What to get ?


May 13, 2005
Reaction score
Basically, i feel it's time for an upgrade as i've had this system for nearly 2 years,

p4 3.2ghz
1gb ddr2 pc4200
ati x850xt pe 256mb pci-e

I don't fancy upgrading my cpu or ram till early next year, but i'm thinking of getting a new gfx card for Christmas, preferably an ATI within the X1000 series. Price range would have to be within £100 - 200, so maybe something will be on sale nearer the time, but wondering if you lot have any suggestions to one for a nice price where i would see a good performance increase ?
I'd say that your X850xt is enough to hold out to a new system somewhere next year (with a quad core cpu and a nice DX10 card).

If you really want a better card, look for the X1950pro.
Well i was thinking that it might last out another year, but i'm a graphics whore, i love to play everything in 1280x1024 (Monitors Max Reso) and at max settings where i can, but recently with new releases it seems to be struggling a bit, so was just looking for something that isn't too pricey but does the job better :P .. i'll take a look around at prices for the X1950 then :)