What to upgrade


Jul 1, 2003
Reaction score
Ok, here's the scoop. I have a moderately old computer. However, before I get ragged on for the specs, please read the entire post.

My current specs are:
ECS K7S5A mobo (I know, it's not necessarily the best, but my budget has never been the best)
AMD XP 2000+ 1.67GHz
1.0GB DDR; 512MB 2700 and 512MB 2100. The reason for the 2100 is my dad does computer repair and every now and then he will get a dead computer from a customer, and I pulled out a 512MB 2100 stick and threw it in with my other 512MB 2700 stick.
GeForce FX 5900 non-ultra
Audigy Gamer soundcard
40x10x40 CD-RW
12X DVD player (not burner)

The question I have is what should I upgrade? I don't want top-of-the-line, simply because it's too expensive. I'm working with about $300 USD. I'm not into overclocking, and I'm not a "CS-kiddie" in that I need 100+ FPS in the latest games, or everything is shit. I would just like to be able to enjoy the latest games without choking, such as 5 FPS in the BF2 demo.

Here is a pic of what CPU-Z gives out. ~113KB.

What I don't really care about is what the case looks like, HDD capacity, or burning capabilities.

Thanks in advance.
Does your motherboard take AGP cards?

If so, what speed?
i thiink you could also run your ram @ 2-3-3-6...maybe that will give you a slight boost for now
Devvo - Yes, it's 4x AGP.
Link - Thanks, that really helped a lot. I'm stuck between a GeForce 6600 GT ($186 + shipping) or a Chaintech S1689 motherboard and an AMD 64 3200+ ($257 + shipping)
Or should I get the 6600 GT and get a cheaper CPU/mobo combination together?

Edit: bryanf445, sorry about the newbishness, but I don't know a lot about memory. What program would I do that, and would I do it to both sticks?
Also, if anyone can recommend a better motherboard or videocard version, please feel free to do so.

Edit 2: I figured I should find out what type of PSU I have also. Here's a photo of the information. If I need to upgrade to a higher wattage for video card or mobo/cpu, please help recommend the most cost-effective one.
holydeadpenguins said:
GET RID OF EVERYTHING!, lol. The cpu and motherboard should be the first to go out.

I would get rid of everything in a heartbeat... if I could afford an entirely new computer. I'm thinking I'm going to go with the CPU/mobo.
EC said:
Devvo - Yes, it's 4x AGP.
Link - Thanks, that really helped a lot. I'm stuck between a GeForce 6600 GT ($186 + shipping) or a Chaintech S1689 motherboard and an AMD 64 3200+ ($257 + shipping)
Or should I get the 6600 GT and get a cheaper CPU/mobo combination together?

Edit: bryanf445, sorry about the newbishness, but I don't know a lot about memory. What program would I do that, and would I do it to both sticks?
Also, if anyone can recommend a better motherboard or videocard version, please feel free to do so.

Edit 2: I figured I should find out what type of PSU I have also. Here's a photo of the information. If I need to upgrade to a higher wattage for video card or mobo/cpu, please help recommend the most cost-effective one.

you change your ram speeds in your bios, google it im sure youll come up with guides...but since your upgrading soon i wouldnt reccomend it
If I were you, ide buy an athlon xp 3000+ and just stick it in your current mobo, if it can handle it. Then buy the Geforce 6600gt. I have a Sempron 3000+ with 1gb of pc2700 ram and the 6600gt and it runs bf2, counterstrike source, and hl2 with ease. Then maybe later upgrade your motherboard.
I'd upgrade the cpu and mobo, here's an example of what you could get for your money imo:

AMD64 3000: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16819103537

Abit AV8 socket 939 Mobo: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16813127181

1Gb generic corsair: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16820145440

(about 20 dollars over your 300 budget, but the best i could do)

The ram i have included because this mobo and cpu are designed to be used with ddr400 ram, and using slower ram would create a bottleneck, plus generic ddr400 ram isn't that expensive and would be worth upgrading to imo.

These upgrades would make a massive difference to the performance of your pc. And that graphics card isn't all that bad, so i would stick with that for the moment, as that cpu and present memory speed would bottleneck a decent graphics card anyway. So i believe these to be the most worthwhile upgrades, and then in the future when you can afford it upgrade the graphics card.
3ssence said:
These upgrades would make a massive difference to the performance of your pc.

I second that. When I went from a Athlon XP 2600+ to what I have now, I couldn't believe the difference. Its definitely worth getting a good foundation of hardware, because with your current, it will slow down newer componants like modern gfx cards.
Wow, I must be the only person to consider that an 'average' computer.

As you know, you could either upgrade the graphics card or the CPU/Mobo. I would go for a Athlon 64 CPU/Mobo combo. Your RAM seems quite good to me, I have never known RAM speeds making a noticable difference in performance.
Thanks a lot for all the help. I have another question. Would it be worth it to go with an AMD 64 3200+ and the abit AV8 mobo, and then save a little more and get the DDR400 corsair a little later, or a 3200+, the chaintech I mentioned earlier, and the corsair all at once?

Also, I won't be buying this stuff for at least a month, so is there any chance that prices could drop for anything between now and then?
just get a venice 3000+ and overclock it. My friend got it to 2.7 ghz. THe only problem is that some motherboards make it hard to adjust the memory speed.
I'm not in to overclocking. Mainly because I don't truly understand how it exactly works, and I can't really afford water-cooling. Unless I can run on air cooling if I OC it to a 3200+, I'm probably going to buy a 3200.
I would go for the ram as well mate, as that pc2100 (ddr266) will mean you can't run the pc2700(ddr333) at any more than 266 either, and 266 is quite a drop from ddr400, and will create a bottleneck due to the decrease in memory bandwith. Abit make v. good mobo's, as do asus, although i'm an abit fan due to my trusty IC7 Max3
