won't bother they like sudden death.
The collisions need to be toned down quite a bit. Thats the only thing that really bothers me in TF2.