..what the shit


Feb 6, 2006
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ok, MINUTES after i posted that post on how old people shouldn't drive, i was called over by my friend to go chill with him.

Beautiful day outside, i was on top of the world...3 seconds of driving later some STUPID OLD MAN did NOT stop at the stop sign and side swiped my car leaving the entire drivers side severely dented...i can't roll up the window, both doors on teh drivers side can't close properly and the brake light on the drivers side is busted.

WTF...there was NO stop sign on my side so i had the right of way to proceed...teh idiotic old man claimed he didn't see me...yea right he was just too lazy to stop at the stop sign for a measily 3 seconds...

I have a witness, called my insurance company and filed a collision report so i shouldn't have to pay a penny for the damages..but still this ruined my entire day/weekend :flame:
WTF...there was NO stop sign on my side so i had the right of way to proceed...teh idiotic old man claimed he didn't see me...yea right he was just too lazy to stop at the stop sign for a measily 3 seconds...
You have no rights in traffic, only obligations.

Other than that, I sympathize with you. I hope you get your damages covered.
You have no rights in traffic, only obligations.
a STOP sign means (at least here) to STOP and give right of way to BOTH ways before proceeding yourself. And that old knob thought he could just ignore that.
Yeah, but I it's a way of thinking. If the crossing lane has to stop, it doesn't mean you have the right to drive. If you think like that you will always be prepared to act of he doesn't fulfill his obligation.

If you on the driving test (in Sweden) answer that you have the right to drive, it won't be the correct answer.
That is completely NOT the case here.
ok, MINUTES after i posted that post on how old people shouldn't drive ...3 seconds of driving later some STUPID OLD MAN did NOT stop at the stop sign and side swiped my car leaving the entire drivers side severely dented

sounds like instant karma to me :laugh:
You definitely were not at fault here, it was the old guy. That's why I'm always alert when I'm in those situations, you never know when some dipshit is going to run a STOP sign or red light. Anyway, I definitely think old people need to retested after a certain age, just the other day these old people were doing like 15-20 mph in a 30 mph limit in front of me..it's ridiculous
Yeah, but I it's a way of thinking. If the crossing lane has to stop, it doesn't mean you have the right to drive. If you think like that you will always be prepared to act of he doesn't fulfill his obligation.

If you on the driving test (in Sweden) answer that you have the right to drive, it won't be the correct answer.

Its not "the right to drive" its "right of way" meaning that under normal circumstances, if you have right of way, then you need to continue driving, and the other needs to yield. Right of way is just a rule to avoid confusion that causes accidents, not an actual "right".
Sorry to hear about the hassle he's caused, but you do get your car back as good as new... just hassle. When a woman pulled out on me, I got my car back in better shape than it was when I got it. I was well chuffed.
Not long ago a woman almost drove into my side, forcing me to change lanes. I was so shocked at her stupidity, I didn't even honk, so when I was out of harms way on the lane I did not want to be on anyway, I looked in the rear mirror and realised she absolutely had no idea what happened. That pissed me off even more.
old people need to be recycled for nutrients to feed the next generation
old people will haunt you forevar

they will look you whit evils eyes and make those gestures like cuting the neck,cuz they got eyes on you
turns out some appraisal guy is supposed to come and check out my car...these bastards take so damn long to do ANYTHING so i gotta wait till MONDAY to find out when he's coming, not to mention i don't know how long the actual repairs on my car will take...

stupid dumbass old man like honestly...now it's gonna be a GIANT hassle to get to school which is over 50km away from where i live, and the fact that i need to get up at 530 am to drop my mom off at work which is all the way on the other side of the god damn city...

holy shit i wanna smash someone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You have no rights in traffic, only obligations.

Other than that, I sympathize with you. I hope you get your damages covered.

I totally agree with Monkeh. Pedestrians have right of way on official crossings over here in Amsterdam, but I wouldn't try walking across it without looking. Certain death.
I had this lady run a stop sign and come inches from T-boning me at 30 mph...more than likely totalling my car. And what pisses me off, after I jerk to the right, almost hitting parked cars, then jerking to the left, I glance back and she was looking at me like it was MY fault. I would have been SO pissed of she would have hurt my baby. *angry face*
im just happy i wasn't hurt and that the only thing that was really damaged were my 2 driver side doors/windows and the right drivers side brake light.