What will you crazy teenagers think of next?

Jul 1, 2003
Reaction score
Dear God...

Apparently teens are running out of things to do...so they start jumping from parking garage to parking garage...great idea.

THIS is my favorite slide of them all. "I just didn't make it." Derp.

The worst part of it?

Article said:
The family says that's not good enough and that both garages need to take responsibility before a garage jumper loses his life.
D'Assaro (the family lawyer) is filing a lawsuit against the city of Orlando and the private garage owner for making little effort to correct a potential deadly risk.

How about the teenager takes responsibility for being a retard? How are parking garage owners supposed to see this as a thrill/sport that kids will try? Sometimes I hate the people that live in this country...

EDIT: At least according to the poll (results skewed by farkers I assume :P) 97% of voters say the kids that jump are responsible.
Yes, your country has serious issues with laws/responsibilites.
*filing a lawsuit against the city of Orlando and the private garage owner*
When will people learn that that does not solve all problems.

"ahhh, i fell over on the sidewalk, quick, gotta sue someone/something.
how do you jump from a parking garage to a parking garage
run, then jump :p

that's just really stupid, and they have no right to sue the parking garage owners
oh, i was mentally confusing garage with garbage can... go me =)
That is really lame... thier son is stupid, so they sue the parking garage owner.
WTF is next? My son shot himself with my pistol which was placed under his bed, loaded, cocked. It was the gun makers fault that there wasn't a warning label that says "keep out of rech of children." So i will sue them... it is not a byproduct of my stupidity, oh heaven forbid that. If i was the judge id slap that stupid kid upside the face... and his parents too...
lol yeah. you gotta be kidding me. whats next, the pencil you manufacted broke my skin? :( why are people so dumb... actually, now that i think about it, wouldn't putting fences up tamper with natural selection? I mean, if they want to jump, let the morons die, and then their genes are out of the pool. we should sue them for putting fences up, and interfering with nature...whatever, time to go to bed. ;)
There's another thread on this, I believe it was in politics but I may be mistaken

Edit: Oops gh0st beat me to it. Ignore this.
comon guys! lets go do something different!
like....umm...jumping onto helicopter blades
while they are spinning!
they should put a crocodile pit in between the garages, .. no more kids woohoo :D
wait one second

they jump from a building to another one or what?
<RJMC> said:
wait one second

they jump from a building to another one or what?


And i was the one that posted it :cheers:
good god...us skaters don't care!! f*ck man!! I bailed and busted everything!! oh well...try again when I heal up...no lawsuits..waste of time and money..you wanna be "extreme"? don't cry when shit gets extreme..wanna jump off of or across something?fine..don't cry when it doesn't work and things become extremely painful for you
Razor said:

And i was the one that posted it :cheers:

I didn't think to check the Politics board for a thread like this :o

There have been so many cases like this that I've heard about.

If even 1/2 of these are true...some judges need to get a few kicks in the balls.

At least those 2 fat kids that tried to sue McDonalds for making them fat had their case thrown out.

EDIT: I see it was in the Off-topic started on the 4th now. I just saw it on Fark.com and figured it was fresh after checking the 3rd page of off-topic
AmishSlayer said:
I didn't think to check the Politics board for a thread like this :o

There have been so many cases like this that I've heard about.

If even 1/2 of these are true...some judges need to get a few kicks in the balls.

At least those 2 fat kids that tried to sue McDonalds for making them fat had their case thrown out.

EDIT: I see it was in the Off-topic started on the 4th now. I just saw it on Fark.com and figured it was fresh after checking the 3rd page of off-topic

That is it, but i think i posted it in a thread i had started on another subject though, doesn't matter anyway :).
I think we should encourage this. That way we can let Natural Selection take its course.. :rolling:
But who could've predicted that garages not evolution would be the turning point in natural-selection?
It sounds quite fun tbh, jumping from garage to garage...

But dangerous, and hell, its your own fault if you **** up :P
it wouldn't be that bad if they weren't that far apart.....

but since they are....

ComradeBadger said:
and hell, its your own fault if you **** up
hahahaha, yes, yes it is
Razor said:

And i was the one that posted it :cheers:

omg thats suicide

jumper:"dude I will jump from the empire state to the chysler building,I saw it in a movie called matrix and it was awsome"

friend:"yeah dude? cool sounds sweet dude"

jumper:"I am going dude, this will rock"

*jumps and fall and fall and fall and fall and fall and fall until he lands on the concret and a red stain appear"

friend:"dude the chrysler building is in this direction,dude?"
Pffft, I would've made that...

EDIT: ;) Added in case anyone thought I was serious.
AmishSlayer said:
I didn't think to check the Politics board for a thread like this :o

There have been so many cases like this that I've heard about.

If even 1/2 of these are true...some judges need to get a few kicks in the balls.

At least those 2 fat kids that tried to sue McDonalds for making them fat had their case thrown out.

EDIT: I see it was in the Off-topic started on the 4th now. I just saw it on Fark.com and figured it was fresh after checking the 3rd page of off-topic
Those make me so angry :angry: :angry: :angry:

the fact that they're suing the garage owner doesn't surprise me at all. it sometimes seems that the concept of personal responsibility doesn't exist anymore in today's society. if something happens to you, it must be someone else's fault. and the fact that there are hoards of scum lawyers just waiting to sue for anything doesn't help either.
What the hell?

Catching shit on fire is fun...going fast in a car is fun...

Jumping from a roof to another roof is not ****in fun.It's bullshit.
Haha, for some reason this quote sounds pretty funny.

"He (Bargfrede) is not he first person, he is not the second person, there have been four or five other individuals before him that did this," family's attorney Vincent D'Assaro said.

p.s. sueing should be illegal, when will people realize you are responsible for your own actions. Unless i am in my bed, in my house, and a car comes crashing through my wall and hits me, i doubt i would sue anybody.
Well I don't think sueing should be illegal, but there should be a limit w\ what you can do w\ the idea of sueing & sueing in general.

Anyway, those kids are dumbasses! "HEY LETS JUMP OFF THIS BUILDING TO ANOTHER IT'LL BE FUN & COOL*falls off & breaks both legs* OK THAT'S NOT MY FAULT IT'S THEIR'S BECAUSE SUEING IS COOL & I HAVE A LEGAL CASE". I mean, WTF? That's pathetic. They should realize they screwed up big time & it's their problem. After all, parking lots were not meant to be jumped off from, now were they?
Vorac1ous said:
Well I don't think sueing should be illegal, but there should be a limit w\ what you can do w\ the idea of sueing & sueing in general.

What we need is more judges that just throw dumb cases like this out the window before they even begin. Once judges do this enough people will realize they can't sue someone every time something happens to them if it's their fault or not.

People slipping on ice or water when there's no sign...c'mon people...look at the ground once and a while. Learn to walk.

People splilling hot McDonald's coffee, be more careful while in your car drinking hot liquids. 3rd degree burns my ass. 2nd degree sure..but 3rd degree is being burned to the point you can see bone and charred flaky flesh. I don't see coffee doing this.

People jumping from parking garage to parking garage for sport...just die...you'll make this world a bette and more intelligent place without your presence.