What the hell was that?

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Oct 14, 2007
Reaction score
I have OCed my GPU to 715/910 and it was stable till date only once or twice it crashed while playing GRAW.Then yesterday I played "Bioshock" at medium resolution and high details.I was well pleased to see how my card gave the fps of betn 30-50.The gameplay also was smooth.Then suddenly after playing for a while it crashed (BSOD) and my rebooted.It happened for two or three times.Then I shut down my PC,watched TV for a while and again when I boot my PC there was no signal on my monitor but I heard the welcome sound.Then I poped out my VGA and boot my PC with onboard it ran well.Then again I poped in my VGA card this time it worked.Then I played Bioshock again in the default setting of VGA card and medium setting of game it worked well.So can anyone tell me what had happened?
I'm betting it's too hot and you cranked up that sucker too much. Give it a few hours rest. If it won't work then go for a warranty or something if you can. If it won't start then you just overheated it to the point that it broke. *Lol, banned! :p
Because his name is businessmenss probably. The mods have a thing against ne'er good business men.
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