what will games be like in 2012?


Mar 27, 2006
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look how much games have evolved!

from tetris to sonic to crash bandicoot and finally onto metal gear solid 5 for ps3 (gfx look awesome)

look at counterstrike 1.6 to counterstrike source.

how will gfx, physics and gameplay change in the next 6 years?

what do you want to happen?

ill come back to this with my opinion.. :)
There won't be.

My thought is that a decline is gaming will happen around 2030. We will have reached photorealistic graphics. Since the industry can't expand that way, it'll be more about immersion spawning virtual realities. That gets burnt out what is left? Nothing.
2011 is the year of the "coming" as foretold by the aztecs ....so there wont be a 2012
Qonfused said:
There won't be.

My thought is that a decline is gaming will happen around 2030. We will have reached photorealistic graphics. Since the industry can't expand that way, it'll be more about immersion spawning virtual realities. That gets burnt out what is left? Nothing.

What about movies? What about other art forms? What makes games different?
OvA said:
What about movies? What about other art forms? What makes games different?

Exactly. What makes games different? Graphics, gameplay, design, immersion, etc. Graphics I already covered. Gameplay?... What else can we do? Companies are already scraping the bottom of the barrel. It's kinda like movies now-a-days. It's either a sequal that's crappy or a remake. Basically, 2030 is 25 years from now. I'll be 40 and most people on these forums will be at 40 or older. Most likely we'll be out of the gaming scene so this doesn't really effect us.

Games coming out for the next gen consoles are amasing, correct? On what terms? Graphics. You can't really tell gameplay from a screenshot. What happens when you reach photorealistic and 100% life-like physics? Like I said, we'll move to immersion which will quickly die out like the arcade fad.

CptStern said:
2011 is the year of the "coming" as foretold by the aztecs ....so there wont be a 2012

But the Mayans say 2012, so we will get to December 2012.

Anywho, I don't think graphics can improve that vastly, that I will care about, physics will be the next big hurrah until about 2008. After that its all about innovation.
CptStern said:
2011 is the year of the "coming" as foretold by the aztecs ....so there wont be a 2012

Actually it's december 21 2012. Your good at government news stern, but when it comes to a civilization that lived 3000 years ago, you need a little more research. :E

Back on topic, by 2020 or so, you should beable to step into the game and actually feel around, rather than using a controller or a keyboard.
meh in a civilization that spanned thousands of years what's one less year? no one's going to miss it
Movies have been photo-realistic for a long time now. There haven't been any earth shattering advancements in painting for hundreads of years. Same goes for writing. And yes, mainstream movies have stagnated but there are still a lot of great independent movies being made. When the technology reaches a certain level I suspect independent games will become very feasible and we will see games which tell stories in very interesting and unique ways.

Right now games are far too technical to truly be timeless. Afterall, in 40 years you're not exactly going to be able to take out your PS2 and load up a game of Shadow of the Colossus. Not the case with movies. Eventually there will be a universal form of distribution, no more game specific consoles or games which require certain computer hardware to run. You will buy games like you buy DVDs.
Yea, but alot of paintings suck ass (Virtual pictures ftw), and who acually LIKES to write? (Computer typing ftw)

My point is: Technology makes stuff better, and no doubt games will get better and better until finally, there is virutal reality so realistic, so amazing, that thats where game evolution ends, and game developers just build on virtual reality from there.

Then the gamers will get pissed with the lack of games being made (By then there will be no more ideas left) they will start a world war and the earth will explode. simple as that.
you know, with all of those things saying stuff about global warming and things of that nature, i'm beginning to wonder if there'll even be a 2012
The way they can get better is actually being fun.

Interactivity is key from now on, getting involved in games especially with mmorpg's.

But gaming is like doing drugs, as you go on a smaller dose does nothing, you need more........i can no longer be stimulated by the same sort of games.
They have to constantly come up with new aspects of enjoyment in games for them to sell.

