What the **** is this? Hl2.net Source Clan?


Party Escort Bot
Feb 11, 2005
Reaction score

Seriously wtf?
Theres been a group of people calling themselves the hl2.net clan, playing in enemy down and such, and they never even alerted the forums?!?!?!?
I've been using that tag for the sole purpose of this site, I didn't even know there was such a clan, LOL.
I use the [hl2.net] tag quite alot, just so I can recognise other netters, but had no idea of that caln.
I was in this briefly.

Their tag was something long, like Halflife2.net|clan or something.
I've been using that tag for the sole purpose of this site, I didn't even know there was such a clan, LOL.
It's more of a British thing than an American thing. There was an American section at one point, but it went down pretty early due to lack of cohesion.

But then again, if you want to know about it, PM one of the members, I ain't in it no more :)
Let me also note that they have no claim over the Halflife2.net name - feel FREE to put HL2.net or Halflife2.net or whatever you'd like in your name regardless of if you're in that clan or not.
Funny how none of the hl2.net clan members actually post on hl2.net.
Looks really in-active!

check out there "up-coming events" it looks like its been dead for about 3 to 4 months!
Yep, whenever I go to the hl2.net-clan mirc room its empty. Ive talked to them, and played on their server alot in the past, but they seem to have vanished recently, perhaps a plane with all of them in it crashed or something?
Too bad, nice ppl they even invited me a few months ago, but I didnt play alot at that time.. So I said no thank you.
I put [HL2.NET] in my name because I love you guys long time.
We folded a few months ago. We were very active for a couple of years, playing 5 or 6 matches a week enemydown and plenty of public play. However peoples priorities changed over that time and some people decided that they didn't like the competitive element anymore and eventually we decided it best that we fold. The forum has been kept up, however nobody posts anymore, so tbh it's pretty much dead.


Seriously wtf?
Theres been a group of people calling themselves the hl2.net clan, playing in enemy down and such, and they never even alerted the forums?!?!?!?

Interesting how you haven't heard of the clan, when a number of posts related to the clan were made in the recruitment section about recruitment, changes of servers, telling people to come along and have a play. You must have missed those lol........ And you complain the forums were never alerted, ignorance tbh.

Anyways, RIP halflife2.net|clan, was great whilst it lasted.
Wtf, most of the people on the forums have nothing to do with hl2.net.
What are you on about. It's perfectly simple. Dekstar, with munro's permission, formed a clan known as halflife2.net from these forums. This clan was advertised and people joined from these forums. From then on some people left the clan, some joined, the clan played competitively, and eventually folded. All this time this site was aware of the existence of this clan, and it and positions available within the clan were advertised on this very site.... Your original complaint being of a clan using the forums name without making the forum aware. Need i make that any clearer ?

If that isn't enough:


Hundreds of replies ranging from the conception of the clan, to its folding. Has been there ever since the clan started out.
I had a lot of fun with that clan (despite my suckage in matches). 3 years or something it was up. Good long while for most clans.
Me too, there were some fantastic times. Was an era all in itself. Good job i can still own it up with good ol' dek still anyways thanks to the wonders of msn, the hardest part is finding a server he is not "bant" from xD
