What the hell is wrong with people?


Companion Cube
Jan 11, 2005
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So, my friends and I were going to the PC cafes, for the first time in 3 months, and when we see this foreign guy screaming (or what I thought he was screaming): "THIS IS SPAAAARTAAA". (He was white) and a korean woman following looking worried.

He looked drunk (duh?) and was throwing bottles and things at store windows, whilst crying random expletives.

We decide to watch, and minutes later we see the police come (5), fully armored with knife-proof vests and helmets, told him to stop. The guy gives them the finger and one of the officers bashes the guy with a pool stick, right on the head. Not hard enough, apparently, because the guy turns around, and punches him right in the face. Owned right there.

But then the officers jumped him and he got drraged away (literally) with the woman screaming "Wait! Wait!"

Then I come back adter 3 hours of starcraft, to see the news: "Drunk Foreigner goes violent, one officer in hospital."

Life is awesome.
....and South Korea is a fascist millitary Dictatorship with the mask of western Democracy.
South Korea's politics are irrelevant to the thread.

Also, I love seeing drunk assholes **** with the police. There's just something about watching them getting their asses beat...
I saw "What the hell is wrong", saw Numbers underneath it, and immediately thought "with Japanese people!"

So, I guess I was wrong.
I think Korea really needs to accept the spartan culture. Obviously you South Koreans are just intolerant of others.


I wonder how many people will think I was being serious, especially if I never wrote this last sentence..... Good Day
man your cops are wusses ..bringing pool sticks to a fist fight ..tsk tsk ..wait a minute why was the cop carrying a pool cue?
Well, I suppose batons are too short to use, and tazers are illegal, ect.
The cop should have went up to him and kicked him Spartan style and shouted "THIS IS KOREEEEAAAAA!!!"
Hahaha, that's awesome. Everyone involved in that story is a winner in my book.
there should be a mandatory tazing to anyone who yells that quote and doesnt have a really nice beard
so this is proof that 300 corrupts the mind of the people?
That guy needs a geography lesson.


Seriously, the cop should have wrestled him to the ground and cuffed him (they are trained for that in SK, right?) instead of hitting him.
man your cops are wusses ..bringing pool sticks to a fist fight ..tsk tsk

Don't give the criminals a fair fight -- suffocate them. >:} ... with Pool Sticks.

Thats so... untotalitarian...

One mans totalitarianism is another mans Democracy.
A new age is dawning. An age... of freedom.

And all will know, that one drunken man stood against five armoured policemen to defend it.


so this is proof that 300 corrupts the mind of the people?

His holyness President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad would have you think so?

.... Iranians piss me off, all of them.

Sorry that was inappropriate
I love when it when drunk idiots get get their sorry little ass kicked by the police. It's called justice
So the news mentions the Cop being in hospital after being punched, but no word on the drunk who got hit on the head with a pool cue?

Wow....South Korea really does seem a police state at times :|
So the news mentions the Cop being in hospital after being punched, but no word on the drunk who got hit on the head with a pool cue?

Wow....South Korea really does seem a police state at times :|

Well, think of it this way, if you're able to hospitalize a police officer, you didn't get hit hard enough. :p
So the news mentions the Cop being in hospital after being punched, but no word on the drunk who got hit on the head with a pool cue?

Wow....South Korea really does seem a police state at times :|

he started it
Well, think of it this way, if you're able to hospitalize a police officer, you didn't get hit hard enough. :p

police brutality ftw ..arent they supposed to be subservient to the state therefore by extension it's citizens? ...herr comrade

one punch from a drunk guy sent him to the hospital...


numbers said:
Well, I suppose batons are too short to use...

so that was a regulation pool cue the cops carry? holstered or in plain view?
Maybe that drunk guy broke his nose or something? :p

I don't actually know... I think it was in the police car.
This guy sounds amazing. He took a pool cue to the head and then, completely unfazed, hospitalized a police officer in full armor?

I bet this guy doesn't even know about the movie 300. He sounds like an actual, time-displaced Spartan.
Why exactly did the cop use a poolstick? Don't they have better methods of subduing people?
i bet he yelled THIS IS SPARTAAAA right before he punched that dood.
I was going to quote someone and show my appreciation for a funny, but then read on and realised this whole thread is full of lols.