What the sh!t is Grunt-o-matic?

Dec 19, 2004
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The console command is "impulse 76"...after inputting this I get a "you must restart the game in order for grunt-o-matic to take effect"...er...something similar...and I do...and well...nothing...not a damn thing happens.

So, someone, anyone, what's the point of grunt-o-matic?...

er...what the hell...and what's the meaning of life?
it allows monster spawning of grunts about 2 metres infront of you.
Do this to make it work (in console)
mp_allowmonsters 1 (if you're in multiplayer)
sv_cheats 1
impulse 76

now, impulse 76 will spawn grunts in fron of you.
you are joking me bliiink...what do they look like, how comes i aint seen screenies :( you better not be pulling my leg

edit: she must be lying through her teeth!
HeadCrabMolester said:
er...and, what the hell, while I'm at it...what's the meaning of life?
Well, I don't know what the meaning of just life is. But the meaning of life, the universe and everything else is 42.
Douglas Adams...you're well read, Banaticus *tips hat*...but what's the question to the meaning of life, the universe, and everything?
Its a halflife 1 command!
.... damn person posted it in the wrong section!
We need a mod to move... oh wait..

*Moved the hell out of general hl2* :E
HeadCrabMolester said:
erm...how do you mean bliink?

The command is for HL1.
Go into a game, drop the console with "~"
then type
sv_cheats 1 (and press enter)
mp_allowmonsters 1 (use this if you're in multiplayer)
impulse 76 (wont do anything yet)
restart (will restart the map with grunt o matic on)
then when you use the impulse 76 command, a grunt will spawn a little bit in front of you.
cus i've entered it in the HL2 console...and it sorta works...in the respect that the console detects it as a ligit command...but other than that...I'm not sure if it does anything more...but it does sorta kinda work in HL2
HeadCrabMolester said:
cus i've entered it in the HL2 console...and it sorta works...in the respect that the console detects it as a ligit command...but other than that...I'm not sure if it does anything more...but it does sorta kinda workin HL2

ah, in hl2, theres nothing for it to spawn, the grunts aren't in there.
Its just leftover code from hl1, they obviously copied over all the old impulse commands.
Just use "npc_create npc_combine_soldier" instead
welp...s'pose that answers that...umm...oh yeah...and the meaning of all this? *gestures behind him...referring to life and all there of*
HeadCrabMolester said:
welp...s'pose that answers that...umm...oh yeah...and the meaning of all this? *gestures behind him...referring to life and all there of*

oh that? thats much easier...
for the meaning of life, you use impulse_42 :P
haha...it's all so clear to me now...

*turns around* ya hungry Marvin?...*excepts meloncholic-robotic glare as a "yes"*...*points*...to The Resturant at the End of the Universe we go, then
HeadCrabMolester said:
haha...it's all so clear to me now...

*turns around* ya hungry Marvin?...*excepts meloncholic-robotic glare as a "yes"*...*points*...to The Resturant at the End of the Universe we go, then
Wouldn't Marvin be too depressed to eat anyway?