What Two Games To Buy?


The Freeman
Apr 16, 2005
Reaction score
My Birthday is coming up, and no doubt I'll be getting some money, I usually get enough for at least 2 brand-new games, and I've been looking at a few, and I want your guys' help.

Heres what I'm looking at:

1) Super Paper Mario - Wii (Never played Paper Mario before, so I don't know what this game'll be like..)

2) God of War II - PS2 (I used to own GOW 1, but stupidly I pawned it after beating it, oh god how I miss it...)

3) Guitar Hero II - XBOX 360 (If I get this I'll have to get either Super Paper Mario (this is expensive, but SPM is cheaper, so it evens out), or get some used game (suggestions here could be good)

4) Crackdown - XBOX 360 (I don't know about this one, I've seen videos and it looks alright, but is it worth buying? Also, if I get one with an invitation to Halo 3 beta, I'll just give it away due to my lack of XBOX live and hating Halo.)

5) Suggestions? I got PS2, PSP, Wii, and XBOX 360

Spend the money modding your Wii and 360. Play backed up games. Never sleep.
Crackdown is fun in coop. I'd go for Mario and GoW2 though.
GoWII and either Mario or Guitar Hero, depending on your preference. Crackdown is a bit iffy, I like the demo but after hiring and realising it was just more of the same (arguably not a bad thing, but still) I kinda went off it.