What the hell?

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Companion Cube
Aug 21, 2004
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It's kinda wierd but tonight everyone I knew can see a weird ring around the moon, it is a perfect white circle of light...

Has anyone else seen it? Does anyone know what it is?
It's the middle o' the fkn afternoon Danimal!!!1!

So thats a no.... <_<


Could you get a picture perhaps?
isnt that caused by smog/pollution?

either that or Bush nuked the moon and you're seeing the dust ring
either that or Bush nuked the moon and you're seeing the dust ring


Can't see the moon from here, too cloudy.
I can sort of see it.................but then again Iv'e never really looked at the moon for all that long.
It's still in the middle of the farking day here
If we weren't having the worse weather all year, I'd have a look for the moon lol

Anyone else in the UK got this torrential rain?
You've got to hit it with a crowbar. It's called a Halo (I think).
Danimal said:
It's about half-past 11pm here.

How are thing up in Queensland? I give you greetings from Point Clare............................
Skaadi said:
..but then again Iv'e never really looked at the moon for all that long.

dont know why but that sounded odd to me ...I mean it's a giant ball in sky how can you not look at it?

carry on
CptStern said:
dont know why but that sounded odd to me ...I mean it's a giant ball in sky how can you not look at it?

carry on

The moon won't pay my damn child support, thats why!
Skaadi said:
The moon won't pay my damn child support, thats why!

as if it's the moon's fault you got someone pregnant! ..blame the sun, no one ever blames the sun ...oh ya they do: cancer, sunburn, sweat, hot chicks in bikinis
CptStern said:
as if it's the moon's fault you got someone pregnant! ..blame the sun, no one ever blames the sun ...oh ya they do: cancer, sunburn, sweat, hit chicks in bikinis

Skaadi is a girl........
"Look! He's heading for that small moon!"
"That's no moon...."

*cue the Imperial March*
JiMmEh said:
"Look! He's heading for that small moon!"
"That's no moon...."

*cue the Imperial March*

i dont know what to do...laugh or cry (wait a sec i dont cry so i guess that i laugh) ha ha ha
CptStern said:
as if it's the moon's fault you got someone pregnant! ..blame the sun, no one ever blames the sun ...oh ya they do: cancer, sunburn, sweat, hit chicks in bikinis
Well if you wanna hit chicks in bikinis then that's fine with me but don't be surprised if you get arrested.

And no, no torrential rain in Wales (for once) \o/. I'll look tonight and see if I can see a halo.
Its an atmospheric effect caused by the reflection of moonlight from ice crystals in the upper atmoshpere.
Win, good weather in Wales :E

i'll look at the moon tonight and try to see this crop circle around the moon :farmer:
Isn't Captain Stern that criminal in the movie Heavy Metal
Yeah, I watched to movie again some time ago. Hadn't seen it for a long time...it's pretty weird
ah one of my favourite animated movies ...the Captain Sternn character is actually from the Heavy Metal comic, drawn and written by Berni Wrightson ..he's more bumbling idiot than hero ...sort of a captian whats-his-face from Futurama
That's kind of funny actually, I hadn't seen Heavy Metal until recently and was kind of surprised when I heard "Cpt. Sternnnn!"

That guy was awesome though.
"not to worry ..I've got an angle"

I loved Hanoverfiste ..he was hilarious, the trial was hilarious:

"Yes, I know Captain Sternn. And never did there live a kinder, more generous man. He is an overflowing cup, filled with the very cream of human goodness ...

... in all the time I've known him, he's never done anything immoral ...unless maybe the Pre-Schooler's Prostitute ring ...... and he's ah, never done anything illegal ... unless you count all the times he sold dope disguised as a nun!!"
Could be Ice crystals...Water vapor...or that 12 ounce spirit you drank 30 minutes ago.
It's night here now. I kinda see a halo but I think it's just because the moon is very bright tonight.
xLostx said:
its your hidden werewolfness in you coming out.

Thought so.

Anyway, it's now day. No time for pitcures or child support.

Oh, and before I forget this thread is turned to spam...

/me grabs thread and wraps it in an anti-spam blanket

Shame on all of you! :p
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