I would like nerve stimulation in a game, imagine the adrenaline of being in a gun battle knowing that if you get hit it's gonna hurt like shit, you wouldn't fear it quite as much as you would in real life (death/injury) but it'd still be pretty intense, but not just pain........you could stimulate nerves associated with balance to give a feeling of movement etc, giving much more reality than ever before, that'd be way off tech tho, pain is the first thing they can do. :LOL:
XANA said:
you know, with all of those things saying stuff about global warming and things of that nature, i'm beginning to wonder if there'll even be a 2012

Global warming should be the least of your problems. What you really should worry about is someone planting C4 in the sewer and blowing it up, sending a pile of human waste up your toilet and all over the bathroom. That is something you should worry about.
dream431ca said:
Global warming should be the least of your problems. What you really should worry about is someone planting C4 in the sewer and blowing it up, sending a pile of human waste up your toilet and all over the bathroom. That is something you should worry about.
heard of a chamber pot? yeah, neither have i.
after the graphics and physics hit their decline I think were going to see alot more focus on AI, that is more adaptive to it's needs and yours.
Games will simply take off in ways impossible to foresee. I mean, I'm willing to bet that people in the 1920's never imagined movies would one day be in color... until it happened. That's just the way things are.
JNightshade said:
Games will simply take off in ways impossible to foresee. I mean, I'm willing to bet that people in the 1920's never imagined movies would one day be in color... until it happened. That's just the way things are.

Eventually games will advance so much that they won't be games, they'll be life. Why live a boring life when you can live a virtual fantasy life that doesn't have limitations?

Once all immersion like touch/smell, etc is tweaked, it'll be sort of like the Matrix, except...we are actually aware that what we're living in is a fake world.
Games will probably become photo realistic. Still, people will look back and think that Zelda still kicks it's ass.
I think that once technology reaches a level where not only is it possible to have the detail of real life but also using better tools without the insane development time/cost associated with such advances in the amount of detail... the game developers will be freed from the race for realism. They will be forced to make games that are actually fun. They won't be able to woo people with fancy effects like relief mapping, subsurface scattering, caustics, etc. Everyone will be on the same footing, technologically. Games will have to survive on their gameplay mechanics, artistic merit, etc... rather than by acting as glorified tech demos. Personally, I welcome that kind of game industry... a place in which the currency is innovation.
OCybrManO said:
I think that once technology reaches a level where not only is it possible to have the detail of real life but also using better tools without the insane development time/cost associated with such advances in the amount of detail... the game developers will be freed from the race for realism. They will be forced to make games that are actually fun. They won't be able to woo people with fancy effects like relief mapping, subsurface scattering, caustics, etc. Everyone will be on the same footing, technologically. Games will have to survive on their gameplay mechanics, artistic merit, etc... rather than by acting as glorified tech demos. Personally, I welcome that kind of game industry... a place in which the currency is innovation.

Yep. Just be prepared to wait.

We are in a game. In 30 years time when History repeats its self, we will be in a photographic reality game and be trapped because there is no off button when your plugged in.

You'll see... you will, see.
6 years won't see too much of a change in gameplay... the next quantum leap gameplay is waiting for is different tools with which to interact with the game, and they'll take a long time to win people over (and you'll see them on the consoles first i'm sure). I can't see much progression there except along the lines games are already headed - manipulation of everything in the world, more complex scripting, better AI, emphasis on tellings stories.

Physics will probably see the most change. I think the last few years have been a real wake-up call for the industry, and everyone has been going mad over it since 2003 (the HL2 E3 videos were probably the catalyst). I reckon dedicated Physics processing cards will be well on the way to being a requirement rather than a luxury for PC games, and the consoles will have them after the 360/PS3 generation. I can't see them quite being the be all and end all that gfx cards became last decade though; it's just so muchharder to sell to people that physics are as important as pretty pictures. I mean, we have sound cards and even many people with the hottest GFX setups almost entirely neglect the sound side of things. An onboard GFX card is a dirty thing, but an onboard sound-card is completely kosher. Perhaps physics processing will be an oft-included feature of the next generation of gaming motherboards? Still, Physics will strive for its equivilent of "photorealistic". What on earth is that?

Graphics will continue on the same path. It's always hard to guess where it's going. From generation to generation, you think you're content with what you see and in retrospect, you can't believe how far you've come. We'll see near-photorealism in 6 years, but my guess is that the achievement of photorealism shall become an uphill struggle and the advances made will be smaller and smaller so that it's harder to actually convince that they've been made. At the same time, there will still be games taking stylised or entirely unrealistic routes. Before too long, I figure that everyone will be using the same small sets of licensed graphics engines.
CptStern said:
2011 is the year of the "coming" as foretold by the aztecs ....so there wont be a 2012

no point goin to uni then. pfff. beer n partying for 5/6 years tbh!!!!
The year is 2012, EA has bought out every other games company on earth. The world is plauged by bugs, glitches and poor patches that only introduce more. Only remakes a sequils are released. Most have abandoned hope and have one choise: To read books!
I think that in 2012 games will be almost real life looking, I do belive that it is going to take more than year 2012 to make games look better that real life if it is even possible at all! I dont know if anyone has brought this up yet but I wonder if TV will be taking these giant strides like everyone thinks that gamming will be taking?
Games in 2012...

...Will probably not run on whatever hardware I'm using at the time, as usual. Plus, I'll probably still be playing retro games like X-Com. Or still trying to find a publisher for my novel.

-Angry Lawyer
Games coming out for the next gen consoles are amasing, correct? On what terms? Graphics. You can't really tell gameplay from a screenshot. What happens when you reach photorealistic and 100% life-like physics? Like I said, we'll move to immersion which will quickly die out like the arcade fad.

You're forgetting about the youth. Just because older gamers will be tired of the same old, kids in elementary school will still love their very first FPS and RPG's (because those will be the first games they've played.) The gaming industry will never die out for this main reason.
AI will be much evolved...almost like playing against people. If AI is developed realistically then when you are fighting against super-trained soldiers, it will be impossible.

Therefore games shall have one level and one enemy (in those kind of games).

There could also be a split to more retro styled games (the classics are still good today).

Games will run out of storylines

Duke Nukem Forever will be announced (hoping that everyone has forgotten)

Team Fortress 2 will have new screenshots.

Adventure games make a comeback because they ACTUALLY have somewhat original storylines and games.
Games will be banned in the US, UK, Austrailia, China, Japan, India, Sweden, Canada, ect...

Korea will ban all games except Starcraft, Starcraft 2, and Starcraft 3.
Qonfused said:
Basically, 2030 is 25 years from now. I'll be 40 and most people on these forums will be at 40 or older. Most likely we'll be out of the gaming scene so this doesn't really effect us.

I doubt it. I think the generation of 20 somethings, peolpe who have grown up with games, will play them till they die. I know I'll be playing games well into old age.

Also I'd say games will become photorealistic in the next 10 years not 25 years. Popularity for them will grow, and they'll solidly establish themselves as the no 1 form of entertaiment. Why watch a movie when you can be 'in' one.
Shadow-warrior said:
I doubt it. I think the generation of 20 somethings, peolpe who have grown up with games, will play them till they die. I know I'll be playing games well into old age.

Also I'd say games will become photorealistic in the next 10 years not 25 years. Popularity for them will grow, and they'll solidly establish themselves as the no 1 form of entertaiment. Why watch a movie when you can be 'in' one.

QFT :cool: C0oL
Qonfused said:
Exactly. What makes games different? Graphics, gameplay, design, immersion, etc. Graphics I already covered. Gameplay?... What else can we do? Companies are already scraping the bottom of the barrel. It's kinda like movies now-a-days. It's either a sequal that's crappy or a remake. Basically, 2030 is 25 years from now. I'll be 40 and most people on these forums will be at 40 or older. Most likely we'll be out of the gaming scene so this doesn't really effect us.

not true ..not for me at least ..I'm in my 30's and still playing ..my generation didnt have home computers ..we had atari, colecovision etc but most people my age that I know still play video games in one form or another ..the big gaming related purchases are being made by my age group, not yours ...we have the money to pay for it and the free time to enjoy it.